Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Issues … Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Issues and Arguments Summary The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treat y would ban all nuclear explosions. - [PDF Document] (2024)

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Issues … Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Issues and Arguments Summary The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treat y would ban all nuclear explosions. - [PDF Document] (1)

Order Code RL34394

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Issues and Arguments

Updated March 12, 2008

Jonathan MedaliaSpecialist in National Defense

Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Issues … Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Issues and Arguments Summary The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treat y would ban all nuclear explosions. - [PDF Document] (2)

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Issues and Arguments


The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty would ban all nuclear explosions.It was opened for signature in 1996. As of March 2008, 178 nations had signed itand 144 had ratified. To enter into force, 44 specified nations must ratify it; 35 havedone so. The Senate rejected the treaty in 1999; the Bush Administration opposesit. The United States has observed a nuclear test moratorium since 1992.

There have been many calls worldwide for the United States and others to ratifythe treaty. Many claim that it would promote nuclear nonproliferation; some see itas a step toward nuclear disarmament. Several measures have been introduced inCongress regarding the treaty; it might become an issue in the presidential election.

The U.S. debate involves arguments on many issues. To reach a judgment onthe treaty, should it come up for a ratification vote in the future, Senators may wishto balance answers to several questions in a net assessment of risks and benefits.

Can the United States maintain deterrence without testing? The treaty’ssupporters hold that U.S. programs can maintain existing, tested weapons withoutfurther testing, pointing to 12 annual assessments that these weapons remain safe andreliable, and claim that these weapons meet any deterrent needs. Opponents maintainthat there can be no confidence in existing warheads because many minormodifications will change them from tested versions, so testing is needed to restoreand maintain confidence. They see deterrence as dynamic, requiring new weaponsto counter new threats, and assert that these weapons must be tested.

Are monitoring and verification capability sufficient? “Monitoring” refers totechnical capability; “verification” to its adequacy to maintain security. Supportershold that advances in monitoring make it hard for an evader to conduct undetectedtests. They claim that any such tests would be too small to affect the strategicbalance. Opponents see many opportunities for evasion, and believe that clandestinetests by others could put the United States at a serious disadvantage.

How might the treaty affect nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament?Supporters claim that the treaty makes technical contributions to nonproliferation,such as limiting weapons programs; some supporters believe that nonproliferationrequires progress toward nuclear disarmament, with the treaty a key step. Opponentsbelieve that a strong nuclear deterrent is essential for nonproliferation, thatnonproliferation and disarmament are unrelated, and that this nation has taken manynonproliferation and disarmament actions that the international community ignores.

This report presents a detailed, comprehensive discussion of the treaty’s prosand cons from a U.S. perspective. It contains an appendix outlining relevant history.It will be updated periodically with views from protagonists. CRS Report RL33548,Nuclear Weapons: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, by Jonathan Medalia, trackscurrent developments.

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Issues … Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Issues and Arguments Summary The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treat y would ban all nuclear explosions. - [PDF Document] (3)


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Can the United States Maintain Deterrence Under the CTBT? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Can the United States Maintain the Nuclear Weapons Enterprise

Without Testing? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Can the United States Maintain Existing Warheads Without Testing? . . . . 11Does Deterrence Require New Warheads That Must Be Tested? . . . . . . . . 14Do U.S. Warheads Require New Surety Features? Is Nuclear Testing

Needed to Add Them? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Does the Treaty Provide Adequate Protection Against Cheating? . . . . . . . . . . . 19What Does the Treaty Ban? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20How Capable Is the CTBT Monitoring Regime? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Would Clandestine Testing Confer Military Advantages? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42What Risks Does a Nation Run if It Is Caught Cheating? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

The CTBT, Nuclear Nonproliferation, and Nuclear Disarmament . . . . . . . . . . . 47The Treaty’s Technical Contributions to Nonproliferation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48“Nuclear Umbrella,” New Weapons, and Nonproliferation . . . . . . . . . . . . 49The CTBT and the NPT’s “Grand Bargain” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52The CTBT and Nuclear Disarmament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Moratorium and Entry into Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Conclusion: Alternatives, Packages, and a Net Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Appendix A. History of Nuclear Testing, Test Bans, and Nonproliferation . . . . 65

Appendix B. Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Issues … Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Issues and Arguments Summary The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treat y would ban all nuclear explosions. - [PDF Document] (4)

1 For treaty text, see []. For CTBTdevelopments, see CRS Report RL33548, Nuclear Weapons: Comprehensive Test BanTreaty, by Jonathan Medalia.2 For status of signatures and ratifications, see [].3 One kiloton is equivalent to the explosive force of 1,000 tons of TNT; for comparison, theyield of the Hiroshima bomb was 15 kilotons.

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty:Issues and Arguments


The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, or CTBT, would ban all nuclearexplosions.1 It was opened for signature in September 1996; as of February 2008,178 nations had signed it and 144 of them had ratified.2 To enter into force, 44nations with nuclear reactors must ratify it; so far, 35 of them have ratified andanother 7 have signed. The United States signed the treaty in September 1996; theSenate rejected it in October 1999.

Nuclear test bans have a long history (see Appendix A). There has been stronginternational support for test ban treaties; U.S. opinion has been divided. Most U.S.Presidents have sought agreements to limit testing. The Eisenhower Administrationdevoted great, but unsuccessful, effort to negotiating a treaty. The KennedyAdministration sought a CTBT; when that proved nonnegotiable, it achieved theLimited Test Ban Treaty (LTBT) in 1963, which bans nuclear tests in the atmosphere,under water, and in space. The Nixon Administration negotiated the Threshold TestBan Treaty (TTBT) with the Soviet Union in 1974, which limits underground teststo a yield of 150 kilotons.3 The Ford Administration negotiated the Peaceful NuclearExplosions Treaty (PNET) in 1976, which extended the 150-kiloton limit to peacefulnuclear explosions. The Carter Administration did not pursue entry into force ofthese two treaties, but sought a CTBT; partly because of strong opposition within theAdministration, no treaty was concluded. The Reagan Administration rejected theTTBT and PNET because of verification concerns, but in 1987 began to negotiatenew verification protocols. The George H.W. Bush Administration concludednegotiation of these protocols; the Senate approved the two treaties in 1990, and theyentered into force in that year. President Bush also signed into law a provisionimplementing a nine-month moratorium on nuclear testing starting in October 1992.President Clinton extended the moratorium; he had initially thought to pursue a testban treaty of limited duration and permitting a low explosive yield, but in 1995 heopted for a CTBT of zero yield and unlimited duration. The George W. BushAdministration has continued the moratorium but has not pursued the CTBT.

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4 George Shultz, William Perry, Henry Kissinger, and Sam Nunn, “A World Free of NuclearWeapons,” Wall Street Journal, January 4, 2007, p. 15.5 See “2008 Presidential Candidates’ Responses to Seven Key National Security Questions,”Council for a Livable World, August 16, 2007, at [].6 These include Section 3122 of S. 1547, the FY2008 national defense authorization bill, aspassed by the Senate but not included in the final legislation; H.Res. 68, recognizing thedangers posed by nuclear weapons and calling on the President to engage in nonproliferationstrategies designed to eliminate these weapons of mass destruction from United States andworldwide arsenals; and H.Res. 882, expressing the sense of the House that the Senateshould initiate a bipartisan process to give its advice and consent to CTBT ratification.

U.S. interest in the CTBT waned after 1999, but has since reemerged. In thewake of 9/11 and the rise of nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea, the risk ofnuclear proliferation has become more stark; some claim the treaty would curb thatrisk. An op-ed in January 2007 by Henry Kissinger, Sam Nunn, William Perry, andGeorge Shultz called for steps toward eliminating nuclear weapons, includingratification and entry into force of the CTBT.4 The Administration is pursuing theReliable Replacement Warhead (RRW), which it argues would make nuclear testingless likely; some envision a CTBT-RRW bargain. Scientists around the world havemade progress in detecting nuclear explosions, and U.S. scientists have madeprogress in maintaining nuclear weapons without testing; both topics were of concernin the 1999 debate. Others hold that monitoring capability is insufficient and thatnew weapons requiring testing are needed. International pressure for the treaty hascontinued through U.N. General Assembly votes and international conferences. Thetreaty might be an issue in the presidential campaign.5 Several bills and resolutionsin the 110th Congress call for ratification of the CTBT.6

Opinions on the treaty reflect contending views on how to obtain security; therole of nuclear weapons; nuclear nonproliferation and its relationship, if any, tonuclear disarmament; and international relations generally. (1) Some opponentswould revoke the U.S. signature of the treaty and resume testing to maintain U.S.nuclear weapons, weapons expertise, and the credibility of the nuclear deterrent, andto develop new weapons. (2) Some supporters and opponents prefer to maintain themoratorium because of concern for political and international ramifications, butwould test if necessary to fix a warhead problem. (3) Some supporters favor thetreaty on grounds that it has significant value for nonproliferation and can help theUnited States monitor nuclear testing by other nations. (4) Others favor the CTBTas a step toward abolition of nuclear weapons. While many people of all stripesfavor abolition of nuclear weapons as an ultimate goal, those in the fourth group seeabolition as a realistic if long-term possibility and believe that the CTBT is a criticalstep toward reaching that goal. These views are on a continuum, with overlaps andshades of gray between positions. Still others feel the treaty would make littledifference in restraining weapons development because technical advances enablesuch development without testing, or that it would make little difference incountering nuclear proliferation as a stand-alone measure. While the United Stateshas observed a nuclear test moratorium since 1992, few appear to hold it as theirpreferred position; instead, the treaty’s supporters accept the moratorium as betterthan a return to testing, and opponents accept it as better than the CTBT.

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Issues … Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Issues and Arguments Summary The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treat y would ban all nuclear explosions. - [PDF Document] (6)


7 For information on U.S. nuclear policies, see CRS Report RL34226, Nuclear Weapons inU.S. National Security Policy: Past, Present, and Prospects, by Amy Woolf.

This report seeks to present information that may help Members understandmany CTBT issues and to assess whether, on balance, the United States is better offwith or without the CTBT. It is organized around three aspects of how the treatymight affect U.S. security that were prominent in the 1999 debate: the CTBT anddeterrence; monitoring and verification; and implications for nuclear nonproliferationand disarmament. In the public debate since 1999, CTBT supporters have writtenextensively on all aspects of the treaty, while opponents have written much less. Toprovide balance, CRS has obtained many comments from people representing allperspectives. As a result, this report contains a substantial amount of new material.

Can the United States Maintain Deterrence Under the CTBT?

During the Cold War, the United States and Soviet Union engaged in an armscompetition, often called an “arms race” or “action-reaction cycle.” This competitionwas dynamic. The United States built submarines carrying ballistic missiles; theSoviet Union followed suit. The Soviet Union built deeply buried bunkers for itsleaders; the United States built very high yield weapons to destroy them. Scores ofsuch examples could be listed. Despite this effort, U.S. and Soviet nuclear strategiesand programs resulted in a rough parity between the two sides, and the Cold Warpassed into history with no nuclear or conventional war between them.

While deterrence has had many permutations over the years, most in the UnitedStates supported it during the Cold War for want of a better alternative. To be sure,some argued that the United States should seek superiority, while others held that aminimum deterrent sufficed. Others reluctantly supported deterrence as an interimmeasure, arguing that while it purports to reduce the risk of nuclear war, that veryoutcome could be expected if a low probability per year is aggregated over manyyears. Despite these differing views, Congress supported the forces to implement adeterrent strategy over many decades. The capability to deter the Soviet Union wasby far the most stressing case, so it was seen as more than sufficient to deter otherthreats.7 In that environment, nuclear testing served many purposes. Nuclear testswere mainly conducted for weapons development, but also for safety, weaponsphysics, stockpile confidence, and certification of modifications. Tests also servedto maintain skills in weapons science, engineering, and manufacturing, and todemonstrate the credibility of the U.S. deterrent.

With the end of the Cold War and the Soviet Union, the “comfort” of dealingfor four decades with a single more-or-less predictable adversary ended, to bereplaced by considerable uncertainty. R. James Woolsey, in his 1993 nominationhearing to be Director of Central Intelligence, said “Yes, we have slain a large

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8 U.S. Congress. Senate. Select Committee on Intelligence. Nomination of R. JamesWoolsey. S.Hrg. 103-296, 103rd Congress, 1st Session, 1993, p. 76.9 Lawrence Korb and Max Bergmann, Restoring American Military Power: Toward a NewProgressive Defense Strategy for America, Center for American Progress, December 2007,p. 17.10 Sidney Drell and James Goodby, What Are Nuclear Weapons For? Arms ControlAssociation, revised and updated October 2007, p. 15.11 U.S. Department of Defense. Nuclear Posture Review [Excerpts] Submitted to Congresson 31 December 2001, p. 7, available at [].

dragon, but we live now in a jungle filled with a bewildering variety of poisonoussnakes. And in many ways the dragon was easier to keep track of.”8

Despite this changed situation, there remains wide, but not universal, agreementin the United States on the need to maintain a nuclear deterrent for the foreseeablefuture. Lawrence Korb and Max Bergmann of the Center for American Progresswrote, “To maintain an effective deterrent, the United States must continue to possessconventional and nuclear forces capable of quickly and decisively destroying theseregimes,” referring to “extreme regimes ... such as Iran and North Korea.”9 SidneyDrell and James Goodby, in an Arms Control Association report, “estimate that aU.S. strategic force of some 500 operationally deployed warheads would be morethan adequate for deterrence. ... this force level would be enough to provide a degreeof flexibility in a fluid security environment.” A responsive force of 400 to 500warheads would supplement this force.10 The Administration’s Nuclear PostureReview of 2001 stated that with the end of the Cold War, “U.S. nuclear forces stillrequire the capability to hold at risk a wide range of target types. This capability iskey to the role of nuclear forces in supporting an effective deterrence strategy relativeto a broad spectrum of potential opponents under a variety of contingencies.”11

At issue, though, is what is needed for deterrence. The aim of deterrence hasalways been to make an adversary fear it will suffer unacceptable consequences if ittakes certain actions. Many believe that the U.S.-Soviet deterrent relationshipworked during the Cold War because threats were credible and each side understoodthe consequences of attacking the other. In the post-Cold War, post-9/11 world, manyquestions arise. Who is to be deterred, by what threats? What weapons are neededto make them credible? Is deterrence dynamic, with constant weapons developmentneeded to respond to changing threats, or is a modest number of nuclear weapons ofexisting designs, together with U.S. conventional forces and economic might, morethan sufficient? Are existing nuclear weapons sufficient to deter North Korea, or arenew ones needed that could destroy underground bunkers where leaders might hide,or is the nation so irrational that it is beyond deterrence, or is a North Korean nuclearattack wildly implausible? Is a satisfactory outcome possible through diplomacy?What capabilities are needed to deter Iran or to roll back its nuclear program? Donuclear forces have any relevance to deterring terrorists or their state sponsors?

This report now considers CTBT and nuclear testing issues that link to thesebroader issues of deterrence.

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12 The nuclear weapons complex consists of eight sites: Los Alamos, Livermore, and SandiaNational Laboratories; Pantex Plant, Y-12 Plant, Kansas City Plant, and Savannah RiverSite, which together produce, maintain, and dismantle nuclear weapons; and the NevadaTest Site, which until 1992 was used to conduct nuclear tests but is now used for othernuclear weapons-related activities and other purposes.13 Testimony of General Maxwell Taylor, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, in U.S. Congress.Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations, Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, hearings on ExecutiveM, 88th Congress, 1st Session, 1963, pp. 274-275.14 Letter from President John Kennedy to Hon. Mike Mansfield and Hon. Everett McKinleyDirksen, in address by Senator Dirksen on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, U.S. Congress.


! Without testing, can the United States maintain the facilities andskilled personnel supporting U.S. nuclear weapons? This questionis considered first because these capabilities are the bedrock onwhich nuclear weapons rest.

! Can existing weapons be maintained without testing? This is anecessary criterion for deterrence under the CTBT, as it would takemany years to develop and deploy new weapons.

! Does deterrence require new weapons that incorporate new militarycapabilities, and is testing required to develop them?

! Do U.S. weapons need more features for safety and security, and istesting required to add them? Such features might deter terroristattempts to seize and detonate these weapons.

Can the United States Maintain the Nuclear WeaponsEnterprise Without Testing?

The nuclear weapons enterprise is here taken to mean the nuclear weaponscomplex managed by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), asemiautonomous agency of the Department of Energy (DOE) responsible for the U.S.nuclear weapons program;12 scientists, engineers, and production staff of thecomplex; and Department of Defense (DOD) agencies that deal with nuclearweapons. Collectively, they provide the skills and capabilities that support andwould use nuclear weapons.

Whether the United States can maintain this enterprise without nuclear testinghas been at issue for decades. In 1963, the Joint Chiefs of Staff conditioned theirsupport for the LTBT on four “safeguards,” or actions this nation would take withinthe confines of that treaty. The first three would help maintain this enterprise:Safeguard A, an aggressive underground nuclear test program; Safeguard B,technology facilities and programs to attract and retain scientists; Safeguard C,maintenance of the ability to resume atmospheric testing promptly; and Safeguard D,improvement of monitoring capability.13 President Kennedy’s assurance to SenatorsMansfield and Dirksen, the majority and minority leaders, that the United Stateswould observe these and other safeguards14 was instrumental in securing Senate

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14 (...continued)Congressional Record, September 11, 1963, p. 16790-16791.15 U.S. White House. Office of the Press Secretary. “Fact Sheet: Comprehensive Test BanTreaty Safeguards.” August 11, 1995, p. 1.16 Letter to Hon. Trent Lott, Majority Leader, U.S. Senate, and Hon. Thomas A. Daschle,Minority Leader, U.S. Senate, October 5, 1999, in U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee onArmed Services. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. S.Hrg. 106-490, 106th Congress, 1st

Session, 1999 (hereinafter SASC CTBT hearings, 1999), pp. 100-101.17 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Final Review of the


advice and consent to ratification. The safeguards have been observed over time,though Safeguard C has been modified as the perceived need for atmospheric testswaned and ended. As Appendix A details, other nuclear test limitation treaties werenegotiated and entered into force between 1974 and 1990.

The Hatfield-Exon-Mitchell amendment, Section 507 of the FY1993 Energy andWater Development Appropriations Act, P.L. 102-377, mandated a nine-monthmoratorium on nuclear testing beginning in October 1992, limited testing thereafter,and directed the President to report on a plan for achieving a CTBT by September 30,1996. President Clinton extended the moratorium several times. In response to theprospect of a permanent halt to testing, Congress, in Section 3138 of P.L. 103-160,the FY1994 National Defense Authorization Act, and the President, in PresidentialDecision Directive 15, mandated a Stockpile Stewardship Program (SSP) to maintainU.S. nuclear capabilities in a no-test era.

In 1995, President Clinton announced his decision to seek a zero-yield CTBT.He conditioned the CTBT on six safeguards: (A) SSP, (B) modern laboratoryfacilities and nuclear technology programs to attract and retain scientists, (C) the“basic capability to resume nuclear test activities,” (D) continued R&D to improvethe ability to monitor compliance with the treaty, (E) continued improvement ofintelligence capabilities to provide information on nuclear weapons programsworldwide, and (F) the understanding that if a key nuclear weapon type could nolonger be certified as safe or reliable, “the President, in consultation with Congress,would be prepared to withdraw from the CTBT under the standard ‘supreme nationalinterests’ clause in order to conduct whatever testing might be required.”15

Safeguards A, B, C, and F would help maintain the nuclear weapons enterprise.

In the 1999 CTBT debate, SSP, as the core of U.S. ability to maintain thenuclear weapons enterprise without testing, was a major issue. SSP had been in beingfor a short time, resulting in uncertainty on its ability to maintain existing weapons.Former National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft, former Secretary of State HenryKissinger, and former Deputy Secretary of Defense John Deutch questioned whetherfunding would be maintained and wrote that SSP “is not sufficiently mature toevaluate the extent to which it can be a suitable alternative to testing.”16 FormerSecretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger said, “[i]f we need nuclear weapons, wehave to know that they work. That is the essence of their deterrence.... The onlyassurance that you have that they will work is to test them.”17 John Browne, Director

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17 (...continued)Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (Treaty Doc. 105-28), S.Hrg. 106-262, 106th

Congress, 1st Session, 1999 (hereinafter SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999), p. 14.18 SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 111.19 SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999, p. 42.20 Letter from James Schlesinger, Richard Cheney, Frank Carlucci, Caspar Weinberger,Donald Rumsfeld, and Melvin Laird to The Honorable Trent Lott, Majority Leader, UnitedStates Senate, and The Honorable Tom Daschle, Democratic Leader, United States Senate,in SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 57.21 SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 43.22 SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999, p. 52.23 SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999, pp. 90, 92.24 SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 107.

of Los Alamos, argued that Safeguard F was absolutely essential,18 while Weinbergerexpressed concern that the President would not exercise it.19 Six former Secretariesof Defense were concerned that an indefinite-duration CTBT could lead to loss ofexpertise, the topic of President Clinton’s Safeguard B:

Another implication of a CTBT of unlimited duration is that over time we wouldgradually lose our pool of knowledgeable people with experience in nuclearweapons design and testing. Consider what would occur if the United Stateshalted nuclear testing for 30 years. We would then be dependent on thejudgment of personnel with no personal experience either in designing or testingnuclear weapons. In place of a learning curve, we would experience an extendedunlearning curve.20

Such uncertainties cast doubt for some Senators on the CTBT. Senator OlympiaSnowe said, “there are [SSP] methods that are yet to be proven and we are years ordecades away from knowing whether or not they are reliable.”21 Senator JohnWarner said, “there are honest differences on both sides leaving clearly a reasonabledoubt, and I come from the old school that it should be beyond any reasonable doubtif we are going to take a step that affects our vital security interests for decades tocome, indeed possibly into perpetuity as it relates to this cadre of weapons.”22

The treaty’s defenders tried to give assurance on these points. Secretary of StateMadeleine Albright said, “We have also now said that [the nuclear weaponslaboratories] would have $45 billion over a 10-year period to be able to update andkeep going all of the various parts of the stewardship program,” and the United Stateswould “maintain the capability to test again should the need ever arise.”23 Secretaryof Energy Richardson “stress[ed] that the President, in consultation with Congress,can withdraw from this treaty if a high level of confidence in the safety and reliabilityof a nuclear weapon critical to our nuclear deterrent cannot be certified. As Secretaryof Energy, I would not hesitate to so advise the President in the event it becomesnecessary for our country to conduct tests.”24 Senator Carl Levin also emphasizedSafeguard F:

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25 SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 87.26 Testimony of Thomas D’Agostino, Acting Administrator, National Nuclear SecurityAdministration, in U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee onEnergy and Water Development. Hearing on the Department of Energy’s FY2008 budgetfor programs in the National Nuclear Security Administration, 110th Congress, 1st Session,March 29, 2007, transcript by CQ Transcriptions.27 Personal communication, April 2, 2007.28 Information provided by Dr. Barry Hannah, SES, Branch Head, Reentry Systems,Strategic Systems Program, U.S. Navy, telephone conversation, October 23, 2006.29 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Energy and WaterDevelopment. Hearing on nuclear weapon activities, 110th Congress, 1st Session, March 29,2007. Transcript by CQ Transcriptions.30 See, for example, U.S. Department of Energy. National Nuclear Security Administration.Office of Defense Programs. “Report on the Plan for Transformation of the National


if lab directors and other experts ... cannot certify to us 2 years, 4 years, 6 years,10 years from now that this is a safe and reliable stockpile, then we are givingeverybody notice who signs this treaty that under our supreme national interestclause we are prepared to withdraw.

