EXHIBIT(S) - E - Email with Attachments September 22, 2023 (2024)

EXHIBIT(S) - E - Email with Attachments September 22, 2023 (1)

EXHIBIT(S) - E - Email with Attachments September 22, 2023 (2)

  • EXHIBIT(S) - E - Email with Attachments September 22, 2023 (3)
  • EXHIBIT(S) - E - Email with Attachments September 22, 2023 (4)
  • EXHIBIT(S) - E - Email with Attachments September 22, 2023 (5)
  • EXHIBIT(S) - E - Email with Attachments September 22, 2023 (6)
  • EXHIBIT(S) - E - Email with Attachments September 22, 2023 (7)
  • EXHIBIT(S) - E - Email with Attachments September 22, 2023 (8)
  • EXHIBIT(S) - E - Email with Attachments September 22, 2023 (9)
  • EXHIBIT(S) - E - Email with Attachments September 22, 2023 (10)


FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 EXHIBIT EFILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023  Nathaniel J. Nichols  From: Michael Hartzel   Sent:  Friday, April 7, 2023 11:09 AM  To:  Richard Cain; Nathaniel J. Nichols; Carmella Smith; Angelique Bywater  Cc:  Daniel Bixby  Subject:  RE: OES Grievance Hearings - CANCELLED  Attachments:  JB Supporting Doc.pdf ATTENTION: open TTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not o en attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails.  Richard,  Attached are the supporting documents used to make the decision to terminate Justin Ball, as requested.  Mike  Michael J. Hartzel  Director, Schoharie County  Office of Emergency Services  2783 State Route 7  Cobleskill, NY 12043  Office: 518-295-2276  Cell: 518-703-0746  Hartzel.m@co.schoharie.ny.us  "The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to  keep from meddling with them while they do it." — Theodore Roosevelt   From: Richard Cain  Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 11:07 AM  To: Michael Hartzel ; Nathaniel J. Nichols ; Amy Wayman  ; Carmella Smith ; Angelique Bywater   Cc: Daniel Bixby  Subject: Re: OES Grievance Hearings - CANCELLED  Good Morning  I'm confirming that steps 1-2 were conducted today and we will await the Department Head decisions and  requested documentation before deciding any move to step three on all three grievances.  Additionally, I will note that Jackson's grievance was heard without the member present and I spoke on behalf  for the grievant. I requested a copy of the full recording made by the OES Deputy. 1 FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 Loca it 5& *isrodai84810'.--- yto. 466.ii..00 gON'S pre` 1.431kVidin, ftanirPlive.coni4. ••• • Official Grievance Form is.VI.cel,s,tsipeRt% Date: 3/16/23 Name of Employee: Justin Ball arnhcl@.vahoolto tea....., Phone: 5187745982 -3V517.5 • Department: OES Wtiii(F c̀g): Classification: Competitive, Paramedic Work Location: Schoharie tr.reapfter(r • Immediate Supervisor: Daniel Bixby Title: EMS Coordinator Ane4wavmJns@va 4;744— • VIOLATION •••.; • Entire Collective Bargaining Agreement (including but not limited to Vaegaigtikni _ lal :COM Article XI), Administrative Work Rules and Policies of Employer, 1!51e728agb ftY*41. -; Federal and NYS laws, rules, and regulations. Statement of Grievance: Member's employment has been terminated for reasons of unlawful discrimination and retaliation for being a union member, filing grievances, and for erroneous and fictitious claims including double jeopardy and improper use of 8-week probationary term for termination. Union member was, prior to becoming active, an outstanding employee by the accounts of his supervisor and peers. But since becoming a Union member and becoming active in his workplace safety and procedures, member has suffered mental anguish, been harassed, belittled, pressured, threatened, and been vindictively counseled; all as a form of intimidation, coercion, domination, interference, and retaliation with the purpose of discouraging membership and the participation in his Union. The employer - has acted with the intent of depriving the member of his rights and the exercise Obis rights. . . Remedy Sought: That all affeCted employees be made whole in every way. I authorize the CSEA Local 848 as my representative to act for me in the disposition of this grievance. Date: S LI 63.2S Signature o Signature of President:FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 Date presented to Management Representative: 317 ,23 Fr figAze/ 00 oil at '7wczni"._ Step One Disposition: Date: • Step The Disposition:FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 Schoharie County Office of Emergency Services Michael J. Hartzel 2783 State Route 7, Cobleskill, NY 12043 Director Phone: 518-295-2276, Fax: 518-295-2277 518-703-0746 cell hartzel.m@co.schoharie.ny.us Dan Bixby Colleen Flynn Matt Brisley Dan Minalga .