Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (2024)

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  • Thread starterRissychan
  • Start dateAug 25, 2008
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Meri Kurisumasu
  • Jul 15, 2011
  • #2,501

Welcome to the Ikarishipping Family animeNmangagal ! :3

Here's your newbie pack !

How do you think Dawn and Paul would mature, both individually and as a couple?

Currently on the run, so I'll answer later, but I'd like to see what y'all think
Great topic ! x3

I think it'll take time for them to open up fully to each other, especially Paul and by long I mean maybe several years xD

Dawn : She'll probably be a bit more grounded as someone said, learn to control her feelings and her emotionalism. I can see her being more realistic too, less naïve and carefree. She could also learn some things about coordinating and battling, like training methods and tactics basics

Paul : Spending time with Dawn would do him good =o
He'll learn to trust Dawn and be a bit more open about his feelings instead of keeping everything bottled up. He could rely a bit on her, accept her help when he needs it. He could also be a bit more carefree, at least with Dawn. I really think Dawn can help him socialize because it's important too, skills are not everything in life you gotta talk and make acquaintances in order to achieve some things.

So yeah those are basically my thoughts xD

About the fanfic I agree with you guys, Chained is clearly inspired from PF xD
I'm sorry to all of you writers for not reviewing, most of the time I read fanfics on my phone and I can't review from there XD

Anyway, atm I'm reading RosieShiba's fanfics (she's got a couple going on), I particularly like Harmony of White Roses because it's really original, never read a story like that before xD

Hey let's have a fanfiction talk ! :3

Which Ikari fanfiction(s) are you reading atm ? Why do you like it ?



  • Jul 16, 2011
  • #2,502

Anyway, atm I'm reading RosieShiba's fanfics

Oh my goodness! I LOVE RosieShiba's works.

Which Ikari fanfiction(s) are you reading atm ? Why do you like it ?

Harmony of White Roses, Mystique, and What If?. I'm also reading another one called Shadows, or I think that's what it's called. It's about Dawn being a witch and being hunted. Really good.
Harmony of White Roses: Actually, one of the ONLY AU fics I like (and it has a doggy in it Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (2))
Mystique: Ah, we all pretty much know that one... Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (3)
What If?: And AU fic that's still in the Pokemon universe. The plot is thrilling and I can't wait for it to update! *excited*

Mystique and What If? have some of the same circ*mstances, but y'all can figure that one out for yourselves!


Simon Alexander

  • Jul 16, 2011
  • #2,503

Which Ikari fanfiction(s) are you reading atm ? Why do you like it ?

None XD I don't read fanfiction all that much. I'm too hyper-critical of fanfiction to really enjoy it much.



  • Jul 17, 2011
  • #2,504

Welcome to our Ikari Family, animeNmangaga! I hope you enjoy our awesome discussions! :3

What fanfics are you reading atm? Why do you like it?

H: I'm just reading some fanfics over again. xDD But I AM reading my twin's Tobari Shinobi: Shinou Scandal. I just really love it because of the characters, the plot, and the bonds of Pokemon and humans!

I: I don't have much to read right now. ^^"


H: By the way, I feel REALLY bad for not discussing here. But I was busy with some animation. :3 I'm finally done! >w<

Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS3ZELG5W7g&fmt=18

If you see Hikari's part, you'll see some IkariShipping hints. 8DD Tell me what you think after watching it! This is my first animation. :3



  • Jul 17, 2011
  • #2,505

Which Ikari fanfiction(s) are you reading atm ? Why do you like it ?

where do i start!! There are a lot of fanfics i read---mosty are Ikari lol

Mystique-- I like it because paul (Luxio now n_n) is a pokemon traveling with dawn!! and she has no idea except for everyone else (excluding barry and some others)
---now their in unova where dawn is looking for him, ON A GYM QUEST!!!!
YAY now N has shown up trouble is bound to be on the horizen!!

Diamond and Pearl---one of the best stories ever, i been reading this
since chapter 4 and so much drama and suspence ----they are the diamond and pearl after all!!---im gonna miss it when it ends!!!!!!

The Rivalry Tournament----its not much of an ikari story.
its a more of a "who gets to keep Ash, May,Misty and Dawn" so thier are a lot of different shipping incuded thier is a bit of Ikari, cuz i like Pokeshipping
ive been hoping for that. but its looking more like a Pearlshipping story now.