So in a sense this treaty is almost a year to year treaty.25

How have President Clinton’s safeguards fared since 1999? Safeguards A andB called for SSP and facilities and programs to attract and retain scientists. CTBTsupporters claim that SSP has made great progress under NNSA. They cite ThomasD’Agostino, then Acting NNSA Administrator, who said, “stockpile stewardship isworking. This program has proven its ability to successfully sustain the safety,security and reliability of the stockpile without the need to conduct an undergroundtest for well over a decade.”26 K. Henry O’Brien, RRW Program Manager atLawrence Livermore National Laboratory, called SSP a “dramatic success.”27 SSPhas developed sophisticated computer models of nuclear weapons and explosions,has built some of the world’s most powerful computers, is building the world’slargest laser, and conducts nonnuclear experiments. Its surveillance programexamines warheads for problems, and its Life Extension Program (LEP) is designedto correct them by replacing components that are, or are expected to become,defective. Life-extended W87 warheads have been certified for use in the stockpile.While the first RRW design, “WR1,” is to replace some W76s, Barry Hannah,Chairman of the RRW Project Officers Group, called the W76 LEP an “excellentprogram” that he believes “meets the Navy’s needs.”28 Richard Garwin, IBM FellowEmeritus who has been involved with nuclear weapon issues since 1950, does not“agree with the generally stated assumption that confidence and the reliability of ourexisting nuclear weapons will inevitably decline with time as the weapons age.”Instead, “with the passage of time and the improvement in computing tools, I believethat confidence in the reliability of the existing legacy weapons will increase ratherthan diminish.”29 SSP has permitted 12 annual assessments that the U.S. nuclearstockpile is safe and reliable. It has permitted design of RRW, as discussed later.NNSA is planning to modernize the nuclear weapons production complex.30 For

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30 (...continued)Nuclear Security Administration Nuclear Weapons Complex.” January 31, 2007, 31 p,Available at [].31 Data for FY2001-FY2004 are for NNSA annual request documents for FY2003-FY2006;data for FY2005-FY2007 are from U.S. Department of Energy. “FY 2007 Operating Planby Appropriation,” p. 2, [].NNSA budget documents list SSP funds as “Weapons Activities.”32 U.S. Department of Energy. Office of Chief Financial Officer. FY 2009 CongressionalBudget Request. Volume 1, National Nuclear Security Administration. DOE/CF-024,February 2008, p. 71.33 “Testimony of Kathleen Bailey, Senior Fellow, Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory,” in U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Governmental Affairs. Subcommitteeon International Security, Proliferation, and Federal Services. The Comprehensive Test BanTreaty and Nuclear Nonproliferation, S. Hrg. 105-699, 105th Congress, 2nd Session, 1998,p. 26.34 This view provided by Kathleen Bailey, former Assistant Director for Nuclear andWeapons Control, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, personal communication,April 20, 2007.35 “Testimony of Dr. Carol J. Burns, Group Leader, Nuclear and Radiochemistry, LosAlamos National Laboratory, Before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee onHomeland Security, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, Cybersecurity and Science andTechnology, Hearing on H.R. 2631, the Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act,” October


FY2001-FY2007, SSP received about $42.2 billion;31 its FY2008 currentappropriation is $6.3 billion and its FY2009 request is $6.6 billion.32

CTBT opponents are concerned that without nuclear tests that integrate allphenomena, there is no experimental basis on which designers can be sure that theirunderstanding of a design corresponds to what they would learn with a nuclear test.As Kathleen Bailey, former Assistant Director for Nuclear and Weapons Control,Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, testified in 1998, “Virtual reality cannotreplace reality.”33 Without new nuclear test data, in this view, stewardship tools areunvalidated, so certifications are political statements and it is not possible to becertain that the stockpile is safe and reliable.34 Supporters say that the computermodels are valid because they fit a vast array of experimental data, notably includingthe results of the U.S. nuclear test program; critics respond that while theperformance of an individual electronic component can be validated through repeatedtesting, a nuclear explosion is an integrated event that cannot be predicted byanalyzing the performance of individual components. It is a different, and easier,exercise to fit computer models to past tests, they argue, than to see how well acomputer model predicts the outcome of a future test.

SSP rests on skilled personnel. CTBT opponents point to concerns raised byCarol Burns of Los Alamos National Laboratory: “In 2006, NNSA indicated thatabout 40% of nuclear weapons program technical staff members were eligible forretirement.” She noted a decline in production of students with doctoral degrees innuclear science, and pointed to a drop in doctoral degrees earned at U.S. universitiesin radiochemistry and nuclear chemistry from 33 in 1968 to 4 in 2003.35 Opponents

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35 (...continued)10, 2007, pp. 2-4, [].36 “Statement of Ambassador Linton F. Brooks, Administrator, National Nuclear SecurityAdministration, U.S. Department of Energy, Before the Senate Armed Services Committee,Subcommittee on Strategic Forces,” April 4, 2005.37 Personal communication, October 22, 2007.38 A 2003 NNSA report stated, “Over the past several years the NNSA conducted reviewsof the 24- to 36-month test readiness posture [i.e.,the time between a presidential decisionto conduct a nuclear test and the actual conduct of that test] that the NNSA has maintainedsince Fiscal Year 1996. ... From these reviews, NNSA concluded that because of a loss ofexpertise and degradation of some specific capabilities, the U.S. would more likely requireabout 36 months to test, with less confidence in being able to achieve the 24-month end ofthe range. Furthermore, as time passes without further action, the 36-month posture isviewed as increasingly at risk.” U.S. Department of Energy. National Nuclear SecurityAdministration. Report to Congress: Nuclear Test Readiness. April 2003, p. 5. In contrast,NNSA said that in FY2005 it “[a]chieved a 24-month [test] readiness posture.” U.S.Department of Energy. Office of the Chief Financial Officer. FY 2007 CongressionalBudget Request. Volume 1, National Nuclear Security Administration. DOE/CF-002,February 2006, p. 95. However, the FY2009 NNSA request plans to “maintain a minimumreadiness posture of 24 to 36 months.” U.S. Department of Energy. FY 2009 CongressionalBudget Request. Volume 1, National Nuclear Security Administration, p. 147.

see problems with LEPs. As Ambassador Linton Brooks, then Administrator ofNNSA, said in 2005, “it is becoming more difficult and costly to certify warheadremanufacture. The evolution away from tested designs resulting from the inevitableaccumulations of small changes over the extended lifetimes of these systems [i.e.,warheads] means that we can count on increasing uncertainty.”36 John Foster, formerDirector of Defense Research and Engineering, raised other concerns:

The Stockpile Stewardship Program has been a lifesaver for the nuclear weaponslabs. It has attracted and maintained scientists and engineers and provided newworld-class tools for understanding nuclear weapon performance and advancingweapon science. But I have three salient concerns. First, U.S. nuclear weaponpit production was stopped in 1989, leading quickly to a halt in weaponsproduction. The capability to produce nuclear weapons has atrophied since then.Second, we have not conducted underground nuclear tests since 1992 and we arerunning risks regarding the safety, reliability and performance of the stockpile.Third, periodic surveillance of the aging stockpile has revealed the necessity toinitiate Life Extension Programs to refurbish several warhead types. Thisprocess introduces new materials and components into the warheads, whichintroduces the possibility of “birth defects” that raise risks.37

Supporters claim that Safeguard C, the “basic capability to resume nuclear testactivities,” has been met, as NNSA reduced the time needed to conduct a nuclear testfrom 36-plus months to 24 months.38 Opponents respond that without nucleartesting, the capability to test declines as skills atrophy, procedures become outdated,and equipment falls into disuse. Safeguards D and E do not deal with SSP. Onecannot prove whether the United States would withdraw from the CTBT, as perSafeguard F, especially as it has not ratified the treaty. U.S. withdrawal from theAntiballistic Missile Treaty in 2002 might make the prospect of withdrawal from the

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39 SASC, CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 59.40 SFRC, CTBT hearing, 1999, p. 72.41 SASC, CTBT hearings, 1999, pp. 23-24.42 U.S. Congress. Committee of Conference. Making Appropriations for ForeignOperations, Export Financing, and Related Programs for the Fiscal Year Ending September30, 2005, and for Other Purposes, conference report to accompany H.R. 4818, 108th

Congress, 2nd Session, H.Rept. 108-792, 2004, p. 951.

CTBT appear more credible, though critics see prospects for withdrawal dependenton who is President, and thus uncertain.

Can the United States Maintain Existing Warheads WithoutTesting?

During the Cold War, as noted, deterrence was dynamic, with nuclear movesand counter-moves by the United States and Soviet Union. Testing was essential forboth sides to develop new weapons. In the 1999 debate, arguments over the treatyand deterrence played a minor, and predictable, part. Both sides in the debate agreedthat maintaining the nuclear deterrent was crucial. Opponents held that withouttesting, it would be impossible to do so. As former Secretary of Defense JamesSchlesinger testified, “In the absence of testing, confidence in the reliability of thestockpile will inevitably, ineluctably decline.”39 They questioned whether the UnitedStates could, in 1999 if ever, rely on SSP to maintain weapons. The treaty’ssupporters had a different view. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said, “Underthe treaty, America would retain a safe and reliable nuclear deterrent.”40 And GeneralHenry Shelton, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified:

Senator Levin: What you are telling us is that our top uniformed leadershipunanimously support this Treaty?

General Shelton: I might add, Senator Levin, that we would never say that unlesswe felt that we could maintain a credible nuclear deterrent and also a safe andreliable stockpile.41

Since 1999, support has continued for this nation to maintain nuclear weaponsas long as it retains them. There are three main approaches for so doing. Supportersof the Reliable Replacement Warhead (RRW) program and supporters of the LifeExtension Program (LEP) each argue that their approach will reduce the likelihoodof testing while the other will increase it. In contrast, others believe that neitherRRW nor LEP can provide sufficient confidence in the safety and reliability ofcurrent warheads without nuclear testing; they therefore see testing as necessary.

RRW, as a funded program, began in the FY2005 Consolidated AppropriationsAct, P.L. 108-447; it was described as a “program to improve the reliability,longevity, and certifiability of existing weapons and their components.”42 In theFY2006 National Defense Authorization Act, P.L. 109-163, Congress set as anobjective that the program “further reduce the likelihood of the resumption ofunderground nuclear weapons testing.” The first proposed RRW, WR1, would be

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43 For more detail, see CRS Report RL33748, Nuclear Warheads: The ReliableReplacement Warhead Program and the Life Extension Program, by Jonathan Medalia.44 Information provided by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, September 19, 2006.45 Testimony of Thomas D’Agostino to House Appropriations Committee, Subcommitteeon Energy and Water Development, March 29, 2007.46 On this point, see George Miller, Paul Brown, and Carol Alonso, Report to Congress onStockpile Reliability, Weapon Remanufacture, and the Role of Nuclear Testing, LawrenceLivermore National Laboratory Report UCRL-53822, October 1987, Chapter 3, “WeaponRemanufacture,” pp. 25-30.

used in place of some W76 warheads on Trident II submarine-launched ballisticmissiles. WR1s would be designed to meet post-Cold War requirements, such asenhanced safety, increased ease of manufacture, and high confidence without nucleartesting. However, the FY2008 Consolidated Appropriations Act, P.L. 110-161,eliminated RRW funds, leaving its prospects unclear. An issue for any future CTBTdebate is which approach — RRW or LEP — is less likely to require nuclear testingin the long term.43

NNSA claims that RRW will make the need for testing unlikely because of stepsto increase confidence. For example, RRW designers used high margins, basicallybuilding in more performance than is needed, to make material deterioration ordesign or manufacturing defects less likely to degrade warhead performance belowthe minimum required. They argued that they could do so because the design wasunconstrained by technologies and design choices made decades ago. They viewadded margin as the single most important goal of the design. Another basis forconfidence is that the design stayed close to past experience. Lawrence LivermoreNational Laboratory, which designed the nuclear components of WR1, states thatcomponents very similar to those of the WR1 were nuclear tested in the past. Forthis and other reasons, “there is direct nuclear test proof that the [WR1] design willperform properly.”44

NNSA and its labs have expressed concerns that, over the long term, minorchanges to current warheads through repeated LEPs will introduce defects and makeit harder to maintain reliability, possibly requiring nuclear testing. They argue thatLEPs replace defective or deteriorated components with replicas. As ThomasD’Agostino said, “The W76 LEP and the life extension approach is an exact rebuildof what we’ve had in the Cold War stockpile. We try to mimic the manufacturingprocesses exactly the way it was done 30 years ago.”45 The concern is thatcomponents and manufacturing processes cannot be replicated precisely, pushing thewarhead beyond the design envelope validated by nuclear testing.46 This problemcould result in defects in life-extended warheads that could cause them to fail.

LEP supporters question whether RRW will provide high confidence. AsSteven Fetter of the University of Maryland said, “Like most other warheads, RRWwill have, or could be expected to have, birth defects or reliability problems thatwould be discovered and corrected soon after the warhead was deployed. No one cansay whether the unreliabilities introduced by these birth defects would be greater orsmaller than the unreliabilities that would crop up in the existing warheads due to

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47 Arms Control Association, “The Future of U.S. Nuclear Weapons: The Weapons Complexand the Reliable Replacement Warhead,” press briefing, Washington, DC, April 19, 2007.48 Personal communication, September 24, 2006.49 “Statement of Thomas P. D’Agostino, Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs,National Nuclear Security Administration, Before the House Armed Services Committee,Subcommittee on Strategic Forces,” April 5, 2006, p. 1.50 One such change involves a revised means of dealing with the boost gas, a mixture oftritium and deuterium gases injected into the pit to increase its explosive energy. A studyfound, “Primary yield margins can be increased by appropriate changes specific to eachstockpile system. These include changes to initial boost-gas composition, shorter boost-gasexchange intervals, or improved boost-gas storage and delivery systems. Thesemodifications have been validated by nuclear test data for the appropriate systems, and theywould not place burdens on the maintenance or deployment of the systems by the military.”National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Technical Issues Related to Ratification ofthe Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Technical Issues Related to theComprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Washington, National Academy Press, 2002(hereinafter NAS report), p. 31 See also JASON report JSR-99-305, Primary PerformanceMargins, McLean, VA, MITRE Corporation, 1999, p. 2.51 Information provided by Robert Barker, former Assistant to the Secretary of Defense forAtomic Energy, November 29, 2006.

their age.”47 They thus doubt that a new-design RRW can be certified withouttesting. Robert Peurifoy, a former vice president at Sandia National Laboratories,stated, “The present nuclear weapon stockpile contains 8 or so nuclear weapon types.That population has enjoyed perhaps 100 successful yield tests. These weapons havebenefitted from a test base of perhaps 1,000 yield tests conducted during the 40 or soyears when nuclear testing was allowed. Is the DoD really willing to replace testeddevices with untested devices?”48

LEP’s supporters argue that current warheads are reliable, as evidenced by 12stockpile assessments, and that LEP can keep them reliable for many years withouttesting. While problems emerge, solutions do as well, and LEP supporters argue thatSSP has been keeping at least even in this race. RRW supporters agree that SSP ismaking progress; an NNSA official stated, “Each year, we are gaining a morecomplete understanding of the complex physical processes underlying theperformance of our aging nuclear stockpile.”49 Further, say LEP advocates, currentwarheads stay within design parameters validated by nuclear tests. In this view, SSPand LEP can maintain margins through careful remanufacture to minimize changes.They also state, to general agreement, that margins for some warheads could beincreased in certain ways with no change to a warhead.50 While RRWs, as newdesigns, are likely to have “birth defects,” LEP supporters claim such defects havebeen wrung out of existing designs.

Some, however, doubt that either LEP or RRW can be assessed as reliable, inthe case of RRW because it will never be tested and in the case of LEPs becausesmall changes will undermine confidence in reliability.51 In this view, SSP hasenabled only political assessments rather than technical ones. Since SSP emergedafter the moratorium on testing began, these critics hold that its tools were nevervalidated with nuclear tests dedicated to that purpose, so they could lead to false

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52 Information provided by Kathleen Bailey, November 28, 2006.53 Personal communication, November 7, 2007.54 U.S. Department of Defense. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition,Technology, and Logistics. Defense Science Board. Report of the Defense Science BoardTask Force on Nuclear Capabilities. December 2006. Report summary, p. 15, originalemphasis.

conclusions. Accordingly, in this view, NNSA will not know for sure if SSP, andthus RRW or LEP, work until it conducts nuclear tests. With confidence in the U.S.nuclear arsenal — by the United States, its friends, and its foes alike — central todeterrence, in this view, the United States must conduct nuclear tests regardless ofpolitical concerns because only testing can maintain confidence.52

This section has discussed three views: RRW is less likely to require testingthan LEP; LEP is less likely to require testing than RRW; and the United States canhave confidence in neither RRW nor LEP without testing. One could argue a fourthview, that both RRW and LEP are unlikely to need testing. This view could lead toa mixed LEP-RRW force. As Henry O’Brien of Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory stated, “Our best approach for a small stockpile and complex would beto retain a couple of the better current weapon types (i.e., those with relatively highermargins, more advanced safety and security technologies, and more sustainablematerials), and replace the rest with a small number of RRW types.”53

Does Deterrence Require New Warheads That Must BeTested?

CTBT opponents argue that the ability to maintain existing weapons withouttesting through LEP, even if it can be done, misses the point. Deterrence, as they seeit, requires continuing to hold at risk assets that enemy leaders prize. However, theyargue, current nuclear warheads have many limitations.

! Current warheads, which were designed during the Cold War,were given high yield to destroy hard targets like Sovietmissile silos. But that yield, in this view, could cause theUnited States to refrain from using these weapons out ofconcern for inflicting massive civilian casualties in the targetarea and beyond. As a 2006 Defense Science Board studystated, “weapons that are not seen as useable and effective bypotential adversaries cannot be an effective, reliabledeterrent.”54

! Current warheads, if exploded near the Earth’s surface, wouldleave much residual radiation that would contaminate largeareas and kill many people, barring the United States fromusing them, the treaty’s opponents believe.

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55 A reentry body, also called a reentry vehicle or aeroshell, is the cone-shaped device thatcontains a single warhead and protects it from heat and other stresses as it reenters theatmosphere on the way to its target.56 Threat Reduction Advisory Committee. Nuclear Deterrent Transformation Panel.Underground Nuclear Testing: Issues Regarding Resumption, approved for limiteddistribution, October 2003, updated for general distribution, March 2005, p. 6.57 Nuclear Posture Review [Excerpts], submitted to Congress on 31 December 2001, at[].

! The radiation output of current warheads, they argue, differsfrom that needed for such missions as destroying chemical orbiological agents or generating electromagnetic pulse.

! Current warheads cannot destroy key targets that enemyleaders would value highly, such as hardened and deeplyburied bunkers where weapons of mass destruction, keycommunications nodes, or the leaders themselves might hide.

WR1 shares these limitations. For example, it would have about the same yield as theW76 it would replace, and would use a reentry body55 that cannot penetrate theground.

CTBT opponents see deterrence as dynamic, so that it continues to require newmilitary capabilities that can only be embodied in new weapons that could only bedeveloped with nuclear testing. The Threat Reduction Advisory Committee, anexpert panel advising DOD, stated that one reason to test would be “[t]o supportcertification — prior to quantity production — of new nuclear weapons, should thedecision be made that a new weapon design requiring testing is the only option toachieve a needed capability.” It provided examples of weapons requiring “tailoredphysics package design for nuclear effects for new missions,” including:

! Earth-penetrating warheads with reduced collateral effects to defeat hard,deeply buried targets;

! Warheads to defeat chemical or biological sites ... while simultaneouslyneutralizing released chem-bio agents;

! Reduced residual radiation warheads.56

The 9/11 attacks brought concerns about nuclear terrorism to the fore, and raisedquestions about the link between nuclear weapons and deterrence of rogue states andterrorists. According to the Nuclear Posture Review of December 2001,

Greater flexibility is needed with respect to nuclear forces and planning than wasthe case during the Cold War. The assets most valued by the spectrum ofpotential adversaries in the new security environment may be diverse and, insome cases, US understanding of what an adversary values may evolve.Consequently, although the number of weapons needed to hold those assets atrisk has declined, US nuclear forces still require the capability to hold at risk awide range of target types.57

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58 Personal correspondence, November 26, 2007, and January 29, 2008.59 For a discussion of congressional handling of RNEP, see Jonathan Medalia, “WaterPower: Why Congress Zeroed “Bunker Buster” Appropriations,” Comparative Strategy, no.26, 2007, pp. 231-248.

The treaty’s opponents see another value in testing. According to Vice AdmiralRobert Monroe (USN, Ret.), former Director of Defense Nuclear Agency, “anongoing underground nuclear test program adds immensely to the credibility of theU.S. deterrent. Conversely, failure to test virtually destroys the credibility of ournuclear forces. A nation which lacks the strength to test nuclear weapons will almostsurely lack the strength to use them.”58

CTBT supporters hold that current nuclear weapons suffice for deterrence; noadversary leader would gamble that they would not work, or that the United Stateswould not use them if severely provoked. At the same time, supporters see nuclearweapons as most unlikely to be used, regardless of their characteristics or yield,because of the norm that has built up since 1945 against their use. Current nuclearweapons deterred a Russian or Chinese nuclear attack during the Cold War, it isargued, and will continue to do so, especially as the probability of such attack mustbe judged as remote. U.S. conventional forces, the treaty’s supporters claim, deterthreats from other nations. Use of these forces is credible, they can be preciselytargeted, and they would create very much less collateral damage than nuclearweapons.

Further, it is argued, adversaries could readily counter new U.S. nuclearcapabilities. Nuclear weapons to destroy chemical or biological weapons could bedefeated by placing the weapons deep underground; even earth penetrator weaponscould not destroy them because the heat and radiation of the blast would not reachdown that far. More simply, the weapons could be moved to nondescript buildingsin cities or to caves in rural areas; U.S. intelligence, in this view, could locate few ifany sites. Earth penetrators could be defeated by deeper burial, greater hardening,tunneling under a mountain, or dispersing assets to secret aboveground locations.

The treaty’s proponents see several congressional actions as implying thatCongress would not support testing to develop new weapons. In the last severalyears, Congress terminated the “bunker buster” Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator(RNEP)59 and the Advanced Concepts Initiative, widely but erroneously thought tobe developing a “mini-nuke.” It specified in the FY2006 National DefenseAuthorization Act that an objective of the RRW program was to further reduce thelikelihood of a return to testing. It eliminated FY2008 funding for RRW.

Do U.S. Warheads Require New Surety Features? Is NuclearTesting Needed to Add Them?

While there are several definitions, surety is here taken to include safety,security, use control, and use denial. Safety involves protecting a warhead againstaccidental detonation; security is handled through a layered approach that includeseverything from warhead features to physical security; use control permits authorized

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60 S.S. Hecker, “Answers to Senator Kyl’s questions,” attachment to letter from S.S. Hecker,Director, Los Alamos National Laboratory, to Honorable Jon Kyl, September 24, 1997, inU.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Governmental Affairs. Subcommittee on InternationalSecurity, Proliferation, and Federal Services. Safety and Reliability of the U.S. NuclearDeterrent. Senate Hearing 105-267, 105th Congress, 1st Session, 1997, p. 84.61 SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 175.62 “Prepared Statement by Secretary Bill Richardson,” in SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p.109.63 SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 180.

persons to use a warhead only at the direction of the national command authority; anduse denial prevents any unauthorized use of a nuclear weapon. Surety has alwaysbeen the most important characteristic in nuclear weapons design, and its technologyhas constantly improved, such as with several generations of permissive action linksthat require a user to enter a code in order to arm the weapon, and with various safetyenhancements. During the Cold War, nuclear testing was routine, so the question ofwhether testing was essential for incorporating these features was moot.

In 1999, CTBT opponents argued that new surety features could and should beadded to U.S. warheads, and could only be added through nuclear testing. In 1997,Siegfried Hecker, then Director of Los Alamos, testified that “with a CTBT it willnot be possible to make some of the potential safety improvements for greaterintrinsic warhead safety that we considered during the 1990 time frame.”60 RobertBarker, former Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Atomic Energy, said in1999, “Of the nine types of weapons that will remain in the inventory only three typeshave all three of the most modern safety features while three types have only onesuch feature. These safety deficiencies will remain as long as we cannot conduct thenecessary nuclear tests.”61 Secretary of Energy Richardson, in contrast, stated,“Seven years after our last underground test our stockpile of nuclear weapons is safeand reliable. Three times since 1996 the Secretary of Energy and the Secretary ofDefense have certified this to the President.... Our nuclear deterrent will continue tobe safe and reliable under the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.”62

Also at issue was the need for new surety features. Sidney Drell, emeritusprofessor of physics at Stanford University, said in 1999,

I did not support the CTBT then [in 1990]. I thought of some further safetyimprovements. I presented some arguments.