„ EMS Coordinator f' EM Coordinator Fire Coordinator Ak Safety Officer 518-944-3546 cell . -.• 518-337-3594 cell SAFETY 607-437-9323 cell • 611 r 518-944-1284 cell daniel.bixby@ . colleen.flynn@ \-- brisley.m@ 1r daniel.minalga@ co.schoharie.ny.us co.schoharie.ny.us co.schoharie.ny.us co.schoharie.ny.us To: Justin Ball From: Michael Hartzel Date: March 15, 2023 Re: Probationary Evaluation NOTICE OF PROBATIONARY TERMINATION As you are aware, new employees of the County are required to undergo a minimum of eight weeks, and a possible year of probationary employment before becoming permanent employees. During that time, the employee is evaluated to determine whether their performance has met expectations of management. Unfortunately, upon review of your performance and based on various concerns, I have determined that I must terminate your employment. Although not required, the following reasons have led to this determination: 1. During your short time of employment with the County, you have received two formal complaints from residents. These complaints were investigated, and it was determined that your actions in association with those complaints raise serious concerns for safety. First, you diverted care in connection with a patient who urgently needed to be transported to a hospital. The reason for this was that you failed to review the contents of your bag before the call and did not have the appropriate equipment necessary for the patient. When discussing this matter, you showed no personal responsibility and, instead, attempted to blame other staff. This is unacceptable. The next complaint involved you discontinuing care of a patient who should have remained your responsibility. This too is unacceptable. In the view of the Department, both incidents involve serious policy violations and indicate a lack of professional judgment on your part. 2. As I stated above, the two complaints you were involved in were investigated by the County. They were also reviewed by New York State Department of Health EMS Division. Based on those reviews, recommendations of neglect findings were made. Having two such suggestions within four months raises serious concerns. 3. Upon reviewing your credentials, it was determined that you misrepresented your qualifications in your application paperwork. Specifically, you did not accurately reflect the number of years you were a paramedic. This 'misrepresentation, as well as the failure to accept accountability for your actions, destroys any trust the Department could have in you to grow into your role and be a productive member of the Department. 4. You have exhibited instances of insubordination towards supervisors, as well as instances showing you lack motivation to live up to the expectations of the Department, while also demonstrating an inattentiveness to your duties. 1 [PageFILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 S. Other concerns were also reviewed in making this determination that need not be discussed. To the extent any discussion is required, my review of your performance in association with your probationary report gives me pause in continuing your employment with the County. Any County owned property (keys, badges, etc.) must be returned no later than March 22, 2023. Please make arrangements for the return of said property as soon as possible. I wish you luck in your future endeavors. Respectfully, / Michael l artzel OES Director Cc: Personnel Personnel File 2(PageFILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 Michael Hartzel From: Daniel Bixby Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 4:12 PM To: Michael Hartzel Subject: Counseling Statement On January 18, 2023 I was reached out to by Steve Near, Chief of Operations at Greene County Paramedics. Was in regards to an issue between their paramedics providing ALS care and SC paramedic not providing ALS care. I met with Steve and we discussed issue, and ultimately Mr. Ball received a counseling. On February 10, 2023 The OES received a formal written complaint about Mr. Ball's behavior and care. An investigation was had and Mr. Ball Turned care over to a BLS level crew while patient still had ALS level complaints. Mr. Ball received another counseling, this time with medical director Dr. Luz. Daniel Bixby EMS Coordinator, Schoharie County Office of Emergency Services 518 