But its a well written story and kenny is the bad guy cuz he dont want Dawn to be with Ash and he abuses Tracey and eventualy Poor May!

i think he would go away if she was with paul instead (Ikari FTW!!)
The Ikari is more on Pauls side!!

its a rivalry at the start with the girls, then they support him in the rivalry tournament then theres some rivalry between different ships and eventualy drift from Ash!

their is more Tracey then Brock--but we all realy know we want more Paul Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (4)

A Different Battle--this story is very original and a great theory!
what i like about it, is that where the idea came from the first pokemon movie--who remembers where Ash turned into stone well the same thing happens to Paul in this story after a battle between him and Dawn go wrong and he turns to stone only to find out he cant be saved by everyones tears like ash did so Mew and Mewtwo gets involved only to find out
Mew and Dawn has a connectoin as well as Mewtwo and paul!------its quite interesting!!

Chained to you!!--this is a realy good fanfic mostly because its much like "Pretenders Fairytale" but you can tell its so much different. the aurthor said that she didnt copy off "pretenders fairytale" but got inspired pretty much off "the proposal" which is clear that both stories were inspired by the same film,--the difference is they are less settled, dawn has a relatoinship history, thier both despice each other, Paul is cheekier, Thier is a great explanatoin why they are getting marrid---its only 10 cpters in and its updated regurly!!

thier are some more but i forgot hat thier called XD

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  • Jul 17, 2011
  • #2,506

Which Ikari fanfiction(s) are you reading atm ? Why do you like it ?

I'm not reading anything right now, but I'm still waiting for updates on Diamond and Pearl and Noir89 (I think it got a name change, but I forgot what the new title is called). Those two fics got me with their non-explainable power to pull readers in. I'm hooked like a fish, haha. =)

Now I feel like writing something Ikari-related...



I ♥ Shinji
  • Jul 20, 2011
  • #2,507

hello, my darlings. x'3 sorry it's been such a long time... i never seem to be active on here these days ;_; -hides in emo corner-

anywayyyys. Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (5) i'll answer the topic:

Which Ikari fanfiction(s) are you reading atm ? Why do you like it ?

Right now, I'm reading Severed Ties and Gothika. Love them both so far! :3 Severed Ties is just... amazing :'D I read the prequel (?) Covet with Compassion a long time ago, and just decided to carry on reading Severed Ties afterwards. As for Gothika, I accidentally stumbled across it a while ago, read the first few chapters and thought it was pretty awesome. xD although several parts made me go 'ewwww', it's still amazing.

...I've been pretty addicted to fanfiction.net lately, come to think of it. xD I might even start posting my stuff up there on a regular basis, though I don't know if I really want to since most of my writing is embarrassingly bad. D': but since this has nothing to do with Ikari, i'm gonna shut up about that now. xD

Speaking of fanfictions, I've decided not to upload that Ikari Day fanfic I talked about until I finish the AMV/MMV/whatever that's meant to go with it. xD since I plan to sort of link the two. (As Rissy said a while ago, let's make Ikari Day last a month ;o )

Alsooooo... if any of you guys know where I can find some pretty fanarts, please let me know *u*



New Member
  • Jul 21, 2011
  • #2,508

Ahhh Ikarishipping

I really wonder what took me so long to join

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  • Jul 21, 2011
  • #2,509

EndofDespair said:

Aww Ikarishipping

I really wonder what took me so long to join

:surfpika: Hop on board, mate!


Meri Kurisumasu
  • Jul 21, 2011
  • #2,510


Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (7)

Just finished my part for the IS DAY MEP :3 I made Shinji miserable for once, it was fun 8D

EndofDespair said:

Ahhh Ikarishipping

I really wonder what took me so long to join

Welcome to this thread ! I hope you enjoy your time here ! :3

@HanaIchi Watched it, Loved it, Commented it 8D


(As Rissy said a while ago, let's make Ikari Day last a month ;o )

Oh yeah 8D Since the 3rd part of the MEP will be uploaded in the next few days, IS Day actually lasted a month x,D

Alsooooo... if any of you guys know where I can find some pretty fanarts, please let me know *u*

Ikari fanarts ? Or just pokemon fanarts ? x3

  • For the ikari fanarts I upload almost everything I find on my photobucket (but you've probably already been there) =o
  • There's also pixiv.com which has tons of pokemon fanarts, I made a tutorial for it on my LJ ^^
  • If you're looking for fanarts websites, PM me on youtube I can send you links :3

Which Ikari fanfiction(s) are you reading atm ? Why do you like it ?

I read every ikari fanfic I can find and check the updates on ff.net almost everyday xD

Taking the "at the moment" into account :

Harmony of White Roses
One of my fav atm, Hikari, Shinji and co are ghosts tied to a house. Ash who's recently settled in the house is the only one who can see them. There's mystery, action, romance and it isn't cliché, definitely worth reading :3
The only "bad" point to me is that there's an OC, something I don't really enjoy in fanfictions because most of the time it feels like the author just wanted to include him/herself in the story and in the end the OC is useless and just tags along.
The OC in this story is OK though x3

Ribbon of Royalty by HanaIchi :3 Just finished reading it, loved the happy ending 8D It's about Shinji being a prince, Hikari being his maid. Lots of fluff and cuteness, it also contains Poke/Contest/Oldrival.