First of all, the Department of Defense had zero interest. It wanted to spendno money on making them. Second, some of the problems have been retired.Others have been altered by handling procedures in the Navy, and they havesatisfied themselves and the Department of Defense that the safety requirementsare safe and sound now.63

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64 Kathleen Bailey and Robert Barker, “Why the United States Should Unsign theComprehensive Test Ban Treaty and Resume Nuclear Testing,” Comparative Strategy, no.22, 2003, p. 132.65 “Statement of Ambassador Linton F. Brooks, Administrator, National Nuclear SecurityAdministration, U.S. Department of Energy, Before the Senate Armed Services Committee,Subcommittee on Strategic Forces,” April 4, 2005.66 Information provided by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, personalcommunication, May 10, 2007.67 “Statement of Thomas P. D’Agostino, Acting Under Secretary for Nuclear Security andAdministrator, National Nuclear Security Administration, U.S. Department of Energy,Before the Committee on House Armed Services [sic], Subcommittee on Strategic Forces,”March 20, 2007, p. 4.

Others took the opposite view. Bailey and Barker argued, “Given the increasingthreat of terrorism, it would seem prudent to ensure that U.S. nuclear weapons are assafe, secure, and invulnerable to unauthorized use as possible.”64

In the wake of 9/11, surety has become even more important. As Linton Brookssaid in 2005, “We now must consider the distinct possibility of well-armed andcompetent terrorist suicide teams seeking to gain access to a warhead in order todetonate it in place.”65 The prompt response, adding physical security, has beencostly. Added use-denial features could reduce the burden on guard forces.

Surety features, it is argued, would enhance deterrence, though in a differentway than during the Cold War. One form of nuclear attack would be for suicideterrorists to seize a U.S. nuclear weapon and detonate it in place; another would befor terrorists to seize a U.S. nuclear weapon, dismantle it, and use its fissile materialto build a weapon. It is difficult at best to deter terrorists by threatening to usenuclear weapons to destroy a city or training camp in response to a terrorist nuclearattack; they might view U.S. nuclear use as desirable if it turned many nations againstthe United States. Instead, it is hoped, enhanced surety features would deter attackby creating an unacceptable consequence, namely a high probability of failure. Inaddition, if such attacks were to occur, enhanced surety might defeat them.

Weapon designers and NNSA argue that the WR1 design shows that suretyfeatures can be added without testing, and see RRW as essential to obtaining them.Livermore states that the relaxation of weight constraints for WR1, for example, hasallowed a design that incorporates revolutionary advances in safety and securitywithout nuclear testing.66 In contrast, according to NNSA testimony, “[m]ajorenhancements in security are not readily available through system retrofits via theLEP approach.”67

CTBT supporters dismiss enhanced surety as an argument for testing. They seecurrent weapons as safe enough, as shown by 12 assessments and the absence ofaccidental U.S. nuclear detonations. They see a goal of as much surety as possibleas a recipe for unending generations of weapons to add new features. They also seescenarios involving terrorist seizure and detonation of U.S. warheads as far-fetchedbecause of physical security measures, and feel that such measures could be enhanced

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68 For discussions of test ban monitoring and verification issues up to the early 1960s, seeHarold Karan Jacobson and Eric Stein, Diplomats, Scientists, and Politicians: The UnitedStates and the Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press,1966, 538 p.; and Benjamin Greene, Eisenhower, Science Advice, and the Nuclear Test-BanDebate, 1945-1963, Stanford, CA, Stanford University Press, 2007, 358 p.69 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. The INF Treaty. S.Hrg. 100-522,pt. 1, 100th Congress, 2nd Session, 1988, part 1, p. 289.

to add surety if needed. They doubt that new surety features that can be added onlyby testing are so critical as to warrant testing.

CTBT opponents favor the most surety possible in light of the terrorist threat,and hold that more surety features can be added with testing than without. While itis possible to add guns, gates, and guards, so doing would be very costly. Theymaintain that current warheads are not as safe and secure as possible, and argue thattheir surety can only be increased through testing. While RRW offers more advancedsurety features than do current warheads, CTBT opponents hold that the UnitedStates can never know if these features will work without testing. They see testingas needed also to reveal if new surety features on existing warheads or RRWs wouldimpact performance.

Does the Treaty Provide Adequate ProtectionAgainst Cheating?

Monitoring and verification have been central to the debate and negotiations onnuclear test bans for a half-century.68 While the terms are often used interchangeably,there is a difference. Monitoring involves looking for indicators that a nuclear testhas taken place. It is a dynamic contest between hiders and seekers, with CTBTsupporters showing that monitoring capability is improving and treaty opponentsraising doubts about that capability and claiming that evasion capability is improving.

Verification, literally “truth making,” involves deciding whether a nation is incompliance with its treaty obligations. At issue is not perfect verification buteffective verification. In 1988, Paul Nitze offered a widely-used definition: byeffective verification, “[w]e mean that we want to be sure that, if the other sidemoves beyond the limits of the treaty in any militarily significant way, we would beable to detect such violation in time to respond effectively, and thereby deny the otherside the benefit of the violation.”69 Thus monitoring is a technical activity thatprovides data, while verification uses the data to form judgments on compliance. Itis for this reason that the CTBT establishes an International Monitoring System andleaves it to individual nations to determine whether a nation has violated the treaty.

Monitoring capability, the military value of clandestine tests, and effectiveverification are linked. If, as a hypothetical example, tests above 0.1 kiloton hadsignificant military value and the threshold of detection was 10 kilotons, the CTBTcould not be effectively verified, but it could be if the numbers were reversed. ThusCTBT opponents claim the threshold for detection is high and that for military value

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70 Personal communication, Bureau of Verification, Compliance, and Implementation, U.S.Department of State, January 25, 2008.71 NAS report.72 David Hafemeister, “Progress in CTBT Monitoring Since Its 1999 Senate Defeat,”Science and Global Security 15, 2007, pp. 151-183; and Raymond Jeanloz, “ComprehensiveNuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and U.S. Security,” paper prepared for delivery at conference,“Reykjavik Revisited: Steps Toward a World Free of Nuclear Weapons,” Hoover Institution,Stanford University, October 24-25, 2007.73 Robert Thorn and Donald Westervelt, “Hydronuclear Experiments,” Los Alamos NationalLaboratory, LA-10902-MS, UC-2, February 1987, p. 4-5.

is low; supporters make the opposite claim. Accordingly, the following sectionexamines what the treaty bans; describes several monitoring technologies andarguments about their capabilities and weaknesses; considers whether clandestinetesting would confer military advantages; and discusses risks a nation might run ifit is caught cheating.

The public 1999 debate on ratification did not go into detail on the technicalability to monitor the CTBT. For example, no scientists with primary expertise in amonitoring technology testified in Senate hearings on the treaty. However, membersand staff received extensive classified briefings from scientists from the nationallaboratories and from the intelligence community.70 Since 1999, scientists have mademany advances in detection capability that have been widely published. The mostimportant technical report on monitoring was prepared in 2002 by the NationalAcademy of Sciences (NAS).71 It is generally favorable to the treaty. Two otheroverviews of technical progress prepared in 2007 also favor the treaty.72 Manyjournal articles discuss specific technical advances. In contrast, few if anyunclassified technical reports rebut claims of progress in monitoring. Nevertheless,CTBT opponents have developed many arguments, so any future debate onmonitoring is likely to be less lopsided than one might infer from the imbalance inwriting.

What Does the Treaty Ban?

Article I of the CTBT sets out the treaty’s basic obligation: “Each State Partyundertakes not to carry out any nuclear weapon test explosion or any other nuclearexplosion....” The treaty does not define “nuclear explosion.” Yet it is physicallypossible to conduct tiny nuclear explosions that cannot be detected withoutcooperative measures. For example, the United States conducted several dozen“hydronuclear” tests, many releasing fission energy equivalent to less than a gram ofhigh explosive, during the 1958-1961 nuclear test moratorium.73 As discussed later,some see the prospect of undetected tests of very low yield as a concern. As a result,a point of contention in the 1999 debate was whether the treaty barred very low yieldtests. Some CTBT critics argued that Russian and U.S. definitions of zero differed.Senator Richard Shelby referenced “public statements from the Russian First DeputyMinister of Atomic Energy that Russia intends to continue to conduct low-yieldhydronuclear tests and does not believe that these constitute nuclear tests prohibited

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74 SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999, p. 56.75 SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999, p. 99.76 This paragraph explains terms and concepts relevant to the question of what is a nuclearexplosion. A fissile material is one whose atoms split (fission) when struck by a neutronregardless of its speed; uranium-235 and plutonium are the fissile materials used in atomicbombs. Each nuclear fission releases a tiny amount of energy, as well as two or threeneutrons. A self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction occurs if the number of neutronsproduced by fission equals the number of neutrons that escape the material or are absorbedwithin it without causing further fissions. “Criticality” is the point at which this chainreaction occurs; a “critical mass” is the amount of fissile material just enough to supportcriticality. The amount of material for a critical mass depends on many factors, such asshape, density, impurities that absorb neutrons, and use of material to reflect neutrons backinto the fissile material. A nuclear reactor is an example of a critical chain reaction; itreleases energy in a controlled manner. In contrast, a chain reaction in which the numberof neutrons generated increases over time is said to be supercritical; an atomic bombexemplifies a supercritical chain reaction, releasing a vast amount of energy in a tinyfraction of a second. The energy released is expressed as yield. It is typically measured inkilotons, where one kiloton equals the energy released by the explosion of 1,000 tons ofTNT; modern nuclear weapons typically have yields in the range of tens to hundreds ofkilotons. In contrast, several types of experiments producing little to no nuclear yield havebeen conducted over the years. Hydronuclear experiments were conducted during the1958-1961 nuclear test moratorium. They initially used less than a critical mass of fissilematerial; as the amount of this material was stepped up toward criticality from oneexperiment to the next, some of these experiments resulted in the release of tiny amountsof energy from fission, even as little as a gram of TNT equivalent or less. Hydrodynamicexperiments implode a pit (the first stage or “trigger” of a nuclear weapon) in order toexamine how the pit behaves; these experiments use non-fissile material as a surrogate forfissile material, so they cannot become critical. Subcritical experiments examine howplutonium behaves when subjected to a spike in pressure, such as when struck by anexplosive-driven metal plate. The plutonium is configured in a way, such as by its shapeand quantity, that it cannot go critical.

by the treaty.”74 In this view, then, Russia might conduct militarily useful low-yieldnuclear tests and still consider itself as observing the CTBT.

Administration officials responded that all parties understood the treaty was zeroyield. Under Secretary of State John Holum said that the treaty “does ban any nucleartest explosion or any other nuclear explosion, and in the negotiating record it is veryclear that that means there cannot be any critical yield from a nuclear event. You cando things that do not go critical; you cannot do things that do.”75 76 AmbassadorStephen Ledogar, who retired from the Foreign Service in 1997 and was the chiefnegotiator for the CTBT under Presidents Reagan, Bush, and Clinton, elaborated:

As the name suggests, the treaty imposes a comprehensive ban on all nuclearexplosions, of any size, in any place. I have heard some critics of the treaty seekto cast doubt on whether Russia, in the negotiating and signing of the treaty,committed itself under treaty law to a truly comprehensive prohibition of anynuclear explosion, including an explosion or experiment or event of even theslightest nuclear yield. In other words, did Russia agree that hydronuclearexperiments which do produce a nuclear yield, although usually very, very slight,would be banned and that hydrodynamic explosions, which have no yieldbecause they do not reach criticality, would not be banned.

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77 SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999, pp. 16-17.78 Enclosure, in letter from Jeffrey T. Bergner, Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, U.S.Department of State, to The Honorable Jon Kyl, United States Senate, August 9, 2007.79 For a map of IMS stations, at [] see Verification Regime >


The answer is a categoric “yes.” The Russians as well as the rest of the P-5[China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, thepermanent five members of the U.N. Security Council] did commit themselves.That answer is substantiated by the record of the negotiations at almost any levelof technicality and national security classification that is desired and permitted.More importantly, for the current debate, it is also substantiated by the publicrecord of statements by high level Russian officials as their position on thequestion of thresholds evolved and fell into line with the consensus thatemerged.77

The issue remains unresolved. In a 2007 letter, the State Department stated:

the Department of State is not aware of any international agreement on what“zero” yield means. During the negotiation of the Treaty, the P-5 reached anunderstanding that subcritical nuclear experiments would not be prohibited underthe Treaty. The United States also made clear that, in its view, supercriticalnuclear explosive-driven device tests would be prohibited under the Treaty.However, there was no agreement among the P-5 that criticality would be thebasis for determining which activities would be permitted under the CTBT andwhich activities would not be permitted. Therefore, it is left to the individualState Party to decide for itself whether a test that produced more than a zero yieldwould violate the Treaty.78

How Capable Is the CTBT Monitoring Regime?

Monitoring Systems and Methods. Because of concerns that states partiesto the CTBT could cheat and thereby change the strategic balance, the ability tomonitor the treaty has always been an integral part of the debate over the treaty.Monitoring has always been more difficult for underground nuclear tests than fortests in other environments. Radioactive particles in the atmosphere (fallout) arereadily detectable in trace amounts. Sound waves in the oceans travel greatdistances. Tests in space can be detected by national technical means. It is for thisreason that the LTBT banned tests only in the atmosphere, in space, and under water.Accordingly, much of this section focuses on detection, and evasion of detection, ofunderground tests. This section presents a technical background and contendingviews for several monitoring technologies.

The treaty contains complex provisions in an effort to monitor compliance withits basic obligation of conducting no nuclear explosions. It establishes aComprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) that would beginoperation upon the treaty’s entry into force. Its elements are a Conference of StatesParties; an Executive Council to promote implementation of, and compliance with,the treaty; and a Technical Secretariat for monitoring. The secretariat is deployingan International Monitoring System (IMS) to detect nuclear tests;79 an International

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79 (...continued)Monitoring Facilities > Map of Facilities.80 Information provided by Annika Thunborg, Chief, Public Information, ComprehensiveNuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Preparatory Commission, personal communication, November 26,2007.81 U.S. Air Force. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Response Agency. “Fact Sheet: Air ForceTechnical Applications Center.” June 2007. [].

Data Center (IDC) to analyze data and disseminate the results to member states; anda Global Communications Infrastructure to transmit data to, and reports from, theIDC. The treaty provides for on-site inspections (OSIs) if 30 of the 51 ExecutiveCouncil members approve. In 1996, the signatory states established a PreparatoryCommission for the CTBTO to implement the organization, the IMS, and the IDC,and to prepare for OSIs, so that the CTBTO would be fully operational upon thetreaty’s entry into force.

The treaty calls for the IMS to have 321 stations worldwide to monitor signalsthat might indicate a nuclear explosion: 170 seismic stations to monitor seismicwaves in the Earth; 11 hydroacoustic stations to monitor underwater sound waves;60 arrays of infrasound detectors to monitor very low frequency sound waves in theatmosphere; and 80 radionuclide stations to detect radioactive particles that a nuclearexplosion might produce; as well as 16 radionuclide laboratories to analyzeradioactive samples. Of the seismic stations, 50 are to be primary stations to providedata to IDC continuously and in real time, while 120 are to be auxiliary stations toprovide data when requested by the IDC. As of November 26, 2007, 37 primaryseismic stations, 76 auxiliary seismic stations, 10 hydroacoustic stations, 37infrasound arrays, 47 radionuclide stations, and 9 radionuclide laboratories had beencertified. That is, they are completed and meet the technical requirements of thePreparatory Commission. They transmit data automatically and continuously to theIDC, excepting for the auxiliary stations and the radionuclide laboratories, whichtransmit data as requested by the IDC.80

The United States has operated its own system to detect nuclear tests since the1940s. The present system, the U.S. Atomic Energy Detection System (USAEDS),is operated by the Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC). AFTAC statesthat USAEDS is a “global network of nuclear event detection sensors” includingunderground, underwater, atmospheric, and space sensors.81 NNSA providestechnical support for satellite- and ground-based nuclear explosion monitoring.Other organizations are conducting research on nuclear explosion monitoring as

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82 These organizations include the Air Force Research Laboratory, the Army’s Space andMissile Command, the Office of Naval Research, the Special Geology Program of the U.S.Geologic Survey, and the U.K. Atomic Weapons Establishment’s Forensic SeismologyGroup. In addition, other organizations are conducting research relevant to nuclearexplosion monitoring. Information provided by Bureau of Verification, Compliance, andImplementation, U.S. Department of State, personal communications, February 1 and 4,2008.83 Letter from Jeffrey T. Bergner, Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, U.S. Departmentof State, to The Honorable Jon Kyl, United States Senate, August 9, 2007, enclosure, answerto question 2.84 Ibid., answer to question 9.85 See, for example, Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, “Stations &Instrumentation,” available at [].86 SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 131.87 NAS report, p. 42.

well.82 While 21 USAEDS seismic stations were part of IMS as of August 200783

(i.e., they provide data to IDC), USAEDS also has other capabilities, such asdetectors on satellites, that are not part of IMS. USAEDS and IMS are to someextent complementary. USAEDS, as a national system, focuses on areas of concernto the United States; IMS, as an entity of an international treaty, maintains aworldwide detection network so no nation feels singled out for special monitoringattention. IMS makes available to all states signatories, including the United States,data from its network; some data are from sites that the United States could notaccess. Further, IMS data may be more credible to some of those nations than datafrom USAEDS. The former come from a transparent, internationally-controlledsystem, while USAEDS data might be less convincing to Executive Councilmembers if they suspected that the United States was releasing informationselectively or if the sensors and resulting data were unfamiliar and thus difficult forsome council members to interpret. As the State Department said, “In the case of theDPRK [North Korean] test, several countries have noted that the combination ofIMS and IDC data and analysis with U.S. national data and analysis provided themwith greater confidence in assessing the event than would have been the case with theU.S. data and analysis alone.”84 In addition to IMS and USAEDS, academicinstitutions and national governments operate thousands of other seismic stationsworldwide.85 Some of these stations may feed information to IDC on an ad hoc basis.

There is general agreement that IMS will be able to detect most nonevasive testsat 1 kiloton or less. C. Paul Robinson, then director of Sandia National Laboratories,said in 1999, “The detection threshold that was used informally by treaty negotiatorsas an unofficial target for the IMS was about 1 kiloton, non-evasively tested, inenvironments other than outer space. Although IMS coverage will not be uniformover the entire globe, it is expected to generally achieve that informal target.”86 ANational Academy of Sciences report places the threshold for nonevasiveunderground tests at “significantly better than 1 kt [kiloton]” and says, “For most ofEurope, Asia, and Northern Africa, the detection threshold is down in the range from30 to 60 tons [i.e., 0.03 to 0.06 kilotons] in hard rock.”87 The detection of the 2006North Korean nuclear test, with a yield the United States placed at less than a

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88 U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Public Affairs Office. “Statement bythe Office of the Director of National Intelligence on the North Korea Nuclear Test,” ODNInews release no. 19-06, October 16, 2006.89 NAS report, p. 40.90 NAS report, p. 39.91 “The CTBT Verification Regime Put to the Test — The Event in the DPRK on 9 October2006,” Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Preparatory Commission, 2007, availableat [].92 Protocol to the Treaty, Part II, On-Site Inspections, Section A, General Provisions,Paragraph 3.

kiloton,88 by IMS and non-IMS stations supports the claim of a low detectionthreshold for nonevasive underground tests.

Seismic technology. Seismology has been used for decades to detect anddifferentiate between earthquakes and explosions, though it is very difficult forseismology to differentiate between conventional and low-yield nuclear explosions.Earthquakes and explosions generate many types of seismic waves that propagatethrough the Earth. Various techniques are used to obtain more information fromthese waves. For example, seismic arrays are typically groups of 5 to 30seismometers spread out over several square kilometers linked to a central point.89

Because of the distance between seismometers, seismic waves from an event arriveat each seismometer at slightly different times. These differences can be used tocalculate the direction from which the waves arrived. This technique has been in usefor decades.

Other techniques also help extract information. Some seismic waves areteleseismic, detected even at distances over 9,000 km.90 For example, an IMS stationin South America detected seismic waves from the 2006 North Korean nuclear test.91

Some teleseismic waves travel along the Earth’s surface, while others travel throughthe interior. Of the latter, some are shear waves; an earthquake generates themstrongly as the two sides of a fault slide past each other. Others are pressure waves;an explosion generates them strongly as the pressure of an explosion radiatesoutward. The appearance of shear and pressure waves on a seismogram differs,giving a clue whether an event is an earthquake or explosion. Another difference isthat the first waves from an explosion arrive suddenly, while those from anearthquake build up over a short time. More recently, regional seismic waves havecome into use to differentiate between earthquakes and explosions. These waves aregenerally observed at distances of up to 2,000 km; they can often be detected evenwhen teleseismic waves from an event cannot be.

The direction from which seismic waves from an event arrive at multipleseismic stations around the world can be used to determine the approximate locationof the event. The magnitude of seismic waves can also be used to calculate the yieldof an explosion, though with considerable uncertainty. The CTBT limits the area ofan OSI to 1000 sq. km,92 and the CTBTO Preparatory Commission stated that in thecase of the North Korean nuclear test, “analysis of all available data allowed for the

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93 CTBTO Preparatory Commission, “The CTBT Verification Regime Put to the Test.”94 See Jacobson and Stein, Diplomats, Scientists, and Politicians, pp. 151-154.95 NAS report, p. 46.96 Larry Turnbull, Central Intelligence Agency, “U.S. Monitoring Goals for theComprehensive Test Ban Treaty,” address to the Council on Foreign Relations, March 16,1998, in SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 204; see also p. 200.97 NAS report, pp. 47-48.98 Bailey and Barker, “Why the United States Should Unsign the Comprehensive Test BanTreaty and Resume Nuclear Testing,” p. 135.

identification of a potential inspection area of considerably less than 1000 squarekilometers” despite the low yield of the explosion.93

Contending views. CTBT critics point to “decoupling” as a method ofevading seismic detection. It dates from the late 1950s.94 This technique involvessetting off a blast in an underground cavity large enough to absorb the force of theblast elastically, thus muffling the resulting seismic signal. Critics point to a 1966decoupling experiment conducted in a salt dome in Mississippi in which a 0.38kiloton explosion generated a seismic signal that appeared to be from an explosionone-seventieth as large.95 Larry Turnbull of the Central Intelligence Agency said,

In judging whether this evasion scenario is credible, both the feasibility ofconstructing a large cavity and of containing the debris from the nuclearexplosions must be examined ... construction of large cavities in both hard rockand salt is feasible, with costs that would be relatively small compared to effortto produce the material for a nuclear device ... containing both particulate andgaseous debris is feasible in salt, and more difficult — though not impossible —in hard rock. Therefore, we judge that the cavity decoupling evasion scenario tobe credible and should be factored into any underground CTB monitoring.96

CTBT supporters respond that while decoupling works for very low yieldexplosions, it is much harder for larger ones. The National Academy of Sciences(NAS) report raised ten difficulties in conducting a decoupled test, such asconstructing a cavity clandestinely, predicting the signals from the test, ensuring thatthe yield of the device is not greater than planned, and containing radionuclides. Itfinds, “Accepting the possibility of a cavity decoupled test, we conclude that such anunderground nuclear explosion cannot be reliably hidden if its yield is larger than 1or 2 kilotons.”97

CTBT critics believe that decoupling could be concealed. Kathleen Bailey,former Assistant Director for Nuclear and Weapons Control, Arms Control andDisarmament Agency, and Robert Barker, former Assistant to the Secretary ofDefense for Atomic Energy, reject the claim that the earth and rock removed to createa cavity would be an indicator of decoupling: “In India, where the very test site usedhad been closely observed, no such activity was detected prior to a nuclear test.”98

CTBT advocates respond that this example is not a valid indicator of U.S. capabilityto detect the excavation for decoupling because the test was not decoupled, and adecoupled test would require excavation of far more material. For example, a cavity

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99 Source for radius of a spherical cavity for full decoupling: “The Soviet Union carried outa partially decoupled test of about 8 to 10 kt in 1976, in a cavity (in salt) of mean radius 37m (sufficient to fully decouple about 3 kt).” NAS report, p. 46. Source for dimensions ofa shaft: According to one report, “[underground] tests are conducted in vertical drill holesup to 10 feet in diameter and from 600 ft to more than 1 mile deep.” U.S. Congress. Officeof Technology Assessment. The Containment of Underground Nuclear Explosions. OTA-ISC-414, October 1989, p. 16. Note that the diameter of the shaft depends on the drillingequipment used, not on the yield of the device.100 Letter from Jeffrey T. Bergner, Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, U.S. Departmentof State, to The Honorable Jon Kyl, United States Senate, August 9, 2007, enclosure, answerto question 9.101 Hafemeister, “Progress in CTBT Monitoring Since Its 1999 Senate Defeat,” p. 160.102 Information provided by seismologists at the U.K. Atomic Weapons Establishment,


37 meters in radius would be needed to decouple a 3-kiloton device, with a volumeof 212,175 cubic meters. In contrast, a shaft 10 feet in diameter and 600 feet deep,possible dimensions for a non-decoupled 3-kiloton test, has a volume of 1,327 cubicmeters.99 CTBT opponents reply that excavated material may not be observed bysatellites if someone wants to hide the fact that digging is occurring. Material couldbe removed when satellites are not overhead, or it could be moved underground inexisting tunnels. Aqueous excavation could be used to create large cavities in saltdomes. In particular, according to the State Department, “Iran presents particularchallenges from a seismic detection perspective. Iran’s vast numbers of salt domesoffer an effective decoupling environment, making detection particularly difficult inthe absence of close-in sensors.”100

Supporters of the treaty point to numerous advances in seismological capabilitythat would help monitor the CTBT. Foremost is the ongoing rollout of the IMS;many of its seismic (and other) stations around the globe provide data to IDC in realtime. As the IMS is an international system, many of its stations are in areas that theUnited States could not access, such as in Iran. Further, it is important that theseismic stations will contribute regional as well as teleseismic data because regionaldata is of particular value in detecting low-yield tests and decoupling. One sourcestates, “Regional waves enhance the ability to detect cavity decoupling becausehigher frequency waves are more observable at regional distances and decoupling issmaller at higher frequencies ... compared to teleseismic waves ...”101 Regionalstations have proven more valuable than was expected; according to U.K.seismologists,

When the IMS was negotiated, the rationale for auxiliary seismic stations [thosethat provide data only when interrogated, not on a continuous basis, to theInternational Data Center] was that these stations would improve the ability ofthe IMS to locate seismic events, and to more finely characterize the seismicsource. With the ongoing deployment of the IMS, seismologists have discoveredthat the auxiliary stations are of particular value for identifying the source of aseismic signal as an earthquake or explosion because they pick up certain seismicwaves that can be used in identification. In addition, it has turned out that havingmany seismic stations, such as those in individual national or universitynetworks, complements the IMS stations and increases the availability of data.102

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102 (...continued)personal communication, October 11, 2007.103 Paul Richards and Won-Young Kim, “Seismic Signature,” Nature Physics, January 2007,p. 5. For a seismogram of the North Korean test, see CTBTO Preparatory Commission.“The CTBT Verification Regime Put to the Test.”104 NAS report, p. 39.105 NAS report, pp. 41-42.106 U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Verification, Compliance, and Implementation.“Response to Medalia Questions of 27 Nov [2007].” January 14, 2008. Hereinafter“Response to Medalia Questions.”