295 2276 danieLbixby@co.schoharie.ny.us -- IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM SCHOHARIE COUNTY: This message, and any attachments contained herein, may contain confidential information. If it appears that this message was sent to you by mistake, any retention, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message and/or attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete the message and any attachments. -- 1FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 Michael Hartzel From: Daniel Bixby Sent: Monday, March 13, 2023 4:00 PM To: Michael Hartzel Subject: Fw: Paramedic Ball Councilings Daniel Bixby EMS Coordinator, Schoharie County Office of Emergency Services 518 295 2276 daniel.bixby@co.schoharie.ny.us From: Farrell, Joseph M (HEALTH) Sent: Friday, March 10, 2023 9:05 AM To: Daniel Bixby Subject: Re: Paramedic Ball Councilings Good morning. Dan, this email will confirm our conversations regarding Mr. Ball. After we discussed the first issue, I recommended counciling him regarding his actions. As for the second issue, I recommended that this issue should be discussed with your agency medical director. From: Daniel Bixby Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 3:58 PM To: Farrell, Joseph M (HEALTH) Cc: Michael Hartzel Subject: Paramedic Ball Councilings You don't often get email from daniel.bixby@co.schoharie.ny.us. Learn why this is important 'own` nownsen erFILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 Afternoon Sir, Schoharie county had a few issues with paramedic Ball. I had reached out to you on the first and you suggested a conversation be had with provider, which was done via a counseling. Some back story to this: I was contacted by Greene County Paramedic's Steve Near on January 18.2023 about an issue regarding one of his paramedics providing ALS care to a patient. Care rendered by Greene paramedic amounted to ECG 12 lead IV NEBx2 and Decadron, then care was turned over to paramedic Ball. Paramedic Ball made decision to send patient BLS as he thought patient was doing better. EMT that did transport gave another nebulizer as patient was still short of breath. This call was on 12/30/2022. After looking into complaint a counseling was done on 2/14/2023. Second issue: On 2/7/2023 Mike Hartzel, Director of EOS received a phone call from Bill Federice, Town Supervisor for Conesville. Bill had received a call from resident about how they were mistreated by a Schoharie County paramedic, Justin Ball. On 2/10/2023 a formal letter was received at the office as well. I was advised to look into issue. From reading the letter and from reading the ALS chart and BLS chart, Justin had turned over care from ALS to BLS once again, and the EMT had to call Justin back as patient had syncope yet again. After speaking with the EMT, patient still was complaining of chest pains and sob while in Justin's care prior to turning over to EMT. Once Justin was on board the ambulance he had EMT drive his vehicle. I had EMT write a recap of events in an email. The email also talks about the ambulance turning away from the direction of the hospital and heading towards the agency office. Apparently Justin had run out of electrodes after first contact, and could not place patient on monitor or at least unable to get a 12 lead. Though it is documented that a 12 lead was obtained at residence prior to hand off. No rhythm had been attached. The new 12 leads were attached to chart however. Once 12 leads were done then transport underway back to hospital. I had reached out again to the State about how I should handle issue, and was advised to send all to the medical director Dr. Joseph Luz, for his review. Counseling was had on 3/8/2023. Delay in Counseling due to medical director being on vacation. If you require more detailed information please let me know sir. Thank you, Daniel Bixby EMS Coordinator, Schoharie County Office ofEmergency Services 518 295 2276 danieLbixby@co.schoharie.ny.us -- IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM SCHOHARIE COUNTY: This message, and any attachments contained herein, may contain confidential information. If it appears that this message was sent to you by mistake, any retention, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message and/or attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete the message and any attachments. -- -- IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM SCHOHARIE COUNTY: This message, and any attachments contained herein, may contain