Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (2024)

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  • Home
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  • Thread starterRissychan
  • Start dateAug 25, 2008
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Meri Kurisumasu
  • Aug 9, 2010
  • #1,901

With all the DP186 rush I forgot to welcome the newcomers ! x3

Welcome to the Ikarishipping Family Rugia, AikoHanami and xoxosamiababy ! ^^
Feel free to check the front page for rules/ikarilicious-stuff and share ikarishippy stuff with us :3
I hope you enjoy your time here n_n



  • Aug 9, 2010
  • #1,902

Rissychan said:

With all the DP186 rush I forgot to welcome the newcomers ! x3

Welcome to the Ikarishipping Family Rugia, AikoHanami and xoxosamiababy ! ^^
Feel free to check the front page for rules/ikarilicious-stuff and share ikarishippy stuff with us :3
I hope you enjoy your time here n_n

LOL, thank you for the welcome! x3 I didn't really mind because I was too stuck with the IkariShipping-ness in the episode. xDD

Oh yeah, I have two fanfics that are IkariShipping in my Fanfiction.net~ Check it out! :3

MonochroAct [This one is a bit of a tragedy.]
Mission: Smile, Shinji! [This one is pretty funny. xD]



  • Aug 9, 2010
  • #1,903

Heh, I'm actually a member of the family already...I just haven't actively participated since 2006.

I'm a bad little Ikarishipper. Lol.

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  • Aug 9, 2010
  • #1,904

Thanks Rissy^^ Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (2)

Hmm. Well, in my next CS fanfic (click here to go to my page) there's going to be Ikarishipping too, I'll notify you guys when it comes up. Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (3) I'm going to post some Ikarishipping one-shots in dedication to the little Ikari moment as well. 8D

Do you think there will be an Ikarishippy moment after Ash and Paul's battle?
You already know my answer to this, Rissy. xD Of course I believe there will be. I hope for two private conversations, one after the battle and one right before he leaves.

  • Aug 9, 2010
  • #1,905

^_^ I seems this episode brought so much liveliness to the thread <3 I think it's a ikarivolution xD

Do you think there will be an ikarishippy moment after Paul and Ash's battle?

No doubt. From the small scene they had in 186 ( and I'm not saying this because I'm a ikarishippier) but its relevant that the two developed a mutual understanding. I can see at the end of the battle if Shinji won Hikari would be sad for Satoshi's loss but say to Shinji "He'll be proud." while smiling warmly, he being Reggie. Or if Shinji loses Hikari might say "He's still proud of you, I know that."

^ I don't know, that just kinda seems right to me. maybe Hikari will bring out another genuine smile outta Shinji 8D

Hmm, all this ikarishipping hype made me think of the history of the shipping and something really funny happened:

does anyone remember the aphrodisiac topic in the old thread?




Two i's, not one!
  • Aug 9, 2010
  • #1,906

I TOTALLY came flocking back to this thread when I saw Suwamoto's new deviation mentioning a DP hint in 186 omg.

Thanks for translating/summarizing that bit of the episode! -happy gain- XD



  • Aug 9, 2010
  • #1,907

Hello! I'm brand new to Serebii and was wondering.... can I join? I love Ikarishipping, it's so adorable! XD



  • Aug 9, 2010
  • #1,908

Kawaii-chan said:

Hmm, all this ikarishipping hype made me think of the history of the shipping and something really funny happened:

does anyone remember the aphrodisiac topic in the old thread?


Hurm. I don't recall that...


Meri Kurisumasu
  • Aug 10, 2010
  • #1,909

AikoHanami said:

Oh yeah, I have two fanfics that are IkariShipping in my Fanfiction.net~ Check it out! :3

MonochroAct [This one is a bit of a tragedy.]
Mission: Smile, Shinji! [This one is pretty funny. xD]

Oh I know you ! ^^ I think I commented at least one of your works before :3

Kawaii-chan said:

^_^ I seems this episode brought so much liveliness to the thread <3 I think it's a ikarivolution xD


Hmm, all this ikarishipping hype made me think of the history of the shipping and something really funny happened:

does anyone remember the aphrodisiac topic in the old thread?


Lmao I barely remember XD What was that about? Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (5))

Hikarii said:

I TOTALLY came flocking back to this thread when I saw Suwamoto's new deviation mentioning a DP hint in 186 omg.