CTBT supporters note that other signatures in addition to characteristics ofseismic waves help differentiate between earthquakes and explosions. Finding thatthe epicenter of an event is more than 10 km deep rules out an explosion, as doesfinding the epicenter at sea in the absence of hydroacoustic waves indicative of anexplosion. Other characteristics specific to local geology aid determining whether anevent is an earthquake or explosion. The CTBTO Preparatory Commission statesthat IMS stations around the world detected the North Korean nuclear test of 2006,and IMS was able to locate the test to well under 1000 square km. As anotherindicator, the seismic record shows a clear difference between that explosion and anearlier earthquake. According to seismologists Paul Richards and Won-Young Kim,

The seismogram of 9 October [2006, the North Korean test] has three importantfeatures. First, it shows an impulsive onset of compressional waves ...characteristic of an explosion. Second, peaks indicative of shear waves in the[Earth’s] crust, which would be typical of an earthquake, are very weak ... Andthird, short-period ‘Rayleigh waves’ are apparent. They ... are known to beexcited only by sources at a depth not much more than about 3 or 4 km, whichis much shallower than typical earthquakes.103

Critics point to evasive tactics and weaknesses in seismic monitoring that openprospects for clandestine testing. Yield can be calculated from the magnitude ofseismic waves. Yet many factors affect the intensity of seismic signals in additionto the yield of a nuclear device. The NAS report states, “[regional] waves aredependent on local properties of the Earth’s crust and uppermost mantle — whichcan vary strongly from one region to another.”104 For example, a device detonatedin soft rock can have ten or more times the yield as one detonated tamped (fullycoupled) in hard rock, yet the seismic signals from each can indicate the sameapparent yield because soft rock transmits seismic energy much less efficiently thandoes hard rock.105 An evader, knowing this from the unclassified literature, wouldconsider this difference in selecting a test site. While CTBT supporters note thatregional seismic signals can aid in detecting lower-yield nuclear detonations,opponents reply that Russia and China did not permit IMS stations to be locatedwithin hundreds of kilometers of their nuclear test sites, at Novaya Zemlya and LopNor, respectively. The closest IMS station is 1,112 km from Novaya Zemlya, and783 km from Lop Nor. In contrast, the three IMS stations closest to the Nevada TestSite (NTS) are at distances of 249, 380, and 417 km.106 The State Departmentobserves,

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107 “Response to Medalia Questions.”108 Information provided by personal interview and emails, December 3-13, 2007.

There is no doubt that we would be better off if we had close-in seismographsaround Lop Nor and Novaya Zemlya. If IMS were allowed to install threeseismographs surrounding Lop Nor at the distances similar to those surroundingthe NTS, it would be much easier not only to detect smaller events, but also toidentify the nature of smaller events and to determine a better location as well asthe origin time.107

Iran has numerous salt domes many hundred of miles from the IMS station nearTeheran. Critics argue that Iran could easily create cavities for decoupling by usingwater to dissolve salt. It has extensive experience in drilling for oil, which is oftenfound near salt deposits. As such, it is argued, it is well equipped to excavate cavitiesfor decoupling. Further, much of Iran is seismically active, making it easier for Iranto conduct a test during an earthquake to mask the explosion’s signals. Othersrespond that hiding a test in an earthquake requires holding the test in readiness,possibly for years, for the “right” earthquake to come along, and it may still bepossible to distinguish signals from an earthquake from those of an explosion.

Other techniques can also reduce seismic signals from underground nucleartests. Don Linger, Senior Scientific Advisor, Advanced Systems Concepts Office,Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and former director of the Defense NuclearAgency’s nuclear effects testing program, provided the following information.108

One technique for reducing seismic signals is “geologic preconditioning.”A nuclear test in hard rock will fracture or microfracture the surrounding rock todistances of several hundred meters, fragmenting it and changing the shockpropagation and attenuation characteristics. As a result, a test conductedunderground in a hard rock geology region in which a previous nuclear test wasconducted will in effect be conducted in fragmented rock, which absorbs muchmore energy than undisturbed rock, weakening the seismic signal. Thisattenuation was observed in experiments using 100 tons of chemical explosive,conducted by the U.S. Departments of Defense/Defense Nuclear Agency (nowthe Defense Threat Reduction Agency) in a series of tests in Kazakhstan duringthe closing of the former Soviet Nuclear Test site in 1993 to 2002. Moreover,the Russian test site at Novaya Zemlya, which is comprised mainly of similarhard rock, has similar regions of preconditioned hard rock created by previoustests that could be used to muffle seismic signals of clandestine tests. This is aproven technology, clearly understood by the testing community.

A second technique to reduce seismic signals, “radiation spectrum tuning,”is to reduce the radiation coupling of the nuclear device to the ground. Theamount of energy that a nuclear device deposits into the surrounding geology isvery sensitive to specifics of its radiation output spectrum, and strongly affectsthe manner in which the blast is coupled to the ground, causing large changes inthe ground shock and seismic signature. Radiation spectrum is entirely differentthan yield. For a given test cavity, a 10-kiloton weapon with energy concentratedin the thousand-electron-volt range will produce a significantly lower seismicsignal than a 10-kiloton weapon with electromagnetic energy concentrated in thetens-of-million-electron-volt range. Nuclear explosives have been designed withdifferent energy spectra. For example, the U.S. Plowshare program of nuclear

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109 “Breakthrough Systems to Detect Nuclear Explosions Worldwide,” Pacific NorthwestNational Laboratory, press release, July 24, 1998, at []. See also Hafemeister, “Progress in CTBT Monitoring Since Its 1999Senate Defeat,” p. 168.

explosives for peaceful purposes, and the parallel Soviet program, developednuclear explosive devices with energies concentrated in a part of theelectromagnetic spectrum different than that of typical nuclear weapons.

CTBT proponents respond that geologic preconditioning may be of use toRussia or China, which have a “stockpile” of cavities left by nuclear test explosions,and possibly to India and Pakistan, which may have a few small cavities, but not toother nations. Opponents dismiss this argument because they view the prospect ofRussian or Chinese covert testing as the greatest threat. Proponents, in turn, replythat the decoupling capability of geologic preconditioning would vary greatlydepending on specifics of the surrounding rock and the extent of its fracturing, whichwould be extremely difficult to determine. Regarding radiation spectrum tuning,proponents ask if modifications to the test device that would be needed to reduce theseismic signature would interfere with the purpose of, and results from, the test somuch as to diminish its value significantly.

Seismic monitoring entails other arguments. Critics state that the ability todetect lower-yield tests increases many-fold the number of seismic events that mustbe analyzed as possible nuclear tests. Supporters reply that improved seismicdetection and data analysis capability rule out most such events as possibleexplosions, and that low-yield tests are of little military significance. Critics respondthat low-yield explosions have military significance, as discussed below, and that itwould be easier for IDC to miss a low-yield explosion among thousands of low-magnitude earthquakes than to miss a higher-yield explosion. Supporters retort thatthe North Korean test of October 2006 was clearly detected even though it had a yieldof less than a kiloton; critics counter that it was not conducted evasively.

Detection of radioactive gases. Nuclear explosions generate a greatvariety of radioactive atoms, or radionuclides, some of which are gases. Of specialinterest are radioactive isotopes of noble gases, such as argon-37, krypton-85, xenon-131, and xenon-133. The background level of these gases is extremely low. Becausenoble gases are chemically inert, they do not bond with the rocks and soilsurrounding an underground nuclear explosion. As a result, they work their way tothe surface and disperse into the atmosphere, where they may be detected thousandsof miles away. For example, the Automated Radioxenon Sampler/Analyzer, in useby IMS, concentrates and measures minute quantities of the isotopes of radioactivexenon.109 Once a detection system has accumulated a data archive of backgroundlevels of radioactive noble gases, a spike above that level can indicate a release froma nuclear reactor or nuclear explosion. Computer models of global atmosphericconditions in the days before a spike can then be worked backwards to provide ageneral location of the source.

At entry into force of the CTBT, the IMS is to have 80 radionuclide stationsaround the world; all are to monitor radioactive particles and upon the treaty’s entryinto force 40 of them would have capability to monitor radioactive noble gases.

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110 Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, “VerificationTechnologies: Radionuclide,” at [], link to “Verification Regime” >“Monitoring Technologies” > “Radionuclide.”111 P.R.J. Saey et al., “A Long Distance Measurement of Radioxenon in Yellowknife,Canada, in Late October 2006,” Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 34, L20802, doi:10.1029/2007FL030611, October 16, 2007, p. 5 of 5.112 Personal communication, November 21, 2007.113 C.R. Carrigan et al., “Trace Gas Emissions on Geological Faults as Indicators ofUnderground Nuclear Testing,” Nature, vol. 382, August 8, 1996, pp. 528-531.

Sixteen laboratories would analyze samples from these stations. The CTBTOPrepCom states: “The relative abundance of different radionuclides in these [air]samples can distinguish between materials produced by a nuclear reactor and anuclear explosion.... The presence of noble gases can indicate if an undergroundexplosion has taken place.”110

Contending views. The treaty’s supporters claim that the 2006 North Koreannuclear test shows the value of noble gas monitoring and the capability of the IMS.An IMS radionuclide system at Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada,collected samples two weeks after the test that, upon analysis, indicated a traceamount of xenon-133. By comparing this amount to data in its archive, analysts wereable to determine that the level was elevated. By examining wind currents for thepreceding two weeks, and data on releases from the Chalk River Laboratories, aCanadian nuclear research site several thousand kilometers southeast of Yellowknife,analysts were able to conclude that the xenon-133 was “consistent with a releasefrom the location and time of the DPRK event.”111

Opponents see numerous ways to evade detection of radioactive noble gases.They recognize that noble gases will reach the surface if there is no effort atcontainment, but believe containment can work. They point to a statement by DonaldBarr, a retired Los Alamos radiochemist with over 50 years of nuclear testing andrelated experience: “Deep burial of a nuclear device, combined with gas blockingtechniques, virtually eliminates the seepage of noble gases to the surface, thoughsome such gases might occasionally be detected, but only at the surface above thedetonation point.”112 Burying a nuclear test device at greater depth than would betypically used for containment would also delay the time when these gases wouldreach the surface, providing more time for radioactive decay to reduce the amountreaching the surface. Certain geologies, such as salt domes, would more readily sealthe cavity, blocking the escape of these gases.

CTBT supporters point to experimental data to buttress their claim that it is verydifficult to contain noble gases following an underground nuclear explosion becausethey rise to the surface through faults or fractures, especially during periods of lowbarometric pressure.113 Opponents would note that the experiment in question usedsurrogate gases (sulfur hexafluoride and helium-3), not argon and xenon. Further,the report stated that the decay of argon-37 to chlorine-37 “will limit the sampling‘window’ during which surface detection is possible,” and that “selecting the timingof a challenge inspection to include the arrival of weather fronts may be necessary

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114 Ibid., p. 531.115 Richard Rhodes, Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb, New York, Simon andSchuster, 1995, pp. 370-372, 524.116 For a detailed discussion of containment, see Office of Technology Assessment. TheContainment of Underground Nuclear Explosions, pp. 31-55.117 U.S. Department of Energy. Nevada Operations Office. United States Nuclear Tests, July1945 through September 1992, DOE/NV-209, rev. 15, December 2000, pp. 2-63.118 Department of Energy, United States Nuclear Tests, pp. 64-88.

to optimize the possibility of detection.”114 An evader, knowing this, might try todelay inspections beyond the time such a front is due to arrive.

Detection of radioactive particles. Underground nuclear explosions mayvent radioactive particles (fallout) into the atmosphere, where they may travel forthousands of miles, depending on wind, rain, particle size, and other factors. Falloutanalysis has provided a clear indication of a nuclear test for many decades. Forexample, the United States learned of the first Soviet nuclear test (an atmospherictest) in 1949, and learned much about the design of the first Soviet thermonucleardevice in 1953, through collection and analysis of these particles.115 The ease ofdetecting fallout particles was a main reason why the United States, Soviet Union,and United Kingdom were able to negotiate the LTBT in 1963, and worldwideprotests against fallout were a main impetus for the treaty.

Contending views. CTBT supporters assert that containment of radioactivedebris from a nuclear test is difficult, and many techniques are learned through trialand error. Geologic features, such as faults, can provide a path through which debriscan vent. Certain types of soil or rock are better for containment than others.Underground water, turned to steam by an explosion, generates a great deal ofpressure. Depth of burial must be adequate. Elaborate methods must be used toprevent debris and gases from escaping through the shaft dug for the test.116 Despiteextensive experience with contained underground tests beginning in the 1950s, manyU.S. underground tests through 1970 released radioactive material.117 CTBTsupporters therefore argue that it would be difficult for Russia or China, and muchmore so for first-time testers, to have high confidence that they could contain aclandestine test.

CTBT opponents respond that Russia and China would have high confidencein their ability to contain a nuclear test because of their test experience. Opponentspoint to a U.S. example. Following the “Baneberry” test of 1970, which vented alarge radioactive cloud, the United States took further steps to contain undergroundtests, and of the 386 post-Baneberry tests conducted at the Nevada Test Site through1992, only 2 resulted in accidental release of radioactivity detected outside the testsite.118 Even nations without nuclear test experience could learn much aboutcontainment from the open literature, and could make containment more likely byburying the test device more deeply, examining geologic characteristics in selectinga test site, and building a large margin of error into containment techniques.

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119 Vitaly Kjalturin et al., “A Review of Nuclear Testing by the Soviet Union at NovayaZemlya, 1955-1990,” Science and Global Security, no. 13, 2005, pp. 40-42.120 For brief descriptions of InSAR, see Gabriele Rennie, “Monitoring Earth’s Subsurfacefrom Space,” S&TR, April 2005, pp. 4-11; and U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S.Geologic Survey. “Using Satellites to Monitor Deformation: Radar Interferometry,” updatedOctober 11, 2007, at [].121 The U.S. Geologic Survey states, “It isn’t possible to steer a satellite accurately enoughto return it to exactly the same point in space on different orbits, but it’s relatively easy toget within a few hundred feet and then do the necessary geometric corrections.” Ibid.122 Rennie, “Monitoring Earth’s Subsurface from Space,” p. 5.123 On the latter point, see European Space Agency, “Groundmotion: Service Examples,” at[].124 Hafemeister, “Progress in CTBT Monitoring Since Its 1999 Senate Defeat,” p. 169.

The treaty’s supporters point to data on Soviet nuclear tests at Russia’s onlynuclear test site, Novaya Zemlya in the Arctic Ocean, to show the difficulty ofcontainment. Using the period beginning in 1971 so as to be comparable to tests, 30 underground tests were conducted from 1971 to 1990, withdata unclear for two. Of the other 28, 10 vented radioactive gases offsite, another 7vented such gases onsite only, 1 vented radioactive gases and debris offsite, and 10were contained. The treaty’s opponents counter that there was a sharp improvementin containment. Of the 28 tests, for the period 1971 through August 1978, 10 of 16tests vented offsite, 1 vented onsite, and 5 were contained; for September 1978through 1990, 6 vented onsite only, 1 vented offsite (both gases and particles), and5 were contained.119

Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). This technique wasdeveloped in the early 1990s to study ground deformation around earthquakes. In it,a satellite-borne radar sends out microwave radar beams to a swath of ground some100 km wide, and records, pixel by pixel, what is in effect the distance between thesatellite and each point on the ground.120 If another radar picture of the same terrainis taken later from nearly the same point in space,121 one image can be digitallysubtracted from the other, with any difference shown as bands of color that revealground motion. According to the technical literature, InSAR can detect grounddeformation of less than 1 cm122 and can take pictures through many types of clouds.Because it does not use visible light, it can take pictures night or day. This techniquehas also been used to detect ground deformation due to oil and gas reservoirs and tomeasure the stability of retaining walls around a reservoir in London.123

While IMS does not use satellite monitoring techniques, the CTBT (Article IV,section A, paragraph 5) permits the use of national technical means. According toDavid Hafemeister, professor emeritus of physics at California Polytechnic StateUniversity, “InSAR is now a widely adopted technology, available to all CTBTStates Parties at reasonable prices from commercial vendors.”124 The depressionformed by an underground nuclear test — assuming the rock or ground above the test

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125 Paul Vincent et al., “New Signatures of Underground Nuclear Tests Revealed by SatelliteRadar Interferometry,” Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 30, no. 22, November 2003, p.SDE 1-1.126 Hafemeister, “Progress in CTBT Monitoring Since Its 1999 Senate Defeat,” p. 171.127 “Response to Medalia Questions.”128 Hafemeister, “Progress in CTBT Monitoring Since Its 1999 Senate Defeat,” p. 171.

does not collapse into the cavity left by the test, leaving a clearly visible crater —may be 1 to 2 km across and one to several cm deep.125

Contending views. CTBT advocates hold that InSAR complements othermonitoring techniques. It can monitor large areas for subsidence. It can localize asuspicious site, even with a test of yield less than 1 kiloton (depending also on otherfactors such as depth of burial and geology) to within 100 meters, thus helping toguide an OSI.126 It can discriminate between an earthquake and an explosion basedon changes in ground deformation revealed by InSAR; an earthquake produces amore or less linear pattern caused by the two sides of a fault sliding past each other,while an explosion produces a roughly circular depression. It can help findconstruction of a decoupling cavity, as ground above the cavity may subside slightly.The wide availability of InSAR data would arguably make a request for an OSI basedon this data more convincing to the CTBTO Executive Council.

Critics respond that InSAR requires before-and-after pictures of the same pieceof ground in order to detect slight subsidence. If only an “after” picture is available,the technique is thought to work only for nuclear tests of 20 kilotons of yield or so,a level that seismic techniques can easily locate, rendering InSAR superfluous. TheState Department points to other limitations.

NASA, [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory], Canadian Space Agency,and European Space Agency all have InSAR systems and should have librariesof data covering much of the world, at least up to middle latitudes. However, insome areas where there is rugged terrain, terrain shadowing will likely causelarge areas to be uncovered. Additionally, one would need to have “before”images that are fairly recent to do an accurate comparison. If significant changeshave occurred in the terrain (other than those caused by the test) by wind, rainor other natural factors, the “before” image will not be useful in constructing anInSAR image. Furthermore, this is complicated by the fact that the subsidencemay not occur until some time after the test, perhaps years. So, whereas librariesdo exist, without specific tasking, they’re unlikely to be good enough.

Further, “It is particularly noteworthy that no evidence of subsidence was observedby the InSAR technique after the North Korean test.” For these and other reasons,State concludes, “the potential of InSAR in assisting detection of a nuclear explosionis limited and cannot be considered a useful technique in many test scenarios.”127

Critics assert that subsidence could occur too late to aid an OSI. They also arguethat some very low yield tests, the kind an evader is most likely to attempt, conductedat Nevada Test Site did not form depressions,128 and that deep burial and certaingeologies (e.g., deep inside a granite mountain) may preclude subsidence. Supporters

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129 SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999, pp. 10-11.130 SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999, p. 48.131 SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999, p. 55.

reply that InSAR is of value if it helps deter evasion, and that it may reduce the valueand increase the difficulty of clandestine tests by forcing a would-be evader to digdeeper and use smaller nuclear devices in order to avoid detection by InSAR.

Detecting collateral evidence. A nuclear test requires much preparation.The testing nation must survey the site to determine if the geology is suitable, bringdrilling and diagnostic equipment to the site, drill the shaft, set up the diagnosticequipment with its many cables, emplace the device, seal the shaft, and so on. WhileIMS does not detect pre-test activities, national technical means of verification could.Satellite photography and communications intercepts, CTBT supporters argue, candetect such activities, and Article IV(D) of the treaty permits use of national technicaldata as well as IMS data as grounds for requesting an inspection. CTBT opponentsrecognize that satellites might detect preparations for a clandestine test, but argue thatsome activities may appear normal, such as mining in a mining area, other activitiesmay be hidden, land lines can prevent access to communications, etc.

On-site inspections (OSIs): Procedural aspects. The treaty and aprotocol provide for OSIs, in which international inspectors would travel to the siteof a suspected nuclear explosion to search for conclusive evidence of such explosion.For example, if the inspection team is able to drill into the cavity formed by a nuclearexplosion, it would have conclusive proof that a test occurred, and radiochemicalanalysis (such as the ratio of different isotopes) could provide its approximate date.The treaty and protocol go into extensive detail on OSIs, specifying procedures bywhich the Executive Council would authorize the start and continuation of aninspection, the timeline for an inspection, the number of team members, andequipment they may and may not use. These procedures represent a compromisebetween those who wanted highly intrusive inspections that could be conductedquickly and those who feared that such inspections would reveal military secrets.