confidential information. If it appears that this message was sent to you by mistake, any retention, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message and/or attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete the message and any attachments. -- 2FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 Michael Hartzel From: Daniel Bixby Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 10:37 AM To: Michael Hartzel Subject: Fw: Mr. Ball issue Daniel Bixby EMS Coordinator, Schoharie County Office of Emergency Services 518 295 2276 daniabixby@co.schoharie.ny.us From: Joseph Luz Sent: Monday, March 13, 2023 7:53 PM To: Daniel Bixby Subject: Re: Mr. Ball issue Hi Dan; I will write a summary and forward. Briefly I think it is clear he made a poor judgment delaying transport to CRH ER to stop at OEM facility. Having said this I think he clearly appreciated this and his action had no negative adverse effect on the patient. While I think this was a misstep he clearly appreciated this. The decision to keep him as an employee is up to Mr Hartzel and yourself. If you feel uncomfortable with his performance during his probationary period, this decision is best made during his probation. Joe Luz MD On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 10:34 AM Daniel Bixby wrote: Hello Sir, 1FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 If you would be too kind as to send a statement back to me on your professional medical direction of how to move forward with Justin Ball I would greatly appreciate it. Something to the fact of your thoughts on how did he preformed on the call and however you would like to handle the issue from here. Many thanks Dr. Luz and have a great day. uunirr otAuy EMS Coordinator, Schoharie County Office of Emergency Services 518 295 2276 daniel.bixbv@co.schoharie.nv.us IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM SCHOHARIE COUNTY: This message, and any attachments contained herein, may contain confidential information. If it appears that this message was sent to you by mistake, any retention, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message and/or attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete the message and any attachments. IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM SCHOHARIE COUNTY: This message, and any attachments contained herein, may contain confidential information. If it appears that this message was sent to you by mistake, any retention, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message and/or attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete the message and any attachments. -- 2FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF RX DOC. NO. 17 Date/Time 03/15/2023 13:14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 P.002 03-15-23;01:16PM; ;11 # 2/ 3 15 March 2022 To: Daniel Bixby, EMS coordinator, Michael Hartzell Schoharie County OES Director Re: Complaint regarding Justin Bali EMS Paramedic emergency response complaints I am writing to review follow-up of complaint filed by regarding EMS care provided on 6 February 2023. I did directly contact the individual who filed the complaint review their concerns; regarding care provided on that date by Justin Ball, Registered Paramedic. Her Initial call to 911involved complaints of chest pain and shortness of breath. I did review her letter, which she sent to the office of emergency services. Her concerns revolved around her feeling that her concerns regarding her health issues were somewhat disregarded and that the paramedic was very rude. Was her opinion that he was quite dismissive of her complaints. She very much wished to go to Cobleskill regional hospital for initial evaluation. Additionally he had discussed some of her complaints with her husband who related that she did have some previous mental health issues and specifically declined transport to Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital for further evaluation including possible mental health evaluation. She felt that his care was somewhat inadequately planned. He did not have adequate equipment to complete a full 12-lead EKG missing one of the "stickers". She did not agree to his recommendations that she be transported to Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital for more complete evaluation; particularly given her cardiac symptoms. She was transported to Cobleskill regional hospital. She was however diverted to the office of emergency services facility so that the ambulance could stop so that the