I read Severed Ties as well, not gonna add anthing, Cheese sumed it up very well ^^

I got a question for you guys, do you want to do a mini celebration in the thread on August 5th ? It's the day THIS HAPPENED :

Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (8)

AKA the day the DP186 aired for the first time ! <3
It wouldn't be anything too big, just some commemorating :3

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  • Jul 22, 2011
  • #2,511

Rissychan said:

Oh yeah 8D Since the 3rd part of the MEP will be uploaded in the next few days, IS Day actually lasted a month x,D

I got a question for you guys, do you want to do a mini celebration in the thread on August 5th ? It's the day THIS HAPPENED :

Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (9)

AKA the day the DP186 aired for the first time ! <3
It wouldn't be anything too big, just some commemorating :3

wow a whole month!
Sure why not.



  • Jul 22, 2011
  • #2,512

Rissychan said:

I read every ikari fanfic I can find and check the updates on ff.net almost everyday xD

yh i normally check fanfictoin everynight too lol

i read them on my DSI

i have the romance catorgory saved in my favorites
as well as the dawn/paul catorgoryXD

yay we should celebrate august 5th!!!
I remember the day like it was only yestoday.

i couldnt wait to watch Ash and Paul's battle. so about 3.30pm i watched the episode!!

and i remember a week before hopping for a Ikari moment. but i thought that was very unlikely now.

then i thought it was interesting how they skipped to Paul and Reggie's phone converatoin and expect the unecpected as Dawn hid behind the chair.
from then on i thought i was dreaming i said "NO FRIGGGIN WAYYYYY" i squelled---it was happening and i thought "OMG theres gonna be an awesome ikari moment!!!!!"---and then they talked to each other i was kinda starstucked--- i had to watch it at least 10 times afterwards--- i was thinking "ill have to stop otherwize i wouldnt watch the battle---the battle was amazzing" the best battle in pokemon history (before too XD)



  • Jul 22, 2011
  • #2,513

Which Ikari fanfiction(s) are you reading atm ? Why do you like it ?
I'm reading a couple of Hana and Ichi's fanfics. And I'm reading DP Love 2: More of Dawn x Paul. I like that one a lot because it's the sequel of the fic that got me to like Ikarishipping in the first place.
That's about it. When it comes to Ikari, I write more than I read. I'm mostly reading Fairy Tail fanfiction now.

And yes, let's celebrate August 5th! Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (10) I remeber that day! I was so happy. xD



  • Jul 22, 2011
  • #2,514

You read them on your DSI, too? Sweet.

Anyway, we should have a mimi celebration for this awesome moment that was ikarishipping. And it seemed so... canon! at the moment! I'm squealing in anticipation at this moment.



  • Jul 24, 2011
  • #2,515

Lovely_Umbreon said:

You read them on your DSI, too? Sweet.

ya, i kinda read more fanfics then i play my Pokemon games lately,witch is kinda naughty of me! XD
I used to play the games allday, until the reason, i saw a side of pokemon i didnt know! (lol im qoating the reason)

i do anything as long as its to do with pokemon--im a bit of a mixed sweeper myslef XD

awk at me rambling on,anyway
Ikari-day part 3 was amazing------everyone's part was absolutly amazing!!!!!



  • Jul 24, 2011
  • #2,516

I just realized that I forgot to add a fanfic to my list: Akari. It's about Dawn being a part of ninja society. Funny with lost of awkward Ikarishipping moments.



  • Jul 25, 2011
  • #2,517

Lovely_Umbreon said:

I just realized that I forgot to add a fanfic to my list: Akari. It's about Dawn being a part of ninja society. Funny with lost of awkward Ikarishipping moments.

oh yeah i remember seeing that somewhere on fanfictoin, ill have to read it
Dawn as a Ninja----yay i would like to see that!!!!

i uploaded A minute Ikari AMV --i made a few weeks ago


Meri Kurisumasu
  • Jul 25, 2011
  • #2,518



  • Jul 25, 2011
  • #2,519

Great part 3 Rissy



  • Jul 25, 2011
  • #2,520

Rissychan said:

Alright we'll celebrate 5th of August then ! :3 It'll be the Special Confession Scene Day 8D

Nice job! Can't wait for Special Confession Day! Ikarishipping General Discussion 2.0 (12) I just explained Ikarishipping to my 7-year old little sister. And it got through. She might become a shipper! I'm so proud. *tears of joy*

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