Contending views. Much of the Senate debate on OSIs in 1999 involved theease of securing Executive Council permission for an OSI. According to Article IIof the treaty, once a state party has requested an OSI, 30 of 51 members of theExecutive Council would have to approve to order the inspection. Ambassador JeaneKirkpatrick questioned the competence of the council to make technical decisionsrelated to the treaty. Each member of the council would have one vote. Since thecouncil would be based on geographic representation, many nations on it would havelittle or no nuclear experience. Further, “there will be a technical support group ...chosen by the same executive council ... which is chosen by people the overwhelmingmajority of whom do not themselves have any experience or competence withnuclear questions, much less nuclear weapons.”129 She also noted, “U.N. bodies arevery highly political bodies.”130 Senator Richard Shelby said that it would be hardto obtain the 30-vote supermajority needed for an OSI to go forward,131 while SenatorJoseph Biden provided an analysis of likely council voting and concluded that “it

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132 SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999, p. 96.133 “Response to Medalia Questions.”134 “Response to Medalia Questions.”135 “Response to Medalia Questions.”

seems to me pretty darned easy to get to 30 votes, not because 30 nations love us, butbecause it is in their naked self-interest.”132

Another contentious topic is how the provisions of the treaty and its protocolspecifying procedures for OSIs might affect the success of inspections. Opponentsassert that many of these provisions impair the technical effectiveness of aninspection. Some such provisions are listed here, along with a few comments madein 2007 by the State Department:

! The protocol limits the inspection team to 40 members except whenit is drilling, and limits an inspection to 130 days. The StateDepartment observes, “the availability of acceptable, technicallyqualified and trained inspectors and inspection assistants, operatingas a cohesive team, is a factor affecting the adequacy of the OSItimeline.”133

! The treaty requires the team to submit a progress report within 25days of the council’s approval of the OSI; the inspection willcontinue unless a majority of the council votes not to do so. Butaccording to the State Department, “there is no guarantee that theExecutive Council will consider ‘progress’ (not defined) to besufficient to justify the OSI entering the continuation phase of theinspection.”134

! The protocol permits specified inspection techniques but does notprovide for the adoption of new ones. This omission may becomemore significant as new technologies emerge.

! The protocol permits one overflight that may last at most 12 hoursand may only use field glasses, passive location-finding equipment,video cameras, and hand-held still cameras, unless the state beinginspected agrees to more overflights and the use of other equipment.The State Department observes, “a State Party that conducts a testwill most likely employ all available means to evade initial detectionand, following approval of an OSI, restrict to the maximum extentthe use of technologies and techniques that might otherwise result indetection.”135

! The inspected state has “[t]he right to make the final decisionregarding any access of the inspection team ...,” apparently referringto areas within the area to be inspected that the inspected state deemssensitive. To protect them, the inspected state may shroud sensitive

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equipment and restrict radionuclide measurements and the taking ofsamples to those relevant to the inspection.

! The inspection team may gain access to sensitive facilities if “theinspection team demonstrates credibly to the inspected State Partythat access to buildings and other structures is necessary to fulfil theinspection mandate.” Opponents doubt that the inspected statewould agree that any such demonstration was credible.

The treaty’s supporters recognize that the inspection provisions represent acompromise between the ability to find evidence of a clandestine test and the abilityof inspected states to protect sensitive facilities and guard against espionage.Supporters observe that these provisions protect the United States as well as othernations. They note that many provisions of the Protocol facilitate inspections.

! Inspectors may inspect an area of 1,000 square kilometers;supporters argue that this is large enough given the ability ofmonitoring technologies to limit the area to be inspected.

! Inspectors shall be chosen “on the basis of their expertise andexperience”; supporters note that other possible criteria, such asrepresenting regional groupings of states, were not used.

! The protocol permits many technologies to be used, including visualobservation, video and still photography, multi-spectral imaging,measurement of radioactivity, environmental sampling, passiveseismological monitoring for aftershocks.

! Unless the Executive Council disapproves by a majority vote arequest to continue the inspection, it may also use active seismicsurveys and magnetic and gravitational field mapping.

! If the council approves, inspectors may drill for samples.

! Subject to certain limitations, the inspection team has the right tocollect, remove, and analyze samples. Supporters note that a nuclearexplosion would create many forms of evidence, and that techniquesfor analysis of samples are highly sensitive.

! While the Executive Council may terminate an inspection after 25days, supporters of the treaty see that outcome as unlikely given that30 of 51 members of the council had to approve the inspection, andargue that the evidence needed to gain approval by a supermajoritywould necessarily have been compelling.

OSIs: technical aspects. While the 1999 debate considered proceduralaspects of OSIs, it made little reference to their technical aspects. Yet that issue hasbeen raised for a half-century. For example, in 1960 testimony, a witness pointed toclues of value for an OSI. A nuclear explosion may produce very different surfacephenomena than an earthquake. If there are no signs of human activity in the area,

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136 “Statement of Richard M. Foose, Chief, Department of Earth Sciences, Stanford ResearchInstitute,” in U.S. Congress. Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. Special Subcommittee onRadiation and Subcommittee on Research and Development. Technical Aspects of Detectionand Inspection Controls of a Nuclear Weapons Test Ban. Hearings, 86th Congress, 2nd

Session, 1960, pp. 282-305. 137 Information provided by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, personalcommunication, August 31, 2007.138 C.R. Carrigan et al., “Trace Gas Emissions on Geological Faults as Indicators ofUnderground Nuclear Testing,” p. 528.

an explosion can be ruled out. There are dozens of signatures of a nuclear test, suchas disrupted vegetation, radioactivity, melted snow, pebbles in bushes, and road andfence displacement. The witness pointed out difficulties as well. The mostconclusive evidence of a nuclear test is radioactive debris obtained by drilling intothe radioactive zone left by a nuclear explosion. Yet, he calculated, the radius of theradioactive zone of a 1.7-kiloton explosion is about 60 feet, and it would benecessary to drill 63 holes to have a 100 percent chance of finding this zone in anarea 500 feet in radius.136

Contending views. Technical capability to support OSIs has improved overthe years. Satellite imagery could reveal human activity. Seismologists havedeveloped techniques to extract more information from seismic data, helping todistinguish earthquakes from explosions and more precisely locating the epicenterof an explosion. Radioactive isotopes of noble gases might be discovered at the testsite even if they were in such low concentration that they could not be detected at adistance. InSAR could greatly narrow the search area.

It may, however, be difficult for an OSI to find the most conclusive proof of aclandestine test, drilling into the cavity created by an underground explosion andretrieving radioactive debris. A 10-kiloton test would produce a cavity some 60meters in diameter;137 depending on geology and depth of burial; a lower-yield devicewould produce a smaller cavity. The test might or might not result in a crater on theEarth’s surface. Such craters are caused when a cavity collapses and the overburdenabove it collapses into the resulting void all the way up to the surface. Deeper burialand careful attention to the geology of the test area would reduce but not eliminatethe risk of crater formation or of some signs of a test appearing at the surface. OSIscould encounter practical problems. According to a prediction based on anexperiment, xenon-133 and argon-37 “would be detectable, respectively, about 50and 80 days after the detonation” for a 1-kiloton explosion.138 By that time, an OSImight be completed. Livermore presents another problem with detecting argon-37:

There is another “smoking gun” in lieu of drilling. That is argon-37. This is anoble gas isotope produced by bombardment of calcium with neutrons. It getsformed during an underground explosion, has a fairly long half life and is uniqueto an underground test (i.e. the background is low to nonexistent). The onlyproblem is that it is difficult to detect and measure because you have to shield thesample from ambient background to a high degree (i.e. put the sample in alead-lined chamber of some kind to do the measurements). The procedurediscussed in OSI circles has been to take extensive air samples from surfacecracks at the suspected site, separate the noble gases from the air, remove the

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139 Information provided by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, personalcommunication, August 31, 2007. “Noble gases” are chemically inert; they include helium,neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.

radon, and then measure for argon-37. This would be difficult to do in thefield.139

CTBT advocates claim that OSIs, by offering proof of a clandestine nuclear test,would act as a deterrent. If a nation fears that it would get caught, the reasoninggoes, it would be less likely to conduct a nuclear test. Further, supporters argue, thedeterrent effect would be magnified because evaders would not know the thresholdsat which various U.S. and international monitoring capabilities could detect varioustest signatures, so they would have to compensate by deeper burial, great efforts atcontainment, lower yield, and the like. Moreover, it is argued, evaders with little orno test experience would have little confidence in their ability to predict yield or tocontain nuclear explosions, forcing them to take still more conservative measures toevade detection. Such measures, it is argued, could make testing so difficult, costly,and risky as to be not worthwhile.

CTBT critics respond that careful attention to evasion would defeat OSIs andwould deter other nations from requesting them. If a nation were not sure that itcould locate a test with an OSI, or even that a test had taken place, it would bereluctant to risk its credibility by requesting an OSI. Further, in this view, while theU.S. monitoring system, USAEDS, may be able to detect faint signatures that IMScannot, the United States may be unwilling to use this evidence to make the case foran OSI to avoid revealing capabilities. Thus an evader would not need to worryabout the maximum capability of USAEDS. At the same time, a prospective evadercould learn the capabilities of IMS because states parties to the CTBT receive IMSdata. It could, for example, conduct a large mining explosion and see how it registerswith IMS. As a result, the treaty’s opponents maintain, the prospect of OSIs wouldmerely force an evader to pay close attention to evasion techniques, something itwould do anyway. Perversely, then, the CTBT’s provision for OSIs would allowevaders to use the absence of a request for an OSI, or the conduct of an unsuccessfulOSI, as evidence that it was not evading.

CTBT critics challenge the validity of debating technical issues of monitoring,verification, and evasion on an unclassified basis. Robert Monroe, former Directorof Defense Nuclear Agency, said:

Verification cannot be usefully addressed in unclassified documents.Verification is a two-sided game. On the one hand, many of those around theworld who are working to improve verification are operating in an unclassifiedenvironment, and the arms control community trumpets every advance in sensorlocations, sensitivity, networks, etc. On the other hand, our adversaries orpotential adversaries who wish to develop or improve their nuclear weaponswhile maintaining test deniability, are working with highest priority to improvetheir evasion techniques. They are working in absolute secrecy, taking everyprecaution against being detected. The only organization the U.S. has to counterthem is the intelligence community, and every scrap of its information collectedon evasion improvements is highly classified. Therefore an unclassified study

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140 Personal communication, November 5, 2007.141 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on InternationalOrganization and Disarmament Affairs. Strategic and Foreign Policy Implications of ABMSystems. Hearings, 91st Congress, 1st Session, 1969, p. 183.142 Walter Pincus, “Report Details Errors Before War,” Washington Post, September 9,2006, p. 12.

will acquire a great deal of information on verification improvements and almostnothing on evasion improvements. This could lead the unwary to conclude thatwe are now able to verify a CTBT. My own impressions, based upon manydecades of close involvement with nuclear weapons, are exactly the opposite.I believe the evaders have an easier problem to solve, that they are now in acomfort zone for undetected testing, and that they expect their advantage toimprove in the future.140

On the other hand, as Senator J. William Fulbright once said, “the mere fact thatinformation has been classified does not make it necessarily true.”141 Similarly, thetreaty’s supporters would note, the fact that information is unclassified does not makeit invalid. Supporters argue that advances in monitoring capability, many of whichare unclassified, are likely to reveal clandestine testing or preparations for it. Havingunclassified information, such as from thousands of seismometers around the world,publicly and promptly available increases the number of people who may findevidence of testing. While technical monitoring cannot provide information thathuman intelligence can on motivations, plans, and budgets, human intelligence canbe misleading because of disinformation, misinterpretation, reliance on unreliablesources, and incomplete information. Basing conclusions on the absence of evidenceit is argued, may be hazardous. Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeldreportedly said, “the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” 142 However,the absence of evidence cannot be construed as evidence. Clearly, the Senate wouldconsider classified information in any future debate on the treaty, but classifieddetails of evasion techniques would have to be balanced against classified monitoringcapabilities, and both would be only two of many elements of a net assessment.

Additional Evasion Scenarios. For decades, supporters of nuclear testingtreaties have argued that monitoring capability is good enough to permit effectiveverification, while critics have responded in part by setting forth scenarios that, theymaintained, would defeat verification. This report discussed one scenario,decoupling, earlier and now turns to two others.

Testing without attribution. One scenario envisions conducting one ormore tests that would be detected but could not be attributed. Robert Barker, formerAssistant to the Secretary of Defense for Atomic Energy, postulates a scenario that

involves conducting a test in a remote ocean area long after identifiable nationalvessels had left the scene. The testing nation would expect the internationalmonitoring system to detect the test and announce the yield, and by virtue of itsparticipation in the monitoring community the testing nation would have accessto any debris collected, for its own analysis of performance. It would beimpossible to positively attribute the test to a nation if the testing nation tookcare to ensure that materials were not used in the test such that debris could be

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143 Personal communication, April 28, 2007.144 NAS report, pp. 38-39.145 Personal communication, November 29, 2007.

uniquely traced back to the testing nation. Indeed, a clever cheater would placematerials that are unique to different nations in close proximity to the bomb sothat the debris might look Israeli or Indian or even U.S.143

The National Academy of Sciences study stated,

Attribution is likely to be more problematic for an underwater or atmospherictest, since a nation with a nuclear explosive could detonate it on a ship or a planeand the effects on the surrounding media would be more ephemeral. Thoughsuch a test would likely be detected and located, it might be attributed only withdifficulty to the nation responsible. ... To confidently evade attribution, a testerwould need to believe that the United States, working with other nations, did nothave the capability to track ships and planes in the vicinity of the test location,and would not intercept communications relating to the test.144

Arguments on this scenario can be played out at length. Donald Barr, a retiredLos Alamos radiochemist, states,

It is virtually impossible to disguise (spoof) the signatures of a nuclear explosivedetonation. This is because of the broad range of fission product and actinideradionuclides which are produced instantaneously and then evolve with timeaccording to well-known radioactive decay laws. Any attempt to tamper witheither or both of these distributions would produce a discordance of theradiochemical data suite. The likely nature of such an attempted spoof wouldbecome apparent through comparison of the radiochemical data with theextensive data base of U.S. tests coupled with ever-improving model calculationsof nuclear explosives.145

Critics state that attribution depends on matching a sample of radioactivematerial with a sample from an archive of such materials. If the sample does notmatch any in the archive, this method provides no basis for attribution. Supporterscounter that detection of debris from a nuclear test would trigger an immediate, all-out effort by the United States, other nations, and the CTBTO to attribute the test.The list of potential testers would be quite small, easing the task, and debris couldreveal information about weapon design, providing further clues as to the testingnation. Supporters argue that a nation would probably need a test series to haveconfidence in a warhead design, increasing the odds of attribution; opponents replythat one successful test might suffice to confirm a simple implosion design, and anunsuccessful test might not be detected.

Evading multiple sensors. While many signatures could reveal a test, itmight be possible to conceal them all by conducting a nuclear test in a large cavityexcavated in a mining complex deep underground. A large cavity would permitdecoupling. Excavating the cavity deep underground, especially in rock, wouldguard against a depression in the Earth’s surface that could be detected by standardor InSAR satellite photography. Deep burial would arguably trap noble gases and

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146 See, for example, Office of Technology Assessment, The Containment of UndergroundNuclear Explosions.147 “Baneberry,” a 10-kiloton test, spewed a radioactive cloud that was tracked to theCanadian border. See Office of Technology Assessment, The Containment of UndergroundNuclear Explosions, pp. 31-33; and U.S. Department of Energy. National Nuclear SecurityAdministration. Photo and description of Baneberry test, at [].148 SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999, p. 76.149 SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 5.

particles; the open literature has much information on how to contain undergroundexplosions.146 Use of a mine would provide a cover story for human activity andwould hide much of that activity. Material removed during excavation could beplaced, unseen by satellites, in unused tunnels. Access to IMS data, a right of allstates signatory to the treaty, would help a would-be evader improve evasiontechniques and gather data on some types of evasive tests.

CTBT supporters see evasion as difficult. Containment, while harder for anation with no test experience, can fail nonetheless because of unknown aspects oftest site geology, as the U.S. “Baneberry” test showed.147 Satellite photography mightreveal suspicious human activity. An evader would not know capabilities of U.S.monitoring systems. Technical progress in monitoring and a growing archive ofbackground noise, it is argued, reduce the threshold below which an evader could feelconfident of success. An evader with little nuclear test experience would not havea precise estimate of weapon yield, forcing it to lower the yield, and value, of a test.Human intelligence might reveal a test. Supporters assert that the treaty would makeevasion harder. Secretary Albright argued that, while the United States cannot beabsolutely certain to detect very low yield tests with or without the treaty, “byimproving our capacity to monitor, we are much more likely under the treaty to detectsuch tests and consequently to deter them.”148

Would Clandestine Testing Confer Military Advantages?

A concern that arose in the 1999 CTBT debate was that clandestine testingcould increase the threat to the United States. As Senator John Warner said,

I am also concerned that the treaty’s zero yield test ban is not verifiable. It isdifficult, if not impossible, to detect tests below a certain level. If a nation isdetermined to conceal their non-compliance with this treaty, there are certainlevels below which we simply cannot detect. The equipment is not there.

Testing at yields below detection levels may allow certain countries, such asRussia, to develop a new class of nuclear weapons.149

Some argued then that undetected testing, even at low yield levels, would confermilitary advantages. Six former Secretaries of Defense said, “it is impossible toverify a ban that extends to very low yields.... Tests with yields below 1 kiloton can

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150 Letter from James Schlesinger, Richard Cheney, Frank Carlucci, Caspar Weinberger,Donald Rumsfeld, and Melvin Laird to The Honorable Trent Lott, Majority Leader, UnitedStates Senate, and The Honorable Tom Daschle, Democratic Leader, United States Senate,in SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 58.151 “Prepared Statement by Dr. C. Paul Robinson,” in SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 132.152 Sidney Drell, Chair, et al., Nuclear Testing: Summary and Conclusions, JASON reportJSR-95-320, the MITRE Corporation, August 3, 1995, p. 3.153 “Response to Questions Regarding Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) for SenatorJon Kyl from C. Bruce Tarter, Director, University of California, Lawrence LivermoreNational Laboratory,” September 29, 1997, in U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee onGovernmental Affairs. Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation, and FederalServices, Safety and Reliability of the U.S. Nuclear Deterrent, Senate hearing 105-267, 105th

Congress, 1st Session, 1997, p. 75.154 Bailey and Barker, “Why the United States Should Unsign the Comprehensive Test BanTreaty and Resume Nuclear Testing,” p. 135.

both go undetected and be militarily useful to the testing state.”150 C. Paul Robinson,Director of Sandia National Laboratories, said, “I believe that nuclear testing in thesubkiloton range could have utility for certain types of nuclear designs.”151 A 1995report by the JASON defense advisory group noted the value of half-kiloton tests:“For the U.S. stockpile, testing under a 500 ton yield limit would allow studies ofboost gas ignition and initial burn, which is a critical step in achieving full primarydesign yield.”152 Bruce Tarter, then Director of Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory, stated in 1997, “If additional tests were to be allowed, then 500 tonswould be the minimum nuclear test yield that would be of value for validatingexperimental and computational tools used to assess weapon performance. Forpurposes of helping to validate models for assessing weapon safety, nuclear testyields of a few pounds would be of value.”153

CTBT opponents hold that low-yield weapons can have much more value fornew or current nuclear powers now than was the case decades ago, even within the1 to 2 kilotons that the NAS report uses as the upper limit on effective decoupling.Kathleen Bailey and Robert Barker write, “One to two kilotons can be militarily andpolitically significant to any proliferator; with today’s commercially availableguidance technology one to two kilotons accurately delivered against a major city ora major military installation will create massive damage. Today, proliferators don’tneed high-yield, thermonuclear weapons to threaten their neighbors.”154 John Fosterwrites,

Low yield underground tests of devices with yields of tons to hundreds of tonscan provide high confidence that such devices can be scaled up to strategicyields. Right now we have little confidence that we could detect such low yieldtests with high confidence if evasive techniques were used. Such tests, ifconducted by potential adversaries and not by the United States, could adverselyaffect our overall security posture. For example, the US has provided a nuclearumbrella to a number of its allies, such as South Korea, Japan, and Turkey, todeter attacks by hostile nations and to reduce their need to develop their ownnuclear capabilities. However, recently a number of Russian sources have statedthat Russia has developed and is deploying low yield “clean” (that is, with

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155 Personal communication, November 2, 2007.156 Elaine Grossman, “Senior U.S. General Sees High Nuclear Threshold,” Global SecurityNewswire, October 22, 2007.157 In “boosting,” a mixture of deuterium and tritium gases are injected into a hollow pit(typically made of plutonium). When the pit is imploded, the heat and pressure cause thedeuterium-tritium gas mixture to undergo fusion, thereby releasing a great many neutronsthat fission more plutonium. The significance, according to a Livermore report, is that“[b]oosting increases the yield by a large amount.” R.E. Kidder, Maintaining the U.S.Stockpile of Nuclear Weapons During a Low-Threshold or Comprehensive Test Ban,Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-53820, October 1987, p. 5.158 For example, disagreement remains even about whether an event in the South Atlanticin September 1979 that registered a certain nuclear test signature on a U.S. satellite designedto detect nuclear explosions was caused by a nuclear test or a meteoroid, let alone whichnation conducted the possible test. See Jeffrey Richelson, ed., “The Vela Incident: NuclearTest or Meteoroid?”, National Security Archive, Electronic Briefing Book No. 190, May 5,2006, [].

reduced fission to reduce residual radiation) nuclear weapons, including some“clean” earth penetrator weapons. Russian development of clean weapons drawson the past Soviet development and demonstration of clean nuclear devices forpeaceful uses, similar to the U.S. “Plowshare” program of the 1960s and 1970s.China may also be developing new low-yield weapons. In contrast, current U.S.nuclear weapons, which date from the Cold War, are largely high yield, highfission, dirty weapons. If a crisis were to develop between Russia and a, a Russian inventory of low yield tactical nuclear weapons, and theasymmetry with U.S. weapons, could call into question the credibility of the U.S.nuclear umbrella. Even without explicit threats, the asymmetry could lead tonuclear nonproliferation by pressuring U.S. allies to develop their own nuclearweapons.155

The treaty’s supporters reject the idea that low-yield weapons would make muchdifference to the strategic balance, given the many nuclear weapons, of variousyields, that this nation has. They point to an article reporting on an interview withGeneral James Cartwright, USMC, then Commander of U.S. Strategic Command:

Theoretically, if a “grave” threat to the United States emerged that could bedeterred only by a low-yield nuclear weapon, the general might be persuaded tosupport its development, [Cartwright] said. However, to date, “I haven’t seenanything that approaches that,” Cartwright said. ... “My priority is not reducedyield,” Cartwright told a reporter in April 2005. “It’s to take the accuracy to thepoint where conventional can substitute for nuclear. That’s my first priority.”156

Various evasion scenarios, opponents argue, might be linked into a weaponsdevelopment program, with each step providing data and experience for the next step.Extremely low yield tests could provide data on nuclear physics, nuclear testing, testcontainment, instrumentation, and data retrieval; the data could be used to developand validate computer models for weapons design. Decoupled tests could providedata for design of an unboosted fission weapon, or perhaps a boosted fissionweapon.157 One or a few atmospheric tests conducted in a remote ocean area mightsuffice to develop a higher-yield weapon while arguably avoiding attribution.158

Alternatively, the NAS report states, if a nation were given the design of a weapon,

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159 NAS report, p. 66.160 SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999, p. 117.161 NAS report, p. 68.162 NAS report, pp. 68, 77.163 NAS report, p. 70.

“A single full-yield test would validate both the legitimacy of a blueprint and successin reproducing the object, but that test might be of yield too high to be concealed.”159

Supporters argue that nations could not develop thermonuclear weapons undera CTBT, and see very low yield tests as of little value for weapons development.According to Richard Garwin, hydronuclear tests “will provide little usefulknowledge,” and tests of 0.1 kiloton “would have little value in the development ofnuclear weapons.”160 According to the NAS report, tests up to 1 to 2 kilotons areconcealable in some circ*mstances, and could be used to improve unboosted fissionweapons or, with difficulty, for proof tests of weapons of 1 to 2 kilotons Tests up to20 kilotons are unlikely to be concealable; they could be used to proof-test 20-kilotonfission weapons, or for “eventual development & full testing of some primaries &low-yield thermonuclear weapons.” Finally, tests above 20 kilotons could not beconcealed; they could be used to develop and test boosted fission weapons andthermonuclear weapons.161 Thus both the value of tests and the risk of being caughtare thought to increase with yield. At the same time, there is general agreement thata nation could develop a simple gun-type or implosion weapon, with a yield ofperhaps 10 to 20 kilotons, without testing, thereby avoiding the need for evasion.