paramedic could obtain "more stickers" and complete a full EKG. Subsequent to this. She was transported to CRH emergency room. She was evaluated for her complaint of chest discomfort and some shortness of breath. Work-up was negative for evidence of coronary artery disease and patient was discharged to home. Her letter sent to the office of emergency services and subsequent phone call resulted in further quality evaluation. I did review her case with Mr. Bixby as well as yourself regarding a number of concerns regarding her care. Specific concerns raised included the fact that she was complaining of intermittent chest discomfort and shortness of breath and paramedic did not specifically accompany the patient at the bedside during transport for hospital for higher-level care. He did however follow immediately behind the ambulance and was in continuous radio contact. Second area of concern was diversion to a none medical facility specifically the Office of Emergency Services; so that he could obtain a full set of EKG stickers in repeat EKG prior to continuing for 1.5 mile further to Cobleskill regional hospital emergency room which was the destination. On Wednesday, 8 March 2023 a hearing was held involving Mr. Hartzel, Mr. Bixby, myself, EMS Paramedic Ball, and a union representative of the Schoharie County employees was also present to discuss the quality issues raised. The case was briefly reviewed including the 2 quality concerns.FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248 RX Date/Time 03/15/2023 13:14 P.003NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 03-15-23;01 :16PM; ; 11 # 3/ 3 Mr. Ball did respond indicating that he felt that the patient was medically stable to allow for follow-up of the ambulance in route to Cobleskill Regional Hospital emergency room and his fly car. He did however direct the ambulance to divert to the Schoharie County Office of Emergency Services facilities. His explanation being that he wished to get a full 12-lead EKG done to help better decide which higher level care facility to transport her to. It was pointed out that the patient had already vetoed this possibility. It was also pointed out that Cobleskill Regional Hospital emergency room was just 2 miles away and clearly represented a higher level of care compared to care able to be provided in an ambulance rig in a parking lot. Given what were clear care concerns and variance from established EMS care guidelines; significant errors in Judgement occurred. Disposition was left pending at that point. Joseph M Luz MD Schoharie County OES MeFILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 Schoharie County EMS coordinator Dear Sir, My name is on February 6th 2023 at around 2;30 in the morning my husband had to call 911 because i was having chest pains, short of breath and i was going in and out of conciousness. The last time i went out i fell to the floor so that is where my husband left me.When the peremedic Justin got here the first thing he said to y husband was why did you put her on the floor i was told she was in a chair. My husband told him that he didnt put me on the floor that i fell on to the floor. Justin was very rude. He's bag for the heart masine was not ready he had to go out to his truck to get stickers and leads for it. I explained to him that the symptoms that i was having was the same symptoms that i had when i was told that i had blood clots in my Iungs.He started to argue with me and said that it wasnt blood clots in my lungs because all y vital signs were normal. I told him that my vital signs were normal the two times that i had blood clots in my lungs before. Then the ambulance arrived I was able to walk to the ambulance with help. While i was climbing into the ambulance my husbane was talking to Justin. My Husband told him that as a former emt he knows its important to know all the imformation surrounding the situation. So he told Justin that I had just testifyed at a grand jury hearing that friday. Also their as been a situation at school involving our daugter. Upon telling him this information he instantly figuared it to be a mental break down. After talking to my husband he climbed into the ambulance and said that i needed to talk to someone and cobleskill hospital wasnt the right place to go, he was trying to get me to go to cooperstown hospital for the phyic ward. I told him that i didnt need to talk to anyone that i was going to cobleskill. He didnt ride in the ambulance at first. On the way to the hospital i started to have