Thanks for translating/summarizing that bit of the episode! -happy gain- XD

Here's said deviation for those who're interested ;3
Diana's last masterpiece ♥

xxGlassRose said:

Hello! I'm brand new to Serebii and was wondering.... can I join? I love Ikarishipping, it's so adorable! XD

Of course ! What a better moment to join ? 8D

Welcome to the Ikarishipping Family ! *hands newbie pack and glomps*
I hope you enjoy your time here ^^ Check out the 1st page for rules & ikarilicious stuff :3

New fanarts from deviantart :

New fanarts from pixiv :

Also I finished my video , song used is "What do you want from me" by Adam Lambert :3
Keep coming around ♥

By the way guys !
When the DP186 rush dies down a bit, we'll have to decide on the "nominates" for the Ikari Awards.
I asked Suwamoto to help me decide the fanartists since she knows pretty much every ikari piece of art on deviantart XDD

Left are : fanfiction writers / amv-makers.
We'll hear everyone's suggestions and either devide/vote for the final nominates :3

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  • Aug 10, 2010
  • #1,910

So many links! D: (And I have to click them all to satisfy my need for ikarishipping! XD)

Do you think there will be an ikarishippy moment after Paul and Ash's battle?

I honestly think there [probably] will be an ikarishipping moment after Ash's and Paul's battle. Like, if Paul loses (which he probably will, unfortunately) Dawn may go up to him and tell him it was a great battle and that his pokemon did an amazing job in their battles or something. OR, I was thinking that Paul may end up being a bit angry or down because of his loss and then Ash would try to tell him they had a good battle but Paul would just say 'whatever' or stay silent. Then Dawn would go and try to talk to him since he probably wouldn't get mad at her since she's only Ash's friend and then Dawn would tell him he did an amazing job and Reggie would be proud of him and stuff, and then the next time Paul sees Ash he would tell him he really improved and they had great battle. ^^ The latter probably won't happen (even though I think it would be a great scene to have, IMO), but hey, I can dream. :x

Also great AMVs, fanarts, and icons everybody! <3

Welcome to the thread xxGlassRose and AikoHanami! =D

Rissychan said:

By the way guys !
When the DP186 rush dies down a bit, we'll have to decide on the "nominates" for the Ikari Awards.
I asked Suwamoto to help me decide the fanartists since she knows pretty much every ikari piece of art on deviantart XDD

Left are : fanfiction writers / amv-makers.
We'll hear everyone's suggestions and either devide/vote for the final nominates :3

OOH OOH! I wanna start nominating~ 8D

Fanfic Writers:

AMV Makers:
Rissychan (duh 8D)

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  • Aug 10, 2010
  • #1,911

@Rissychan and ~Starwhisher~
Thanks for the welcome! *happily accepts newbie pack* Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (6)
I nominate Aeneid for the fanfiction award! Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (7)

Since there's all this ikari hype, I'll give my thoughts on the last few episodes (and there are MANY :3)
Before I start, I want to say this: No one has to agree with me. We're all entitled to our own opinions, free speech and all that good stuff Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (8)

DP183: The scene with the group and Paul was nice! I'm glad Dawn asked him about his Pokémon instead of Brock or Ash. And I love how she's always the first one to notice him! And he didn't snap at her like he probably would have if one of the boys asked him x)

DP184: Dawn mimicked Paul! LOL! I love how she did it and I can't wait to hear it in English!
And you know what they say: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!
DP186: The big one. I was especially waiting for this since it got delayed due to a Naruto special and it's going to be the longest battle in Pokémon history! And I love the way Paul battles (and his Electrivire!) so as soon as I got home from school I found a great version of it on Youtube (thanks to LePokémonElite)! I expected an epic battle.
But what I didn't expect was the scene before it! I'll list my favorite things now Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (9)
1) that Dawn hides behind the couch
2) that she saw Paul smile, and the part where he sees her
3) that she followed him just to answer his question (or was there more? XD *is shot*)
4) Paul confessed! I love that part!!!!
5) Dawn keeps following him :3
6) when she was running to Ash blushing, she may have been standing next to Ash, but she was looking at Paul! Those it also could have been embarrassment (seen with her best friend's rival on the day of their big battle=awkward!), and though it's a bit of a stretch, we can say ikarishipping got its first blush!
7) Barry makes me laugh. I love what he asked Dawn!
8) when Paul walks away, Dawn says something that wipes the smile off of Ash's face and kept Paul from leaving!!!
So those are my thoughts :3 Wow, that was kinda long!
Yay Ikarishipping!!! Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (10)



  • Aug 10, 2010
  • #1,912

Rissychan said:

Also I finished my video , song used is "What do you want from me" by Adam Lambert :3
Keep coming around ♥

You ROCK. It's very...fitting.