The NAS report observes that nations with more test experience could makemore progress in a weapons program through covert testing, but that “the threatsthese countries can pose to U.S. interests with the types of nuclear weapons theyalready have tested are large. What they could achieve with the very limited nucleartesting they could plausibly conceal would not add significantly to this.”162 CTBTsupporters hold that the United States has lived with the prospect that Russia orChina could gain an advantage through clandestine testing since the U.S. moratoriumbegan in 1992. Russia, at least, has apparently taken a different approach to itsnuclear weapons program than has the United States, so that the programs are notstrictly comparable. For example, the NAS report states, “Russian nuclear weaponsare remanufactured on a 10-year cycle,”163 which contrasts with the current U.S.policy of extending the service lives of existing warheads for many years.Nonetheless, CTBT supporters argue that the United States has advanced in itsnuclear capability significantly through SSP. In their view, it would be instructiveto ask the current directors of the three U.S. nuclear weapons laboratories if theywould rather be in the position of the Russian or Chinese nuclear weapons programs,even including the possibility of testing at very low yields, or the U.S. enterprise withthe scientific tools made available by SSP but without testing. The NAS reportsummarizes the value of clandestine testing as follows:

Very little of the benefit of a scrupulously observed CTBT regime would be lostin the case of clandestine testing within the considerable constraints imposed bythe available monitoring capabilities.... The worst-case scenario under a no-

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164 NAS report, p. 78.

CTBT regime poses far bigger threats to U.S. security interests — sophisticatednuclear weapons in the hands of many more adversaries — than the worst-casescenario of clandestine testing in a CTBT regime, within the constraints posedby the monitoring system.164

What Risks Does a Nation Run if It Is Caught Cheating?

Any nation that ratified the CTBT, and then sought to cheat, would have toevaluate the risks and benefits of clandestine testing. In the 1999 debate, attentionfocused on the feasibility of successful cheating and the military gains that such testsmight or might not confer, but virtually no attention was paid to the risks of beingcaught. Nonetheless, the question merits consideration because the answer could becrucial to a would-be evader’s calculus. Possible alternative cases are sketched here;further research would be of use. It could be argued that there would be fewconsequences. In this view, the Conference of States Parties to the CTBT, pursuantto Article V of the treaty, “may recommend to States Parties collective measureswhich are in conformity with international law.” Further, “[t]he Conference, oralternatively, if the case is urgent, the Executive Council, may bring the issue,including relevant information and conclusions, to the attention of the UnitedNations.” The U.N. might take little action, or it might delay. In particular, ifevidence of clandestine testing were not conclusive, there might be few or nopenalties. Another possibility is that the U.N., fearful that an unpunished violationcould lead to the unraveling not only of the CTBT, but also of U.S. willingness totake further steps toward nuclear disarmament, could impose meaningful sanctions.Yet another possibility is that some nations could take actions outside the U.N.framework.

Instead of attempting to conduct clandestine tests, a nation wishing to conductone or more nuclear tests might simply withdraw from the treaty. The case for sodoing is that it might want to conduct a test with a yield that could not be hidden; itmight believe that even a low-yield test could be detected, especially if it had littleor no experience with nuclear testing and test containment; and it might want toannounce its nuclear capabilities to the world. But clandestine testing offersadvantages: an open weapons development program could spur rivals to launch theirown program, so a nation wanting to develop nuclear weapons might prefer to keepits intent unknown; a nation that withdrew from the treaty would lose access to IMSdata, which could help it evade detection; a nation that withdrew from the treaty toconduct nuclear tests might face the same penalties as one that conducted clandestinetests and was caught cheating; and a nation might prefer to stay in good standing withthe international community for as long as possible in order to delay any sanctions.

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165 See CRS Report RL31559, Proliferation Control Regimes: Background and Status, bySharon Squassoni, Steve Bowman, Steven Hildreth, and Jill Marie Parillo.166 See CRS Report RL31559, Proliferation Control Regimes: Background and Status, byMary Beth Nikitin, Paul Kerr, Steve Bowman, and Steven Hildreth.167 See CRS Report RL33709, North Korea’s Nuclear Test: Motivations, Implications, andU.S. Options, by Emma Chanlett-Avery and Sharon Squassoni; CRS Report RL34256, NorthKorea’s Nuclear Weapons: Latest Developments, by Mary Beth Nikitin; and CRS ReportRL33590, North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Development and Diplomacy, by Larry Niksch.168 See CRS Report RL32048, Iran: U.S. Concerns and Policy Responses, by KennethKatzman. 169 See CRS Report RL34248, Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons: Proliferation and SecurityIssues, by Paul Kerr and Mary Beth Nikitin.170 See U.S. Department of State. International Security Advisory Board. Report onDiscouraging a Cascade of Nuclear Weapons States, October 19, 2007, 25 p. + app., at[].

The CTBT, Nuclear Nonproliferation, and Nuclear Disarmament

There is widespread agreement among experts within and outside thegovernment that nuclear proliferation, especially if it leads to terrorists obtainingnuclear weapons, is one of the greatest security threats facing the United States.

The nuclear nonproliferation regime is a decades-long attempt to hold nuclearproliferation in check. This regime is an array of treaties, agreements, nuclearweapon free zones, restrictions on exports of nuclear-related equipment, controls ofnuclear materials, and national laws, with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT)at its core.165 The NPT entered into force in 1970. It represents a bargain in whichnuclear weapon states could have nuclear weapons, non-nuclear weapon states agreednot to acquire them, and both agreed, in Article VI, “to pursue negotiations in goodfaith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an earlydate and to nuclear disarmament, and on a Treaty on general and completedisarmament under strict and effective international control.”

Many see this regime as being in danger.166 North Korea conducted a nucleartest in 2006.167 Iran is embarked on a nuclear program that many fear is, or willbecome, a nuclear weapons program.168 Many nations are expected to begin nuclearpower programs, which would make fissile materials and nuclear expertise morewidely available. There are concerns about unsecured nuclear weapons in Pakistan169

and elsewhere, and about whether another proliferation network such as that operatedby A.Q. Khan will emerge, or if another one still exists undiscovered. Anotherconcern is the threat of terrorists armed with nuclear weapons. Some fear a cascadeof nuclear proliferation. For example, if Iran develops nuclear weapons, that couldput pressure on Egypt and Saudi Arabia to do likewise, and a continued NorthKorean nuclear weapons program could lead Japan and South Korea to follow suit.170

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171 Personal communication, January 28, 2008.

At issue is how to protect this regime and thwart nuclear proliferation. A majorargument by supporters on behalf of the CTBT is that the treaty would promotenonproliferation. Some CTBT supporters favor the treaty by itself as a means to slowproliferation, while other supporters see the treaty as a step toward nucleardisarmament. Opponents argue that the treaty would weaken deterrence and thatnonproliferation and disarmament are not linked. Some opponents would resumetesting promptly to restore confidence in existing weapons, develop new ones, andtrain weapons designers, while other opponents would resume testing only undermore limited circ*mstances, such as if a problem developed with an existing warheadthat could only be fixed through testing. Greg Mello, executive director of the LosAlamos Study Group, offers the following view:

The nonproliferation value of U.S. CTBT ratification depends on other U.S.policies, some connected to the treaty and some not. If those other policies buildon and implement the CTBT as a disarmament treaty, as the text of the treatyproclaims it to be, it could have significant nonproliferation value. On the otherhand, a CTBT that aims to “ban the bang, but not the bomb,” and that the UnitedStates ratifies and implements on that basis, may have little if anynonproliferation value. In that case it would be widely and correctly seen asfurthering a world order based on a nuclear double standard. For example,ratifying the CTBT while making long-term investments to maintain and improvea leaner U.S. nuclear arsenal would make a mockery of this treaty in the eyes ofmost of the world.

Merely having a CTBT is not enough of a goal to provide real improvement inthe foreign relations of the United States. Freedom from the threat of nuclearattack, i.e. freedom from nuclear deterrence, would be such a goal, with theCTBT one means to it. In contrast, should a situation arise in which a world ledby nuclear-armed, rich states enforced a future CTBT regime by threat ofmilitary force or by economic sanctions that cause widespread suffering, thatsituation would not be much different than the one we have today prior toratification and entry into force.171

Another possible position is that the CTBT would make little difference oneway or the other. In this view, the extent of proliferation is about what it would behad the United States ratified the CTBT; this nation has made progress on nuclearnonproliferation despite not having ratified the treaty; the weapons labs havesupported 12 annual assessments that nuclear weapons remain safe and reliabledespite the lack of testing; and the strategic balance favors this nation whether or notRussia or China has tested clandestinely. Thus, neither the worst fears of those whoopposed the treaty on grounds that deterrence would collapse without testing, nor ofthose who supported it on grounds that U.S. failure to ratify would accelerate nuclearproliferation, have been realized. This position has received little if any support.

The Treaty’s Technical Contributions to Nonproliferation

CTBT supporters hold that the treaty would make specific technicalcontributions to nuclear nonproliferation. Richard Garwin, IBM Fellow Emeritus,testified,

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172 SFRC CTBT Hearing, 1999, p. 114.173 General John Shalikashvili, USA, Ret., Special Advisor to the President and Secretaryof State, Findings and Recommendations Concerning the Comprehensive Nuclear Test BanTreaty, January 2001, (n.p.), at [].174 SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999, p. 113.175 Kathleen Bailey et al., White Paper on the Necessity of the U.S. Nuclear Deterrent,”


It is possible to build simple nuclear weapons without nuclear explosion tests.But there will always be a nagging doubt whether or how well they perform. TheHiroshima and Nagasaki bombs each weighed about 9,000 pounds, with a yieldof 15 to 20 kilotons.... these must be compared with a two-stage thermonuclearbomb, tested in 1957, 12 years later, that weighed some 400 pounds, with a yieldof 74 kilotons. Its diameter was a mere 12 inches, with a length of some 42inches. That is what you can do by testing. That is what other people cannot dowithout testing.172

General John Shalikashvili (USA, Ret.), former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs ofStaff, in a 2001 report on the CTBT, noted the importance of such limitationsimposed by the treaty:

A ban on nuclear explosions would also place technical constraints on countriesthat already have nuclear weapon capabilities. Test Ban Treaty signature by Indiaor Pakistan would not close off their nuclear options, but it would rule out certaindevelopments and help prevent a destabilizing nuclear arms race in South Asia.China would not be free to test explosively a post-production sample of a moreadvanced warhead than is in its current arsenal. This would, for example,impede China from placing multiple warheads on a mobile missile.173

Treaty supporters argue that the treaty would reduce the risk of nuclearproliferation in other ways. They state that IMS, which would complement U.S.monitoring systems by placing seismic stations in areas that would be closed to aU.S. national system, and OSIs, which could be conducted only if the treaty were toenter into force, would help detect and deter nuclear tests. Garwin argued that Chinawould have to test to develop certain new weapons: “if secret information regardingthermonuclear weapons has been acquired by others or may be so acquired in thefuture, as has been alleged in regard to China, this information cannot be turned intoa deployable weapon without tests forbidden by the CTBT.”174

“Nuclear Umbrella,” New Weapons, and Nonproliferation

CTBT opponents see a strong and robust nuclear force as essential tononproliferation. In this view, the U.S. “nuclear umbrella,” that is, a U.S. willingnessto use nuclear weapons to defend friends and allies from attack, contributes tononproliferation by reassuring them so they do not need nuclear weapons of theirown. Opponents stress the importance that many nations attach to the nuclearumbrella. One report finds, “The United States has extended security assurances to31 countries — the 26 nations of NATO, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, andIsrael.”175 While the North Atlantic Treaty does not reference nuclear weapons, the

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175 (...continued)update of August 15, 2007, p. 3. For a version of July 30, 2007, through the NationalInstitute for Public Policy, see [].176 NATO, “The Alliance’s Strategic Concept, Approved by the Heads of State andGovernment participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council,” Washington D.C,April 23 and 24, 1999, at [].177 U.S. Department of State. “Remarks [by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice] withJapanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso After Their Meeting,” Tokyo, Japan, October 18, 2006,at [].178 U.S. Department of Defense. “DoD News Briefing with Secretary Rumsfeld and SouthKorean Minister of National Defense Yoon Kwang-Ung at the Pentagon,” October 20, 2006,at [].179 SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 173.

United States kept many nuclear weapons in Western Europe during the Cold War,and a 1999 NATO document states, “The supreme guarantee of the security of theAllies is provided by the strategic nuclear forces of the Alliance, particularly thoseof the United States....”176 Regarding Japan, after a meeting between Secretary ofState Condoleezza Rice and Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso shortly after the2006 North Korean nuclear test, Secretary Rice said, “I reaffirmed the President’sstatement of October 9th that the United States has the will and the capability to meetthe full range — and I underscore full range — of its deterrent and securitycommitments to Japan.” Minister Aso said, “There is no need to arm ourselves withnuclear weapons either. For Japan’s own defense we have this Mutual DefenseTreaty with [the] United States ... and that commitment has been reconfirmed bySecretary Rice.”177 And regarding a U.S.-South Korean Mutual Defense Treaty thatentered into force in 1954, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said, “The UnitedStates reaffirms its firm commitment to the Republic of Korea, includingcontinuation of the extended deterrence offered by the U.S. nuclear umbrella,consistent with the Nuclear [sic] Defense Treaty.”178

CTBT opponents maintain that the nuclear umbrella must be kept credible,which requires ongoing effort. As Robert Barker said, “The credibility of our nucleardeterrent can only be sustained if we, ourselves, are confident it will work.... We,especially in our open society, cannot sustain the credibility of deterrence for long ifwe lose confidence in the actual performance of the weapons.”179 To maintaincredibility, opponents believe, the U.S. nuclear deterrent must respond to changingconditions. Threats change over time, and U.S. forces must change as well tocontinue to hold at risk assets that adversaries value highly. But, opponents fear, thedeterrent cannot remain credible under current conditions. As noted earlier, JohnFoster raised concerns about SSP. And Robert Monroe, former Director of DefenseNuclear Agency, said,

We’ve let every aspect of our nuclear weapons program deteriorate for the pastsixteen years. We have not transformed our nuclear strategy from one of massiveretaliation against the Soviets to the surgical needs of today’s distributed threats.Our stockpile of high-yield, dirty nuclear weapons, designed for the Cold War,is aged and becoming more irrelevant by the day. The nation’s nuclear

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180 Robert Monroe, “Nonproliferation, Deterrence, and Nuclear Strategy,” Center forSecurity Policy, Occasional Papers no. 27, October 2007, pp. 3-4.181 Robert Monroe, “Nuclear Testing Realities,” Washington Times, December 4, 2007, p.16.182 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Energy andWater Development. Hearing on nuclear weapon activities, March 29, 2007, transcript byCQ Transcriptions.

infrastructure has seriously deteriorated. Our advanced nuclear technology R&Deffort is practically nonexistent. We’ve designed no new nuclear weapons, testedno weapons, and produced no new weapons. Our Defense Department hasvirtually “denuclearized” itself.... In sum, states under our nuclear umbrella maybe worried over both our capability and our will to protect them.180

In this view, since the main risk to the nonproliferation regime flows from a lackof confidence in the U.S. nuclear deterrent, the only way to restore that confidenceis to test. Testing would permit development of new weapons, training of nucleardesigners and other personnel, and exercising of the nuclear weapons complex, allof which would, in this view, make the nuclear umbrella more credible and reducethe risk of proliferation. According to Robert Monroe,

Our arsenal is still composed of aging Cold War “massive retaliation” weapons,with moderate accuracy, very high yields, and “dirty” radiation outputs. Theyare virtually irrelevant today for deterring our proliferating adversaries. Theserogue states have buried their nuclear weapons facilities deep underground,frequently locating them near deliberately exposed civilian populations. AnyU.S. nuclear weapons that do not have high accuracy, very low yields, reducedcollateral damage, and reduced residual radiation will not be credible of use, andour attempted deterrence will fail. To be effective deterrents, these new weaponsalso need tailored outputs (earth penetration, neutralization of chem-bio agents,etc.). All these new capabilities will require nuclear testing.181

CTBT supporters reject the emphasis on new weapons as creating majorproblems for nuclear nonproliferation. Former Senator Sam Nunn testified,

On the RRW [reliable replacement warhead] itself, if Congress gives a greenlight to this program in our current world environment — and I stress in ourcurrent world environment — I believe that this will be misunderstood by ourallies, exploited by our adversaries, complicate our work to prevent the spreadand use of nuclear weapons ..., and make resolution of the Iran and North Koreachallenges all the more difficult.182

Former Secretary of Defense Harold Brown, though not a supporter of the CTBT inits current form, wrote about

the ill-advised push by elements in the current administration to field new, low-yield nuclear weapons and new nuclear designs of penetrating “bunker busters.”They would provide further excuses for aspiring nuclear-weapon states andalienate those whose cooperation is sought while providing no significant and

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183 Harold Brown, “New Nuclear Realities,” Washington Quarterly, Winter 2007-08, p. 20.184 Stephen Rademaker, “Blame America First,” Wall Street Journal, May 7, 2007, p. 15;ellipses in original.185 For a brief description of this process, see Stephen Young and Daniel Plesch, “APermanent Non-Proliferation Treaty,” Basic Reports, June 1, 1995, pp. 1-3.

perhaps negative security gains. Shaking the U.S. nuclear stick at adversariesprobably encourages proliferators.183

The CTBT and the NPT’s “Grand Bargain”

While some CTBT supporters favor the treaty on its own merits as restrictingnuclear weapons programs of nuclear weapon states (NWS), other supporters takea broader view of the treaty’s contribution to nonproliferation. They assert that theUnited States agreed, in Article VI of the NPT, to a “grand bargain” in which theNWS would move toward nuclear disarmament while the non-nuclear weapon states(NNWS) would forgo nuclear weapons and support nuclear nonproliferationmeasures. They see a world without nuclear weapons as the best defense againstproliferation, and progress in this direction as needed to enlist the world’s support onbehalf of this goal. As a result, it is argued, steps toward disarmament are essentialfor nonproliferation.

CTBT opponents, however, see no logical linkage between nonproliferation anddisarmament. They believe that by claiming Article VI of the NPT makes this link,supporters are trying to shape it to say something it does not. According to StephenRademaker, former Assistant Secretary of State, “It is impossible to discern from thislanguage [Article VI] a binding legal obligation on the U.S. and the other fournuclear-weapon states to give up nuclear weapons. The operative legal requirementis to ‘pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating ... to nucleardisarmament....’” Further, the NPT “does not assume that nuclear disarmament mustbe a prerequisite to general and complete disarmament. To the contrary, one of thetreaty’s introductory paragraphs spells out the expectation of the parties that actual‘elimination from national arsenals of nuclear weapons’ would take place not priorto, but ‘pursuant to a Treaty on general and complete disarmament.’”184

Supporters reply that Article VI is only part of the picture, and that the CTBTis a necessary first step toward nonproliferation and disarmament. They note that theUnited States, along with other NWS, committed to the CTBT in 1995 and 2000.

! The NPT provides for review conferences every five years. ArticleX provides that the 25-year conference, held in 1995, would “decidewhether the Treaty shall continue in force indefinitely, or shall beextended for an additional fixed period or periods. This decisionshall be taken by a majority of the Parties to the Treaty.” The 1995conference decided to extend the treaty indefinitely through apackage of decisions that, because it was so controversial, wasadopted without a vote.185 The package included Principles andObjectives for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament that

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186 U.N. Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of NuclearWeapons. “Principles and Objectives for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament.”NPT/CONF.1995/32 (Part I), Annex. Available at [].187 “Statement by the Delegations of France, the People’s Republic of China, the RussianFederation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the UnitedStates of America,” statement to the 2000 NPT Review Conference, May 1, 2000, at[].188 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of NuclearWeapons, “Final Document,” adopted May 19, 2000.189 Japan. Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Geneva.“Statement by H.E. Mr. Hitoshi Kimura, Senior Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan,at the 5th Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, Vienna, 17 September 2007.”

stressed the importance of completing “negotiations on a universaland internationally and effectively verifiable ComprehensiveNuclear-Test-Ban Treaty no later than 1996.”186

! In a joint statement to the 2000 NPT review conference, the NWSsaid, “No effort should be spared to make sure that the CTBT is auniversal and internationally and effectively verifiable treaty and tosecure its earliest entry into force.”187 The conference’s finaldocument, adopted by consensus, included 13 steps to implementArticle VI; the first was “The importance and urgency of signaturesand ratifications, without delay and without conditions and inaccordance with constitutional processes, to achieve the early entryinto force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.”188

Supporters argue that these commitments were instrumental in securingindefinite extension of the NPT and a successful outcome of the 2000 reviewconference. They conclude that this nation should honor its commitments

Supporters note that the international community overwhelmingly favors theCTBT. As of March 2008, 178 nations had signed the treaty, and 144 of them hadratified. On December 5, 2007, by a vote of 176 for, 1 against (United States), and4 abstentions, the U.N. General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/62/59 stressingthe importance of achieving the earliest entry into force of the CTBT. Further, theinternational community overwhelmingly links the treaty to nuclear nonproliferationand disarmament. For example, Japan’s representative at the 2007 conference on thetreaty’s entry into force stated, “Japan supports the CTBT, which underpins theinternational nuclear non-proliferation regime founded on the NPT, as a practical andconcrete measure for realizing a nuclear-free world.”189 Nigeria’s representative said,“We believe that the universal adherence to the Treaty, including by the five nuclearweapon States, would contribute towards the process of nuclear disarmament andnuclear non-proliferation and, therefore, towards the enhancement of international

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190 “Nigeria’s Statement Delivered by Dr. F. Erepamo Osaisai, Director-General/ChiefExecutive, Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission, at the Article XIV Conference of theCTBT, 17th -18th September 2007, Vienna, Austria,” p. 3.191 “Final Declaration and Measures to Promote the Entry into Force of the ComprehensiveNuclear-Test-Ban Treaty,” as adopted on 18 September 2007 at the Conference onFacilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty andannexed to the Report of the Conference (CTBT — Art.XIV/2007/6).192 Shalikashvili, Findings and Recommendations Concerning the Comprehensive NuclearTest Ban Treaty, n.p.193 Shultz et al., “A World Free of Nuclear Weapons.”

peace and security.”190 The final declaration of the conference stated: “We reiteratethat the cessation of all nuclear weapon test explosions and all other nuclearexplosions ... constitutes an effective measure of nuclear disarmament andnon-proliferation in all its aspects.”191

Gen. John Shalikashvili, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, arguedthat the CTBT and nuclear nonproliferation were closely linked:

Non-ratification [of the CTBT] has also complicated U.S. efforts to strengthenthe International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards that non-nuclear weaponstate parties to the NPT must have on their civilian nuclear programs. Manycountries are reluctant to accept new obligations while the United States isunwilling to approve the Test Ban Treaty.... Once we ratify the Test Ban Treaty,which the rest of the world views as vital for non-proliferation, we will be betterable to enlist cooperation on export controls, economic sanctions, and othercoordinated responses to specific problems.192

Former Secretary of State George Shultz, former Secretary of Defense WilliamPerry, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, and former Senator Sam Nunnargued the need to link the goal of disarmament and specific steps to achieve it:

Reassertion of the vision of a world free of nuclear weapons and practicalmeasures toward achieving that goal would be, and would be perceived as, a boldinitiative consistent with America’s moral heritage.... Without the bold vision,the actions will not be perceived as fair or urgent. Without the actions, the visionwill not be perceived as realistic or possible.

One of the eight steps they recommend is “Initiating a bipartisan process withthe Senate, including understandings to increase confidence and provide for periodicreview, to achieve ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, takingadvantage of recent technical advances, and working to secure ratification by otherkey states.”193

By the same token, some CTBT supporters contend that U.S. failure to observethe disarmament end of the bargain will inevitably undermine the willingness ofother nations to cooperate on nonproliferation. Margaret Beckett, former U.K.Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, said,

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194 Margaret Beckett, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, UnitedKingdom, “A World Free of Nuclear Weapons?” address to Carnegie InternationalNonproliferation Conference, June 25, 2007, Washington, DC, p. 4, at [].195 U.S. Department of State. International Security Advisory Board. Report onDiscouraging a Cascade of Nuclear Weapons States, October 19, 2007, p. 14.196 Personal communication, November 7, 2007.

our efforts on non-proliferation will be dangerously undermined if others believe,however unfairly, that the terms of the grand bargain have changed, that thenuclear weapon states have abandoned any commitment to disarmament.