chest pains and going in and out of conciousness so they had to pick Justin up.On the way to the hospital Justin ealized that he didnt have ay stickers for the heart machine so he made the ambulace go to his office so he could get some delaying me getting to the hospital by like 20 minutes. When we got to the hospital tey put me in the room, Then i could hear him talking to the nurses and the doctor telling that i was there because i am crazyFILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 Thank You 2FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 Michael Hartzel From: Daniel Bixby Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2023 4:11 PM To: Michael Hartzel Subject: Fw: Need a statement from you. a statement about complaint from the EMT that was on the call. Daniel Bixby EMS Coordinator, Schoharie County Office of Emergency Services 518 295 2276 daniel.bixby@co.schoharie.ny.us From: Alyssa Lowell Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2023 8:54 AM To: Daniel Bixby Subject: Re: Need a statement from you. Good morning, Regarding the Gilboa call you'd contacted me about: BLS (EMT Alyssa Lowell & Driver Matt Clark) arrived on scene and ALS (supervisor/medic Justin Ball) advised the patient was ready to be transported and appropriate for BLS. We were heading to Cobleskill Regional when I asked Matt to contact Justin because it seemed the patient required ALS. We met at Shaul State Park and Justin took over care, I followed in his vehicle per usual practice. When we got to rt 7, the ambulance turned east away from Cobleskill instead of West so I thought maybe the destination hospital had changed and continued to follow the ambulance. However the ambulance turned in at OES and when I asked what was going on I was told we were stopping for electrodes/equipment. I then followed the ambulance to Cobleskill Regional and care was transferred to hospital staff. On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 12:19 PM Daniel Bixby wrote: Hi Alyssa, 1FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 If you could please, I need a simple email on the call I had talked to you about yesterday. Mostly about the turning right and stopping at station to get equipment, ie electrodes. thanks you Daniel Bixby EMS Coordinator, Schoharie County Office of Emergency Services 518 295 2276 daniel.bixby@co.schoharie.nv.us 2FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 COUNTY OF SCHOHARIE, NEW YORK COUNSELING MEMORANDUM TO:Justin Ball DEPARTMENT: EMS FROM: DATE: Daniel Bixby 3/8/2023 COUNSELING BACKGROUND (TO BE COMPLETED DURING OR AFTER VERBAL COUNSELING) Topic of Counseling: Conduct and care of a patient Counseling Date: 3/8/2023 State Time: 15-- End Time: es6,7-04. Counseling Attendees: Justin Ball, Daniel Bixby, Dr. Joeseph Luz, 1/14 /id 01 5 - 4 40- During this counseling session, the following issues or concerns were discussed: Formal Complaints from a patient cared for by Paramedic Ball on Feb 6th, 2023. Per the letter Mr. Ball acted in an unprofessional manner. Mr. Ball also turned care over to BLS agency, even though pt was still complaining of chest pains and SOB. Care with a 12 lead had been provided, and thus care should have continued at ALS level. During Mr. Ball's time away from patient, there was another episode of syncope and BLS unit had to have Mr. Ball meet up with them to continue ALS care. Mr. Ball did not have enough equipment (electrodes) to handle the call currently, and diverted to the OES office to procure some and then preformed another 12 lead while at office. This again falls in the realm of negligence. EXPECTATIONS AND FOLLOW-UP You have been informed and/or placed on notice that: A meeting with Dr. Luz to be had prior to any decisions being made. Counseling Form — Rev. 8/29/2022 Page 1 of 3FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 Conclusion and Expectations: A patient was having complaint of chest pain, sob, and syncope. This will always be an ALS level call due to needing a heart monitor to verify rhythm. Once a patient is on a heart monitor there is no reason to remove device till arrival at an ED. Had the device stayed on the patient and Paramedic Ball stayed with patient then the subsequent syncope would have been recorded better, perhaps changing destination and or care patient would have received. Policies you are to review and directives: Follow-up Date (if applicable): EMPLOYEE'S RESPONSE / COMMENTS (TO BE RETURNED WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME) Counseling