Also, I agree with all of your comments, GlassRose!


Call me nikki
  • Aug 10, 2010
  • #1,913

i just joined so hiIkarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (11)

Do you think there will be an ikarishippy moment after Paul and Ash's battle?
Possible chance, maybe even just a little stare in their eyes.

by the way i think the song "Hot n cold by katy perry" fits them since their oposites

by the way can i post links to fanfictions? I know 1 really good one



I ♥ Shinji
  • Aug 10, 2010
  • #1,914

Hey all! Sorry for the inactive-ness xD"

Haha, I'm still spazzing over DP186 :O I made an Ikari amv, i'll upload it to YT when I get back from holidays x3

OMG Rissy I love the amv you made! :O i left a comment on YT ^^

Do you think there will be an ikarishippy moment after Paul and Ash's battle?
I think there will be. x3 There's been a lot of good Ikari hints in the last few episodes, so i think there's a good chance there could be more. :3
*fingers crossed they actually fall in love*
It's unlikely Ikarishipping will become canon, but you can dream xD"

And now for the omnomnominations >8D
AMV Editors:
Rissychan (of course x3)

(yeah, there's a lot xD")

Fanfic Writers
Confetti Storm



  • Aug 10, 2010
  • #1,915

hey i saw the pokeriger Episode today at 8:00am........yeah well I'm making a pokemon high story.... i'll tell the details later



New Member
  • Aug 10, 2010
  • #1,916

Um Hello .. May i Join ^^`


Ikarishippy fan

  • Aug 10, 2010
  • #1,917

Welcome to the thread PiNk&BlAcK and xPureWhite! =D

Sorry for the inactiveness (been on vacation). I was so excited when I heard about DP186 and when I finally saw the scene on youtube I literally SQUEALED! It was so darn cute! >3< It was definitely the best ikarishipping moment we ever got (and the cutest too)!

Do you think there will be an ikarishippy moment after Paul and Ash's battle?

I think it's pretty likely. I mean, why give us a moment between the two right BEFORE the league and then not give us another, even if the moment is only a simple "you did good", AFTER the league? So, yeah, I think there might be an ikarishipping moment after the league, even though it may just be a small one. I like ~StarWisher~'s idea though. :]

AMV Editors:
And finally, Rissychan! Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (12)

Fanfic Authors:
The biggest ikarishipping Fan
Esprit de L'eau



  • Aug 11, 2010
  • #1,918

I just realized that I posted that long-ish post without answering the topic! I am so forgetful! X)

Do you think that there will be an ikarishippy moment after Paul and Ash's battle?
Yes! For sure! It will be different depending on who wins the battle though. Maybe we'll get lucky and we'll get a sunset! :3


Call me nikki
  • Aug 11, 2010
  • #1,919

thanks i feel welcome XD

Sorry for the inactiveness (been on vacation). I was so excited when I heard about DP186 and when I finally saw the scene on youtube I literally SQUEALED! It was so darn cute! >3< It was definitely the best ikarishipping moment we ever got (and the cutest too)!

i'm gonna look at that on youtube, i can't watch the hints on TVIkarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (13)
airs to early for me.

Somehow i'm comparing DawnXPaul to AliceXshun from bakugan lol...
does anyone else think their similar in a few ways?



  • Aug 11, 2010
  • #1,920

Hey! Can I join please? Im a really big Ikarishpper! Some of you might know me off youtube, my username is PokeAmvStudio! I've made quite a lot of ikarishipping video!


Do you think that there will be an ikarishippy moment after Paul and Ash's battle?
There might be some talk between then but if there was I think it would while Ash and brock are watching :\!

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