The point of doing more on disarmament, then, is not to convince the Iranians orthe North Koreans. I don’t believe for a second that further reductions in ournuclear weapons would have a material effect on their nuclear ambitions. Ratherthe point of doing more is this: because the moderate majority of states, ournatural and vital allies on non-proliferation, want us to do more. And if we donot, we risk helping Iran and North Korea in their efforts to muddy the water, toturn the blame for their own nuclear intransigence back onto us. They canundermine our arguments for strong international action in support of the NPTby painting us as doing too little too late to fulfill our own obligations.194

CTBT opponents dismiss this seeming international support. According to a2007 study by the International Security Advisory Board, a federal advisorycommittee for the State Department,

the NPT is too important to be left to the NPT “professionals.” These“professionals,” perhaps more aptly termed “groupies,” are an associationof government representatives, NGOs, and anti-war, anti-nuclear activists.They often carry agendas far beyond the views of their senior governmentleaders and are quite disconnected from world realities and from theoriginal intention of the NPT. It is generally believed that the success inthe 2000 review was the result of diplomatic approaches by the ClintonAdministration directly to internationally influential government leaders.195

CTBT opponents state that many nations do not need their own nuclear weaponsbecause they rely on the U.S. nuclear umbrella. They hold that supporters misreadthe relationship between nuclear weapons and nonproliferation because the NNWSare the main beneficiaries of the NPT. As Robert Monroe said, “the real winnersfrom this inequality [between NWS and NNWS] are the NNWS. They’reoverwhelmingly better off by not having to fear nuclear-armed neighbors and bybeing relieved of the staggering expense of maintaining a nuclear arsenal.”196 As theInternational Security Advisory Board states,

There is clear evidence in diplomatic channels that U.S. assurances toinclude the nuclear umbrella have been, and continue to be, the single mostimportant reason many allies have foresworn nuclear weapons.... TheISAB is convinced that a lessening of the U.S. nuclear umbrella could very

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197 U.S. Department of State. International Security Advisory Board. Report onDiscouraging a Cascade of Nuclear Weapons States, p. 23.198 U.S. United States Mission to International Organizations in Vienna. “U.S.Implementation of Article VI and the Future of Nuclear Disarmament.” December 21, 2005,3 p., available at []. Seealso John Harvey, “U.S. Nuclear Weapons Programs: Implications for Nonproliferation,”Remarks at NATO Conference: “NATO and the Future of the NPT,” NATO DefenseCollege, Rome, Italy, September 12, 2006 (as revised November 27, 2006).199 U.S. Department of State. U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Geneva. “Statement byChristina Rocca, Permanent Representative of the United States to the Conference onDisarmament on the General Debate on Disarmament and International Security AgendaItems in the First Committee of the General Assembly,” press release, October 9, 2007,available at [].

well trigger a cascade [of nuclear proliferation] in East Asia and theMiddle East.197

Opponents, seeing U.S. nuclear forces as contributing strongly to nuclearnonproliferation, reject the claim that the CTBT is essential for it. They note that theUnited States has taken a great many steps to counter proliferation, many since 1999.These include the Proliferation Security Initiative, a multinational partnership tointerdict WMD shipments; U.N. Security Council Resolution 1540, under which allnations are to “adopt and enforce appropriate effective laws which prohibit anynon-State actor” from acquiring WMD; continued efforts to secure nuclear weaponsin Russia and fissile materials in former Soviet republics and elsewhere; the GlobalInitiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism; the Six-Party Talks with North Korea to rollback its nuclear program; the successful rollback of Libya’s nuclear weaponsprogram; and breaking the A.Q. Khan nuclear smuggling ring. Opponents thereforeargue that Senate rejection of the CTBT has not hindered U.S. nonproliferationefforts.

The CTBT and Nuclear Disarmament

CTBT opponents also note that the United States has taken many steps towarddisarmament. The State Department states, “U.S. actions over the past 20 years haveestablished an enviable record of Article VI compliance.” Accomplishments includedismantlement of over 13,000 nuclear weapons since 1988, elimination of 350 heavybombers and 28 ballistic missile submarines, conversion of about 60 tons of fissilematerial irreversibly for fuel in civil reactors, cooperative threat reduction assistanceto the former Soviet Union resulting in elimination of 1,000 Soviet/Russian ballisticmissiles and 27 ballistic missile submarines, and continuing the nuclear testmoratorium.198 A U.S. official said, “One wonders how such progress can beoverlooked.”199 CTBT opponents conclude that these efforts can continue withoutU.S. ratification of the CTBT because they are in the interests of almost every nation.

Beyond these specific steps, opponents see the concept of nuclear abolition asunrealistic. There are many thousands of these weapons in the world, and they

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200 Harold Brown and John Deutch, “The Nuclear Disarmament Fantasy,” Wall StreetJournal, November 19, 2007, p. 19.201 U.K. Prime Minister. “PM Outlines Plans for Nuclear Deterrent.” December 4, 2006,available at [].202 Regarding allegations of espionage, see U.S. Congress. House. Select Committee on U.S.National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People’s Republic of China.U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People’s Republic ofChina. H.Rept. 105-851, 105th Congress, 2nd Session, 1999, Volume 1, Chapter 2, “PRC


cannot be “disinvented.” Former Secretary of Defense Harold Brown and formerDirector of Central Intelligence John Deutch wrote,

the goal, even the aspirational goal, of eliminating all nuclear weapons iscounterproductive. It will not advance substantive progress onnonproliferation; and it risks compromising the value that nuclear weaponscontinue to contribute, through deterrence, to U.S. security andinternational stability.... at present, there is no realistic path to a world freeof nuclear weapons.200

The CTBT’s opponents see the treaty as not enforceable. They argue that the“international community” is long on talk but short on action, and point to Bosnia,Rwanda, and Darfur as examples, as well as difficulties in imposing meaningfulsanctions on Iran for its nuclear activities. They would be unwilling to rely on theU.N. to enforce the CTBT. Further, disarmament would require some means ofknowing, as a baseline, how many warheads China and Russia possessed at somepoint in time. Since there is no technical means of gaining this data, it is argued, theUnited States would not know their remaining stocks even if they were to destroy asubstantial number.

Supporters see this concern over lack of enforceability as misplaced. Norms andsanctions, they argue, have an effect. South Africa, Argentina, and Brazil gave upnuclear weapon programs; Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus gave up nuclearweapons on their soil when they became independent states; and North Korea seemsto be in the process of giving up its nuclear weapons program. Supporters seenuclear disarmament as a very long term goal, not one that can be implemented anytime soon. For example, the United Kingdom, which ratified the CTBT, plans tocontinue its submarine-based nuclear deterrent. As Prime Minister Tony Blairexplained, “the risk of giving up something that has been one of the mainstays of oursecurity since the War ... is not a risk I feel we can responsibly take. Our independentnuclear deterrent is the ultimate insurance.”201 Nonetheless, they believe it isimportant to set disarmament as a goal and to take steps toward it, notably the CTBT.

Beyond that, supporters believe a resumption of U.S. nuclear testing would bedisastrous to the nonproliferation regime, setting off a proliferation cascade. In thisscenario, Russia would feel compelled to test, if only to demonstrate that it wouldkeep up with the United States. China would seize the opportunity to test to perfectlighter warheads that, it is argued, might be designed using U.S. weapons informationallegedly gained through espionage.202 With the testing option open, Iran could

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202 (...continued)Theft of U.S. Thermonuclear Weapons Design Information,” pp. 59-95.203 For list of European Union nations, see []. For NATO members, see []. ForCTBT ratifications, see [].204 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2007 Carnegie InternationalNonproliferation Conference, “Top Ten Results,” August 2007, at[].

conduct nuclear and ballistic-missile tests; the potential threat to Israel could lead thatnation to expand its alleged nuclear weapons program and conduct tests. SaudiArabia and Egypt might feel the need for nuclear programs, whether to deter Iran orIsrael. In this environment, North Korea might test again, leading Japan and SouthKorea to begin nuclear weapon programs. India and Pakistan might conduct tests.The risk of nuclear war would grow exponentially, with many nations threatenedfrom multiple directions and none of the new nuclear powers having the strictcommand and control of the United States and Russia. With nuclear weapons, fissilematerial, and expertise in so many hands, in this scenario, the risk of nuclearterrorism would rise sharply.

Supporters question the link between the nuclear umbrella and testing. Theynote that Japan, South Korea, all members of the European Union, and all membersof NATO except the United States have ratified the CTBT.203 Their ratification, itis argued, calls into question whether they would exit the treaty to develop nuclearweapons of their own should there be some doubt about the reliability of U.S. nuclearforces. Instead, supporters claim, nonproliferation and the CTBT are tightly linked.A Carnegie International Nonproliferation Conference document stated:

Nearly every speaker emphasized that the CTBT is the most salientindicator of whether the core nuclear nonproliferation bargain can besustained. ... The CTBT indicates whether states are willing to uphold theircommitments to reduce the role of nuclear weapons. Its implementationwould stop the steep plunge in international confidence in thenonproliferation regime. U.S. ratification of the treaty would pressure otherstates that also have not ratified to clarify their nuclear policies to the restof the world — including China, India, Egypt, Israel, and Iran.204

Moratorium and Entry into Force

Opponents respond that the U.S. moratorium on nuclear testing is an exampleof compliance with Article VI of the NPT, especially as this moratorium has been ineffect since 1992, and so should be seen as supporting nonproliferation. They preferthe moratorium to the treaty, believing that, in the event of a problem with a nuclearweapon that could only be fixed through testing, it would be politically more difficultto exit the moratorium than the treaty.

Supporters reply that the moratorium is insufficient. The WMD Commission,an independent organization funded by the Swedish government that seeks proposalsto reduce the dangers of WMD, stated in a report of 2006:

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205 Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, Weapons of Terror: Freeing the World ofNuclear, Biological, and Chemical Arms, Stockholm, Sweden, 2006, p. 107, at[].206 “Final Declaration and Measures to Promote the Entry into Force of the ComprehensiveNuclear-Test-Ban Treaty,” September 18, 2007.

The Commission believes that a US decision to ratify the CTBT wouldstrongly influence other countries to follow suit. It would decisively improve thechances for entry into force of the treaty and would have more positiveramifications for arms control and disarmament than any other single measure.While no nuclear-weapon tests have been carried out for many years, leaving thetreaty in limbo is a risk to the whole international community. The United Statesshould reconsider its position and proceed to ratify the treaty. Only the CTBToffers the prospect of a permanent and legally binding commitment to endnuclear testing.205

Similarly, the final declaration of the 2007 Conference on Facilitating the Entryinto Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty stated, “Continuing andsustained voluntary adherence to a moratorium is of the highest importance, but doesnot have the same effect as the entry into force of the Treaty, which offers the globalcommunity the prospect of a permanent and legally binding commitment to endnuclear weapon test explosions or any other nuclear explosions.”206 Supporters notethat the treaty’s entry into force would bring into operation the treaty’s on-siteinspection provisions, as inspections can only occur pursuant to the treaty, not themoratorium. They believe that the CTBT would provide a visible barrier betweennuclear power and nuclear weapons programs that some would be unwilling to cross,and this barrier, by reducing confidence in a weapons program, might dissuade somenations from undertaking such a program.

Opponents note that even if the United States were to ratify the CTBT, it wouldstill not enter into force, so they see the attempt to gain Senate advice and consent asan exercise in futility, especially given that the Senate rejected the treaty in 1999 bya vote of 48 for, 51 against, and one present — far short of a two-thirds majority. Ofthe 44 “Annex 2” states, those that must, pursuant to Annex 2 of the treaty, ratify thetreaty for it to enter into force, six have signed but not ratified (China, Egypt, Iran,Israel, Indonesia, and the United States), and three (India, North Korea, and Pakistan)have not signed. While Colombia and Indonesia might be induced to ratify the treaty,opponents question whether the others would do so.

David Hafemeister, professor emeritus of physics at California Polytechnic StateUniversity, sees a path to entry into force.

It is generally assumed that the process begins with the United States. Ifthe US ratifies, it is generally assumed that China will follow. With Chinaand the US acting together, it is generally assumed that North Korea willratify. ... Indonesia, a significant CTBT player, will probably ratify. Thenext step would be the most difficult, as it necessitates a Middle-EastGrand Bargain, which would obtain ratifications from Israel first and then

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207 David Hafemeister, “Entrance-Into-Force of CTBT,” Forum on Physics and Society,American Physics Society, January 2008, vol. 37, no. 1, at [].208 SFRC CTBT hearing, 1999, pp. 58-59.209 Personal communication, July 26, 2007.210 Personal communication, September 26, 2007.

Egypt and Iran. With China committed to a test ban, India could followChina. Pakistan has stated that it would ratify if India did.207

Opponents reply that this scenario hinges on many assumptions, the failure ofany one of which could prevent entry into force. Would China ratify the treaty?What basis is there to assume that North Korea would ratify? Why would India agreeto the treaty simply because China did? India’s main rival is Pakistan, and Indiamight be unwilling to foreclose the option to improve its nuclear weapons throughtesting given the prospect of instability in Pakistan. India’s stated unwillingness toblock entry into force could be taken to mean that Pakistan must ratify the treatybefore India, which seems unlikely. A Middle East bargain between Egypt, Iran, andIsrael would be difficult to achieve, especially if, as has been the case since 1970,Israel is unwilling to ratify the NPT as a non-nuclear weapon state. Given the manyother outstanding Middle East issues, CTBT ratification would seem low on theagenda of these three nations.

Even if not all 44 Annex 2 states do not ratify the treaty, supporters see valuein U.S. ratification. It would give the United States leverage to press others to jointhe treaty. Senator Carl Levin said, “If we are not willing to ratify the ComprehensiveTest Ban Treaty, what standing do we have to urge India, Pakistan, or any country tostop testing?”208 Some supporters hold that U.S. ratification would help secureinternational cooperation with the United States by symbolizing a U.S. turn towardmultilateralism. Randy Rydell of the U.N. Office for Disarmament Affairs said, “Ibelieve the CTBT does have enormous symbolic importance, regardless of the limitsof its ability — alone — to ‘stop’ proliferation or ‘prevent’ the improvement ofexisting arsenals. It stands for the rule of law in disarmament, for the need forbinding commitments, for multilateralism, for verification, and for transparency.”209

Even if a few of the 44 Annex 2 states do not ratify the treaty, the internationalcommunity could press non-members of CTBT not to test, and could imposesanctions if they test. According to Richard Garwin, “U.S. ratification of the treatywould legitimize and mobilize support for U.S. and international action againstnations that test, whether or not they are party to the treaty; indeed, the prospect ofsuch support might deter nations from testing.”210 It might be possible to find a wayto bring the treaty into force without all 44 Annex 2 states, but not, in the view of thetreaty’s supporters, without the United States.

In 1982, President Reagan set forth a series of conditions under which theUnited States could proceed with the CTBT.

U.S. policy continues to endorse a Comprehensive Test Ban as a long-termobjective. This is to be achieved in the context of broad, deep, and

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211 Quoted in SASC CTBT hearings, 1999, p. 16.212 SFRC CTBT Hearing, 1999, p. 24.213 SFRC CTBT Hearing, 1999, p. 17.

verifiable arms reductions, expanded confidence building measures,improved verification capabilities that would justify confidence in Sovietcompliance with a Comprehensive Test Ban; and at a time when a nucleardeterrent is no longer as essential an element, as currently, for internationalsecurity and stability.211

CTBT supporters assert that these conditions have been met, so it is time for theUnited States to ratify the treaty. If not now, they ask, when?

The treaty’s opponents take a different view. While there have been verifiablereductions in missile silos, bombers, and submarines, the Moscow Treaty (StrategicOffensive Reduction Treaty) does not provide for verification, and there has been noverifiable reduction in numbers of nuclear warheads. While many programs since1982 have built confidence with Russia, as has the disappearance of the SovietUnion, Russia continues to modernize its nuclear forces, and concerns remain aboutChina, Iran, and others. Opponents argue that there are ample opportunities forRussia to conduct clandestine tests that would give it a military advantage, givenlimitations on monitoring capability and extensive data on testing and evasion gainedfrom Soviet tests. While deterrence of a Russian attack may be less salient now thanwas deterrence of a Soviet attack in 1982, opponents point to many potential threats,to the importance of the nuclear umbrella for deterrence and nuclear nonproliferation,and to new sources of international instability, such as rogue states, nuclearsmuggling rings, and the prospect of nuclear terrorism, that have arisen since thecollapse of the Soviet Union. Instead of building confidence, it is argued, thesedevelopments reduce it. In this environment, they argue, the United States mustmaintain a robust nuclear deterrent that evolves to meet actual or anticipated threats.This deterrent, they conclude, is the best guarantee against nuclear proliferation, andmaintaining it requires nuclear testing.

Conclusion: Alternatives, Packages, and a Net Assessment

Some have suggested modifying the CTBT in order to gain acceptance by theU.S. Senate. One possibility is a treaty that would permit withdrawal after 10 yearswith no reason required, but no nation other than the United States supported thisposition in negotiations for the treaty.212 Another is a ban permitting very low yieldtests, but the nuclear weapon states could find no threshold to which all could agreeother than zero and the nonnuclear weapon states pressed for zero.213

A third possibility would be to conduct some tests before ratifying a zero-yield,indefinite-duration CTBT. Indeed, the Hatfield-Exon-Mitchell amendment to theFY1993 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act (P.L. 102-377, Section507) provided for some tests from July 1993 to September 1996 under certain

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conditions, though the tests were not conducted. For the United States, this approachwould accomplish many things that the treaty’s critics favor. Testing would:

! indicate whether LEPs had maintained existing weapons sufficientlyand, if not, would validate fixes;

! indicate whether RRW designs were effective;

! provide experimental data to validate computer models and datadrawn from nonnuclear experiments;

! provide nuclear test experience for a new generation of weaponsdesigners and others; and

! benefit from advances made by SSP, which would guide the tests togather key pieces of data, and from technical advances made in thebroader economy since the last test in 1992.

On the other hand, U.S. testing could lead to testing by Russia and China, whichwould enable them to maintain and improve their weapons and develop new ones,undermining U.S. security, and could lead other nations to test as well, in aproliferation cascade. Nonnuclear weapon states might grudgingly have acceptedsome U.S. testing in 1993-1996; indeed, China and France conducted several testsin this period, though accompanied by international protests. At present, however,critics of this approach believe that with the U.S. moratorium in effect for over 15years and the treaty ratified by over 140 nations, resumed U.S. testing — even iflimited in number and duration and presented as a way to secure U.S. ratification —could well lead to the demise of the CTBT. In any future debate on the treaty, theSenate may wish to examine whether any of these three alternatives meritsconsideration.

Even if these alternatives are rejected, others might be considered that are notinconsistent with the treaty. CTBT supporters might offer new safeguards in additionto those set forth by President Clinton in 1995, but the 45-year history of safeguardsindicates that they are all but certain to be a part of any future resolution ofratification of the CTBT and so may offer little leverage on behalf of the treaty. Asanother alternative, CTBT supporters might offer an RRW-CTBT package to secureSenate advice and consent to ratification. Yet RRW appears an insufficientinducement. Some CTBT opponents hold that the United States could not haveconfidence in RRW without nuclear testing, and RRW has only modest politicalsupport as evidenced by the fact that Congress eliminated FY2008 funds for it.

Therefore, if the treaty were to come up again for Senate consideration, it mighthave to be considered on its own merits. In every arms control treaty, each state partygives up something in the expectation that the risks of so doing are outweighed bygains from what it can give up (such as expensive weapons or programs), what theother parties give up, and what threats it averts. This argues for a net assessmentrather than accepting or rejecting a treaty based on one criterion in isolation. Thereare many criteria to consider in this assessment:

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! Can the United States maintain the safety and reliability of itsnuclear weapons, and the health of the nuclear weaponsenterprise, well enough over the long term without nucleartesting? And what constitutes “well enough”?

! Are new nuclear weapons needed for deterrence, or doexisting weapons, coupled with conventional forces, suffice?Will new weapons require testing?

! What is the current balance between monitoring and evasion?Given that monitoring technology will continue to improve,and that evasion capability may improve, but in ways that aregenerally classified and may well be unknown, how is themonitoring-evasion balance likely to shift over time?

! How confident can an evader be in its ability to succeed, giventhe many and improving monitoring techniques and thedifficulties that could cause an evasion attempt to fail? Howconfident can monitors be in their ability to detect and identifya clandestine or an unattributable test in light of the manyscenarios that have been set forth and the vast information onmonitoring capabilities available in the open literature andavailable through the IMS to states parties to the treaty?

! How likely are Russia and China to cheat, and to gain astrategic advantage thereby?

! How likely are other nations to cheat, and how would thataffect deterrence, regional stability, and nuclear proliferation?

! Would the international community impose severeconsequences on a CTBT member that conducted clandestinetests? Would it impose such consequences on a state not partyto the CTBT that conducted tests, whether clandestine or not?

! Would U.S. ratification of the treaty make nuclearproliferation more or less likely? What specific steps wouldentry into force of the CTBT lead nonnuclear weapon states totake in order to rein in nuclear proliferation? Would thesestates take these steps only if the treaty enters into force?

! Is U.S. movement toward nuclear disarmament, asexemplified by the CTBT, essential for nuclearnonproliferation, as some suggest, or do the many U.S. stepstoward disarmament and nonproliferation taken to dateprovide a firm basis for further nonproliferation efforts?

! Is the U.S. moratorium on nuclear testing a reasonable long-term balance between those who demand that the UnitedStates ratify the CTBT and those who urge a return to testing?

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! Is the United States likely to exit the moratorium if a problemarises that calls for a test? Is this nation less likely to exit theCTBT under that circ*mstance?

! How likely is the CTBT to enter into force if the United Statesratifies it and works to secure ratification by all Annex 2states? Could the treaty be brought into force if the UnitedStates and China ratified it but a few Annex 2 states did not?

! Do technical and geopolitical developments since 1999warrant a reconsideration of the treaty?

One’s net assessment depends on the importance one attaches to these and othercriteria, and the degree and probability of adverse consequences resulting from anincorrect judgment. The assessment is complicated by the accretion of criteria overthe course of test ban debates over the past half-century. While arguments over eachcriterion necessarily shift over time, it also appears that new criteria are added but oldones never leave the debate. Beyond that, perceptions on broader issues influencejudgment: the likelihood of malevolent actions by China, Russia, Iran, and NorthKorea; the value of treaties and regimes for restraining or halting nuclearproliferation; the balance between obtaining security through military capability ordiplomacy, and how the two are linked; and the value of U.S. nuclear weapons forinfluencing the behavior of other nations. In the case of the CTBT, there is no moreagreement on the direction of these assessments than there is on judgments onindividual criteria. As a result, Members of Congress, Secretaries of Defense andState, and Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have often arrived at opposedassessments.

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214 U.S. Congress. Congressional Record, vol. 92, 79th Congress, 2nd Session, 1946, pt. 3, pp.4023-4024, and pt. 13, p. 674.215 Benjamin Greene, Eisenhower, Science Advice, and the Nuclear Test-Ban Debate, 1945-1963, Stanford, CA, Stanford University Press, 2007, p. 36.216 “Statement by the Indian Prime Minister (Nehru) to Parliament Regarding NuclearTests,” April 2, 1954, reprinted in U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs.Historical Office. Documents on Disarmament, 1945-1959, Volume I, 1945-1956.Department of State publication 7008, released August 1960, p. 410.217 For a detailed history of the test ban negotiations from 1957 through 1963, see HaroldKaran Jacobson and Eric Stein, Diplomats, Scientists, and Politicians: The United Statesand the Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1966.