Form — Rev. 8/29/2022 Page 2 of 3FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 Supervisor Sisaktie' Em l'ee Signature ote: The employee's signature does not Departmen Head gnature constitute agreement of the substance of the counseling, merely receipt and an acknowledgment of expectations. Original copy to: Personnel Copy to: Employee Counseling Form — Rev. 8/29/2022 Page 3 of 3FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED , 6 ,1 NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 CIO ;;•! OHARIE COUNTY DEPARTMEN i PERSONNEL & CIVIL APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT IN T CLASSIFIED CIVIL SER 284 Main Street. Room 310. P.O. Box 675, Schoharie, NY 12157 Phone: (518) 295-8374 Fax: (518) 295-8434 www.schohariecounty-ny.gov • Schohari:e County Is an Equal OpPortunity & EECVAftinnaliYe Action Employer committed to excellence through diversity Employment offers are made on the bails of qualifications & without regard to race, sex, religion, nationaliethnic origin, disability, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation. Please complete entire application. You may attach a resume: however, only the information provided on this application will be considered during review. • • Last Name Ball First Name Justin MI pate. June 18, 2022 -- Other names you have been known as. Title of Position Applying For • Paramedic 1:1 Physical Address. • Location (County PeOartmentICivil Division) EMergency Medical Pervices City. Middleburgh Stale; NY Zip: 12122 Social Security Number Mailing Address (i(difierentj: RECENED E-mail: City State: JUN V 2022 Primary T Schobarie County --.'ervii-6e - A! - • • • __ Are yoU eligible to work.in theUnited Statet? i/1YES [ 1 NO • Are you at least 18 years iilage? Ivj YES [ j NO If NO provide current age: If required for positiOn, do you have a valid to driver'S license? .10 YES Nei If special clasS required:indicate class: EDUCATION: Qalway•Central School District Are.you a high school graduate? [ 1 YES :[ 1NO If YES, Name of High School: Galway, NY 2005 Location of High School (City/State): V year Graduated: If NO, do you have a G E.D ? [ j YES [ j NO If YES, indicate issuing GoVernment Authority: • G.E.D.Cenificote #. • Year G.E.D. Received TyPe.o.f Major Subject!'' -Date Degree CourseType Awarded: '• • SUNY • tobleskill, NY -,pcygs I NO A.A.S. ParaMedic 2020 Fulton Montgomery CCC Johnsto‘Am, NY VYES ( i NO A.S. Business 2020 JYES ( NO (YES NOFILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 arimon....1, , • ...LyngTa.pplISSO.ry...1014.. PAPAPP04111.0131.7..V. Other .s.:ndenDats, licenses, professional affiliatiooS or skills relevant to the pos in Which you are applying EXPERIENCE: Please detail your work history, beginning with your currentimostrecent employer, If you held more than one position within the same organization, list each position separately. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Do not OOMOlete this section with the notation. "see resume."' Dates Employed: Title: .Fro S Q.) t From.F€ To tri -1 aafn CA I— CARL. Pig/2E104d-- 2 Q-2-(Are SuperviSor Name & Phone 1 Reason for Leaving: c40,4 S'E'? rt, Reference Name & Phone #: CA-trra Priinary Cutlet: Dates Employed: 1Full-time Part-time Title PACLArn,E_PC .From Per To: ci) -2OI 9 If part-time, # of hrstvitc: (2-LQ ,- Company Name: o (yr -s)4La_ Ph --) Was this a paid Supervisor Name & Phone 4; Reason for Leaving: r position? YES ( 1NO Ccr...QQ_Icc— 0)/1/L (51.V .113 Reference Name & Phone #, CvR.O.S.--ryr% Srrene Full-time f J Part-time Title: cr24-1.1CA-t_ If part-tirne, # of hrs/vdic Compan Name: . fa VIIC„ 'Was this a paid Supervise!' Name & Phone #: (0E9 91+3 Reason'for Leaving position? PA-;c OflaC4A4-4 1 SA.,t-rQ2— Reference Name & Phone #: "1/7YqtC1A) Primary Duties:FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 04:19 PM INDEX NO. 2023-248NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 1 EXPERIENCE (continued): If you held more than one position within the same organization, list each position separately. Attach additional sheets if necessary Do not complete this section with the notation. "see résumé." 'Dates Employed: [ Full-time [ Pert-time Title From To: If part-time, # of hrsAvIt: Company Name: . Was this a paid Supervisor N(& Phone #: Reason for Leavi

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EXHIBIT(S) - E - Email with Attachments September 22, 2023 (2024)


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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