Appendix A. History of Nuclear Testing, Test Bans,and Nonproliferation

Efforts toward a CTBT date from the dawn of the nuclear age. In 1946,Representative Louis Ludlow introduced H.Con.Res. 146, declaring the sense ofCongress that an atomic bomb test be canceled, “that the manufacture of atomicbombs shall cease,” and that U.S. officials should seek “a definite postwar agreementby the United Nations to ban the atomic bomb forever as an instrument of war.”214

A scholarly study, analyzing a 1952 report, stated, “Perhaps convinced by the failureto control the A-bomb that there was no possibility for international control once aweapon had been tested, the Oppenheimer Panel recommended approaching theSoviets on control before testing the H-bomb.”215 In 1954, Prime Minister JawaharlalNehru of India proposed “Some sort of what may be called ‘standstill agreement’ inrespect, at least, of these actual [nuclear] explosions.”216 President DwightEisenhower and Soviet Chairman Nikolai Bulganin began a correspondence in 1957on a nuclear test ban, and discussions and negotiations continued in various foratoward a CTBT for several years.217 The two nations were often deadlocked over on-site inspections, which the United States claimed were needed to assure that theSoviets were not cheating and which the Soviets claimed were a means to introducespies into the country.

The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 added impetus to these negotiations.On July 15, 1963, in the wake of this crisis, negotiations between the Soviet Union,United Kingdom, and United States began in Moscow. The United States initiallysought a CTBT, but Soviet negotiators ruled this out. Instead, the negotiators quicklyworked out a ban on nuclear testing in the atmosphere, in space, and under water.The result was the Limited Test Ban Treaty (LTBT), which was signed on August 5and which President Kennedy submitted to the Senate on August 8. While the treatydid not limit underground tests because of the difficulty of monitoring them, thePreamble noted that the U.S., U.K., and Soviet governments were “Seeking toachieve the discontinuance of all test explosions of nuclear weapons for all time,determined to continue negotiations to this end, and desiring to put an end to thecontamination of man’s environment by radioactive substances.”

In Senate hearings on the LTBT, the Joint Chiefs of Staff recognized gains fromthe treaty, but expressed concern that the treaty could lead the United States to let

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218 Testimony of General Maxwell Taylor, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, in U.S.Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations, Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, hearings onExecutive M, 88th Congress, 1st Session, 1963, pp. 274-275.219 Letter from President John Kennedy to Hon. Mike Mansfield and Hon. Everett McKinleyDirksen, in address by Senator Dirksen on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, U.S. Congress.Congressional Record, September 11, 1963, p. 16790-16791.220 George Bunn, “The Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime and Its History,” in George Bunnand Christopher Chyba, U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy: Confronting Today’s Threats, Centerfor International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University, and Brookings InstitutionPress, Washington, 2006, p. 76. This chapter contains a detailed history of the NPT andother nuclear nonproliferation arrangements.

down its guard on nuclear matters. Accordingly, they conditioned their support forthe treaty on four “safeguards,” or measures the United States could take unilaterallywithin the treaty to maintain U.S. nuclear capabilities: Safeguard A, an aggressiveunderground nuclear test program; Safeguard B, technology facilities and programsto attract and retain scientists; Safeguard C, maintenance of the ability to resumeatmospheric testing promptly; and Safeguard D, improvement of monitoringcapability.218

Owing to concerns about the balance of risks and benefits of the treaty, SenateMajority Leader Mike Mansfield and Senate Minority Leader Everett McKinleyDirksen met with President Kennedy to discuss the matter. The President sent thema letter on September 10 providing “unqualified and unequivocal assurances” on thetreaty. These assurances included the safeguards set forth by the Joint Chiefs (thoughdifferently worded), and provisions regarding Cuba, East Germany, and peacefulnuclear explosives.219 These assurances were instrumental in securing SenatorDirksen’s support, and that of the Senate. The Senate gave its advice and consent toratification on September 24, and it entered into force on October 10, 1963.

The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) involved a bargain between thenuclear weapon states (NWS — China, France, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, andUnited States) and the nonnuclear weapon states (NNWS). In 1959, the U.N. GeneralAssembly adopted a resolution calling for barring states not having nuclear weaponsfrom acquiring them, and in 1961 another General Assembly resolution supportingsuch a treaty passed unanimously.220 The treaty was signed in July 1968. The Senategave its advice and consent to ratification in March 1969. The United States ratifiedit in November 1969, and it entered into force in March 1970. The central bargainwas that NWS would retain nuclear weapons but would not aid NNWS in acquiringnuclear weapons, and NNWS would not acquire nuclear weapons. NNWS wereconcerned that these provisions would permit the NWS to have nuclear weaponsindefinitely, so they insisted on a provision, Article VI, making clear that the intentwas the opposite: “Each of the Parties to the Treaty undertakes to pursue negotiationsin good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race atan early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a Treaty on general and completedisarmament under strict and effective international control.” This provision has beenat the heart of disputes over nuclear disarmament between NNWS and NWS,especially the United States, ever since. Other provisions include “safeguards” toverify compliance with the treaty (Article III), “the inalienable right of all the Parties

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221 U.S. Department of Energy. Nevada Operations Office. United States Nuclear Tests, July1945 through September 1992, DOE/NV-209, Rev. 15, December 2000, pp. 8-11. The firsttest with a nuclear explosive emplaced below the ground surface was conducted in 1951 tostudy cratering, and another such test was conducted in 1955; both were at shallow depth.222 Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, p. 275.

to the Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peacefulpurposes,” aided by exchange of equipment, materials, and information for thatpurpose (Article IV), the benefits of peaceful nuclear explosions would be madeavailable to all parties to the treaty (Article V, which has become a dead letter as suchexplosions have been not been conducted for decades and would be barred by theCTBT), a conference to review the treaty every five years (Article VIII), and aconference 25 years after entry into force “to decide whether the Treaty shall continuein force indefinitely, or shall be extended for an additional fixed period or periods”(Article X). These conferences, and especially the 25-year conference, providedfurther leverage for the NNWS to press the NWS for nuclear disarmament. Whilethe treaty did not ban nuclear testing, its Preamble recalled “the determinationexpressed by the Parties to the 1963 Treaty banning nuclear weapon tests in theatmosphere, in outer space and under water in its Preamble to seek to achieve thediscontinuance of all test explosions of nuclear weapons for all time and to continuenegotiations to this end.”

The Threshold Test Ban Treaty (TTBT) was signed in 1974, and the PeacefulNuclear Explosions Treaty (PNET) was signed in 1976. (These treaties did not enterinto force until 1990, as discussed below.) Both were between the United States andSoviet Union, and both contained verification protocols. The TTBT bannedunderground nuclear weapon tests having a yield greater than 150 kilotons; the PNETextended this limit to peaceful nuclear explosions to preclude weapon tests under theguise of explosions for peaceful purposes. The Preamble of the TTBT recalledArticle VI of the NPT and the determination expressed in the Preamble of the LTBT“to seek to achieve the discontinuance of all test explosions of nuclear weapons forall time, and to continue negotiations to this end.” Article I provided that both sideswould undertake to observe the 150-kiloton threshold beginning March 31, 1976.

When the LTBT was negotiated in 1963, the United States had limitedexperience with underground tests. The first contained underground test wasconducted in 1957,221 and the extent to which underground testing would proveadequate for weapons development was unclear. As a result, Safeguard C as set forthby the Joint Chiefs of Staff called for “The maintenance of the facilities andresources necessary to institute promptly nuclear tests in the atmosphere should theybe deemed essential to our national security or should the treaty or any of its termsbe abrogated by the Soviet Union.”222 After eight years of experience with testingconducted solely underground, the value of such testing had become clear. In 1971,Carl Walske, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Atomic Energy, stated,

the test program since 1963 has made the difference between having fairlyreliable knowledge about vulnerability [of warheads], both during thelaunch and reentry phases, and not having it; between having the Poseidonand Minuteman III [missile] systems, and having systems which at best

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223 “Answers to Questions Subsequently Submitted to Dr. Walske,” in U.S. Congress.Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on Arms Control, International Lawand Organization. Prospects for Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, hearings, 92nd

Congress, 1st Session, 1971, p. 131.224 “Memorandum of Understanding Between the Department of Energy and the Departmentof Defense for Planning and Support for Safeguard C and Conducting Nuclear WeaponsTests Outside North American Continental Limits,” signed September 4, 1984, by RichardSaxer, Lieutenant General, USAF, Director, Defense Nuclear Agency, and September 24,1984, by Maurice Katz, Acting Director of Military Applications, Department of Energy;available at [].225 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Threshold Test Ban andPeaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaties. Report to accompany Ex. N, 94-2, 100th Congress,1sts Session, Exec. Rept. 100-1, 1987, p. 4.226 This paragraph is based on ibid., pp. 4-5.

could be a fraction as effective in terms of effects on defended targets; andbetween the possibility of an effective ABM [antiballistic missile], andmost likely, no such possibility.223

With the need for atmospheric testing having diminished, President Forddecided in January 1976 to redefine Safeguard C as “The maintenance of the basiccapability to resume nuclear testing in the atmosphere should that be deemedessential to national security.” It was understood that “atmosphere” included allprohibited environments.224 The other safeguards were retained.

President Carter pursued a CTBT rather than seeking Senate advice and consentto ratification of the TTBT and PNET. According to a Senate report, “In mid-1978,the Administration concluded that a push to gain Senate consent to ratification of theTTBT and PNET could stir up a fight which would jeopardize the prospects for acomplete ban.”225 Instead, the United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Unionconducted negotiations on a CTBT. By 1979, almost all issues were resolved orseemed resolvable. However, strong opposition within the Administration to aCTBT led to a U.S. position that the treaty should expire after three years unlessrenegotiated. Further, in 1979 and 1980, the SALT II ratification debateovershadowed the CTBT negotiations, which continued at a low level until the endof the Carter Administration.226

President Reagan declined to reopen negotiations for a CTBT, and citedconcerns about U.S. ability to monitor the TTBT and PNET. Meanwhile, in 1986,the House and Senate included provisions limiting nuclear testing in their FY1988defense authorization bills. The House included a one-year moratorium on nucleartests over 1 kiloton, while the Senate version contained a non-binding provision thatcalled for ratification of the two treaties and resumption of CTBT talks. Aconference committee considered these provisions as President Reagan left for asummit meeting with President Gorbachev in October 1986. Again according to theSenate Foreign Relations Committee report,

To break the impasse on the Defense bill and to leave the President freeto deal with General Secretary Gorbachev, a compromise was reached.

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227 Ibid., pp. 6-7.228 U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Verification, Compliance, and Implementation.“Treaty Between The United States of America and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republicson the Limitation of Underground Nuclear Weapon Tests (and Protocol Thereto),”[].229 Ibid., p. 1.230 U.S. Congress. Congressional Record. September 25, 1990, p. S13767.

The Congress accepted the Senate provision in exchange for Presidentialassurances which were contained in an October 10 letter from PresidentReagan to Chairmen [Senator Barry] Goldwater and [Representative Les]Aspin. The President agreed as follows:

To take two important steps toward limiting nuclear testing.First, I intend to inform General Secretary Gorbachev inReykjavik that as a first order of business for the 100th Congress,if the Soviet Union will, prior to the initiation of ratificationproceedings in the Senate next year, agree to essentialTTBT/PNET verification procedures which could be submittedto the Senate for its consideration in the form of a protocol orother appropriate codicil, I will request the advice and consentof the Senate to ratification of the TTB and PNE treaties.However, if the Soviet Union fails to agree to the requiredpackage of essential procedures prior to the convening of the100th Congress, I will still make ratification of these treaties afirst order of business for the Congress, with an appropriatereservation to the treaties that would ensure they would not takeeffect until they are effectively verifiable. I will work with theSenate in drafting this reservation.

Second, I intend to inform the General Secretary in Reykjavikthat, once our verification concerns have been satisfied and thetreaties have been ratified, I will propose that the United Statesand the Soviet Union immediately engage in negotiations onways to implement a step-by-step parallel program — inassociation with a program to reduce and ultimately eliminate allnuclear weapons — of limiting and ultimately ending nucleartesting.227

Negotiations began on the verification protocols for the TTBT and PNET inNovember 1987;228 as noted, these treaties had been signed in 1974 and 1976,respectively. On June 1, 1990, the United States and Soviet Union signed theseprotocols, which replaced protocols initially submitted with the treaties.229 TheSenate gave its advice and consent to ratification of both treaties by a vote of 98-0on September 25, 1990, and they entered into force December 11, 1990. TheSenate’s resolutions of ratification230 were “subject to — The declaration that toensure the preservation of a viable deterrent there should be safeguards ...” Thesesafeguards were (a) the conduct of a continuing nuclear test program, (b) the

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maintenance of modern laboratory facilities and nuclear technology programs toattract and retain nuclear scientists, (c) “maintenance of the basic capability toresume nuclear test activities prohibited by treaties ...,” (d) improved treatymonitoring capabilities, and (e) improved intelligence capabilities. The resolutionsof ratification were also subject to a second declaration:

mindful of the commitment of the United States, the Soviet Union andGreat Britain in the Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963 and in theNon-Proliferation Treaty of 1968 to seek the discontinuance of all testexplosions of nuclear weapons for all time and of the commitment whichshall be legally binding on the Parties upon ratification of the Treaty on theLimitation of Underground Nuclear Weapons Tests [the TTBT] to`continue their negotiations with a view toward achieving a solution to theproblem of the cessation of all underground nuclear weapon tests,’ theUnited States shares a special responsibility with the Soviet Union tocontinue the bilateral Nuclear Testing Talks to achieve further limitationson nuclear testing, including the achievement of a verifiablecomprehensive test ban.

In 1992, following the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the SovietUnion, Congress attached an amendment by Senators Mark Hatfield, James Exon,and George Mitchell to the FY1993 Energy and Water Development AppropriationsAct, which President George H.W. Bush signed into law (P.L. 102-377) in October1992. The amendment, Section 507, barred underground nuclear tests betweenSeptember 30, 1992, and July 1, 1993; permitted fewer than 20 tests between July1993 and September 1996 under certain conditions, including an absence ofcongressional disapproval of such tests; and halted U.S. nuclear tests after September1996 unless another nation conducted a test after that date. It called for the Presidentto submit “[a] plan for achieving a multilateral comprehensive ban on the testing ofnuclear weapons on or before September 30, 1996.” The last U.S. test was heldSeptember 23, 1992; none have been held since.

The following year, in the FY1994 National Defense Authorization Act (P.L.103-160, Section 3138), Congress established the Stockpile Stewardship Program(SSP) “to ensure the preservation of the core intellectual and technical competenciesof the United States in nuclear weapons.” SSP elements included enhancedcomputing capabilities to better simulate nuclear weapon detonation, experiments notinvolving nuclear explosions, and new experimental facilities. The legislationrequired the President to submit an annual report to Congress noting “any concernswith respect to the safety, security, effectiveness or reliability of existing UnitedStates nuclear weapons ...,” and actions taken or to be taken to address such concerns.

Also in P.L. 103-160, Congress modified Safeguard C, barring in Section 3137the use of any funds “to maintain the capability of the United States to conductatmospheric testing of a nuclear weapon.” According to the conference report, “The

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231 U.S. Congress. Committee of Conference. National Defense Authorization Act for FiscalYear 1994. Conference report to accompany H.R. 2401, 103rd Congress, 1st Session, H.Rept.103-357, 1993, p. 841.232 U.N. United Nations Office at Geneva. “Disarmament: An Introduction to the Conference[on Disarmament].” Available at [].233 For a brief description of this process, see Stephen Young and Daniel Plesch, “APermanent Non-Proliferation Treaty,” Basic Reports, June 1, 1995, pp. 1-3.

conferees agree that the United States no longer needs to maintain the capability toresume the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons.”231

In November 1993, the United Nations General Assembly unanimouslyapproved a resolution calling for negotiation of a CTBT. The Conference onDisarmament (CD), a U.N.-affiliated organization that is “the single multilateraldisarmament negotiating forum of the international community,”232 conducted thenegotiation. The CD’s 1994 session began in January, with negotiation of a CTBtit* top priority. This priority resulted at least in part from the NPT Review andExtension Conference scheduled for April and May of 1995, at which time the statesparties to the NPT would decide whether to extend the treaty indefinitely, as theUnited States wanted, or for one or more fixed periods. The decision would bebinding on the states parties to the treaty.

The 1995 NPT conference was contentious. NNWS parties to the NPT sawattainment of a CTBT as the touchstone of good faith on matters of disarmament.They argued that the NWS failed to meet their NPT obligations by not concluding aCTBT. They saw progress on winding down the arms race as inadequate. Theyassailed the NPT as discriminatory because it divided the world into nuclear andnonnuclear states, and argued for a nondiscriminatory NPT regime in which nonation would have nuclear weapons. The CTBT, in their view, was the symbol ofthis regime because, unlike the NPT, the NWS would give up something tangible, theability to develop sophisticated new warheads. Some NNWS saw NPT extension astheir last source of leverage for a CTBT: once they agreed to a permanent extensionof the NPT, they could not pressure the NWS to achieve a CTBT. Other NNWS sawthe NPT as in the interests of all but would-be proliferators and felt that anything lessthan indefinite extension would undermine the security of most nations. Thisposition saw the NPT as too important to put at risk as a means of pressuring theNWS for a CTBT.

The Review and Extension Conference extended the NPT indefinitely.Extension was accomplished by a package of decisions that, because it was socontroversial, was adopted without a vote.233 The package included decisions onindefinite extension of the NPT, strengthening the treaty’s review process, aresolution on the Middle East, and Principles and Objectives for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament. The latter set forth goals on universality of the NPT,nuclear weapon free zones, etc., and stressed the importance of completing “thenegotiations on a universal and internationally and effectively verifiable

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234 U.N. Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of NuclearWeapons. “Principles and Objectives for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament.”NPT/CONF.1995/32 (Part I), Annex. Available at [].235 “Remarks Announcing a Comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Test Ban,” August 11, 1995,in U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Office of the Federal Register.Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, August 14, 1995, p. 1432.236 U.S. White House. Office of the Press Secretary. “Fact Sheet: Comprehensive Test BanTreaty Safeguards.” August 11, 1995, p. 1.237 “Statement by the Delegations of France, the People’s Republic of China, the RussianFederation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the UnitedStates of America,” statement to the 2000 NPT Review Conference, May 1, 2000, at[].

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty no later than 1996.”234 This explicit CTBT-NPT linkage lent urgency to CTBT negotiations.

Meanwhile, President Clinton extended the Hatfield-Exon-Mitchell nuclear testmoratorium several times, beginning in 1993, and his administration debated whetherto pursue a CTBT or another type of test ban, such as one permitting very low yieldnuclear tests. In August 1995, the President announced his “decision to negotiate atrue zero yield comprehensive test ban” (i.e., a CTBT that permitted no nuclearyield).235 A White House fact sheet accompanying the President’s statementconditioned a CTBT on six safeguards, including the SSP, modern laboratoryfacilities and nuclear technology programs to attract and retain scientists, the “basiccapability to resume nuclear test activities,” continued R&D to improve the abilityto monitor compliance with the treaty, continued improvement of intelligencecapabilities to provide information on nuclear weapons programs worldwide, and theunderstanding that if a key nuclear weapon type could no longer be certified as safeor reliable, “the President, in consultation with Congress, would be prepared towithdraw from the CTBT under the standard ‘supreme national interests’ clause inorder to conduct whatever testing might be required.”236

The CD completed work on a draft CTBT in August 1996, though objectionsby India prevented the CD, which operates by consensus, from submitting the treatyto the U.N. General Assembly as a CD document. The General Assembly adoptedthe treaty in September 1996, and it was opened for signature on September 24, 1996.President Clinton and others signed it on that date. President Clinton submitted it tothe Senate in September 1997. On October 13, 1999, the Senate declined to give itsadvice and consent to ratification by a vote of 48 for, 51 against, and 1 present; atwo-thirds majority was required.

The international community has continued to press for the CTBT and haslinked it to nuclear nonproliferation and the NPT. In a joint statement to the 2000NPT review conference, the NWS said, “No effort should be spared to make sure thatthe CTBT is a universal and internationally and effectively verifiable treaty and tosecure its earliest entry into force.”237 The final document of the conference, whichwas adopted by consensus, reaffirmed that “the cessation of all nuclear weapon testexplosions or any other nuclear explosions will contribute to the non-proliferation of

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238 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of NuclearWeapons, “Final Document,” adopted May 19, 2000.239 U.S. Department of Defense. News transcript: “Special Briefing on the Nuclear PostureReview,” presented by J.D. Crouch, Assistant Secretary of Defense for InternationalSecurity Policy, January 9, 2002. Available at [].240 Letter from Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State, to The Honorable Pete V. Domenici,United States Senate, June 25, 2007.241 U.S. Department of State. U.S. Mission to the United Nations. “Closing Statement byAmbassador Jackie W. Sanders, Special Representative of the President for the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to the 2005 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT),” USUN press release 107 (05), May 27, 2005.242 David Sanger, “Nonproliferation Conference Ends in Failure,” International HeraldTribune, May 28, 2005.243 Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization,Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-BanTreaty, “List of Participants at the Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of theComprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty,” CTBT — Art.XIV/2007/INF.4, October 10,2007, at [].

nuclear weapons”; called on all States, especially those that must ratify the CTBT forit to enter into force, “to continue their efforts to ensure the early entry into force ofthe Treaty”; and agreed, as a practical step toward disarmament, “An unequivocalundertaking by the nuclear-weapon States to accomplish the total elimination of theirnuclear arsenals leading to nuclear disarmament to which all States parties arecommitted under Article VI” of the NPT.238

In 2002, a DOD official spelled out the position of the Bush Administration:“We are continuing the current administration policy, as I said, which is we continueto oppose ratification of the CTBT; we continue to adhere to a test moratorium.”239

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reiterated this position in 2007: “theAdministration does not support the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and does notintend to seek Senate advice and consent to its ratification. There has been no changein the Administration’s policy on this matter.”240

The 2005 NPT review conference was widely seen as ending in failure. TheUnited States focused on Iranian and North Korean nuclear issues, and on steps tocounter proliferation,241 while, according to one report, “nonnuclear states insistedthat the United States and other nuclear powers focus on radically reducing theirnuclear armaments,” and some wanted agreement on the CTBT.242

In keeping with the Bush Administration’s policy, the United States has resistedinternational pressure to ratify the CTBT. Five conferences have been held pursuantto Article XIV of the CTBT to facilitate the treaty’s entry into force. The most recentconference was held in September 2007. One hundred and six nations participated;the United States did not send a delegation.243 In September 2006, to mark the tenthanniversary of the CTBT’s opening for signature, 59 foreign ministers issued astatement on the treaty that reaffirms that the CTBT “would contribute to systematic

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244 “Joint Ministerial Statement on the CTBT,” New York, September 20, 2006, at[].245 For status of signatures and ratifications, see the website of the Preparatory Commissionfor the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization at [].

and progressive reduction of nuclear weapons and the prevention of nuclearproliferation,” and “[calls] upon all States that have not yet done so to sign and ratifythe Treaty without delay, in particular those whose ratification is needed for its entryinto force.”244 By wide margins, the U.N. General Assembly passed severalresolutions supporting the CTBT that the United States opposed. For example, onesuch resolution, in 2007, passed by a vote of 176 for, 1 against (United States), and4 abstentions.

As of March 2008, the treaty had been signed by 178 nations and ratified by144, including 35 of the 44 whose ratification is required for the treaty to enter intoforce.245 Among the nuclear weapon states, France, Russia, and the United Kingdomhave ratified; China and the United States have signed but not ratified.

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Appendix B. Abbreviations

AFTAC Air Force Technical Applications Center

CD Conference on Disarmament

CTBT Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

CTBTO Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization

DOD Department of Defense

DOE Department of Energy

IDC International Data Center

IMS International Monitoring System

LEP Life Extension Program

LTBT Limited Test Ban Treaty

NAS National Academy of Sciences

NNSA National Nuclear Security Administration

NNWS Non-nuclear weapon states

NPT Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

NWS Nuclear weapon states

OSI On-Site Inspection

PNET Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty

RRW Reliable Replacement Warhead

SSP Stockpile Stewardship Program

TTBT Threshold Test Ban Treaty

USAEDS U.S. Atomic Energy Detection System

WR1 Designation of first RRW design

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